I Am Predator!!!


New member
Never hunted and really don't plan on it until later. I'm not against hunting in the slightest, I just believe that if you're going to shoot the deer/turkey/hog or something that you should have a good reason. Feeding yourself/family is, for fun isn't. I don't need to kill deer right now to feed myself so I don't. I still want to try my luck at hunting sometime in the future, but only when I learn to skin the animal and not let anything go to waste.


New member
"the fact that the weak perish while the strong survive"

unfortunately, i do believe we have created a world where, even the bottom of the "food chain" as far as intelligences goes, can still comfortably survive, and make the world a... worse place, day by day, little by little.. they just seem to add up, nature seems powerless at this point, too many idiots to get rid of:eek:

but, what can you do.. hope for a zombie apocalypse? one can dream i suppose

i grew up in the south, although i still have a lot of growing to do, i try to be a very logical and honest person, when is very difficult in this world, i dont even consider humans to be animals any longer, i believe it is an insult to relate them to the other things we share this rock with.. but regardless of what we may be, we are here to stay it seems.. we will find a way to survive no matter what, our world could even be completely uninhabitable at some point in the distant future, but i bet we will still persist elsewhere, the "ultimate survivor"... to bad we happen to be somewhat of a disease at times, cursed by our own "superiority" ?

PS, im not troll or anything, this just happened to catch my eye on my way to make my actual post, couldn't resist sharing my opinion... i am only human, after all :cool:


New member

Mmmmmm how do rats tast in a hot dog? (a rat dog?)

Probably really nice with some flava beans and a nice kiante..... :barf:


Hey B.Lahey, do you have your fathers eyes? lmao (great pic, btw)



Staff In Memoriam
YES UNFORTUNATELY... The nanny mentality which includes laws and regs protecting folks from themselves to warning labels and safety devices has caused a real dirty ring in the gene pool. :D
Sad really!
Rats likely vary in taste depending on diet... But my dogs never complained about them, squirrels, rabbits, chickens and more...

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Whiteboy67, there's a lot more to "The Hunt" than the killing. After all, when Bambi's lying on the ground, the fun is over and the work begins.

You don't need a weapon to hunt. I've found it to be quite enjoyable when just sitting and watching, or ambling along sorta messing with the occasional critter. Game-playing, to see if I can find them before they know I'm there--or at least getting much closer than is good for their nerves.

But I'm sorta hunting, even when driving along a highway. I saw a herd of around 20 Ibex, driving back from Alpine the other day. Imported, of course, but certainly a great sight.

As in playing poker, you can learn a lot about a person's character when in hunt camp. The real "quality" people tell of their own goofs, but of others' good accomplishments. Among the more fortunate people anywhere are those younguns who can listen to the old folks' stories around a campfire.

I'll aways recommend Rober Ruark's "The Old Man and the Boy", and its sequel, "The Old Man's Boy Grows Older". Huntin' and fishin' and growin' up in a freer time--and a helluva lot about the ethics of hunting and life itsownself.


New member
I wish I would have said this but I didn't. Me and a friend of mine had been turkey hunting. We both got one and on the way home we stopped by the conveinance store for something to drink. While we were waiting in line to pay this lady just kept eyeballing us . She waslooking us up and down and kinda snarlin. We just kinda looked at each other like, what the hell is wrong with her.We were all camoed up of course, but we didn't make the connection till we went outside. We walk out to the truck and there she is lookin over into the bed at the two dead turkeys. She starts flippin out on us about how, did we feel like real men and If turkeys had guns.... She's yellin and actin a fool wavin her hands around makin a hell of a scene. She goes how do the big bad men feel about hunting now. Until now neither one of us had said a word, In fact I was at a loss for words. She had blind sided me.My buddy says In the most calm and serious voice ...Lady, I just wish they would actually scream when you shot them ! She stomped off mumbling something or other and I wet my pants!