I am an American

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam

Your story brought tears to my eyes. I'm proud you're one of us. I'm damn glad to have you.

I have a request. There's a 92 year old lady who is a resident in the nursing home beside the hospital where I work. She has outlived her husband, her children, and all of her close relatives. Her only son stepped on a landmine in Vietnam. She wonders what he died for. May I read your essay to her?

Munro Williams

New member
But you knew that already, didn't you?


Being an American is a State of Mind.

Our country is better for you being a Citizen of It.

from one who owns two passports: UK and USA.

duck hunt

New member
ArmySon, that was beautiful. I got all excited about sharing it with my students until I remembered that I don't have any students any more (the facility moved to Newport News last week). I'm going to set it aside for when I get some more. It was really moving.


New member
ArmySon, yes, you are an American.....with roots in Vietnam.
My wife was born and raised in Korea.. but like you she is now an American, with roots in Korea.
My Son was born in Korea. He is an American with roots in Korea.

I live in Orange County, California and things are different here.....sadly.
Most people here, born in other countries, are (fill in name of country) first and American second.:(
This pisses me off no end.

But thanks for your story Son.....yes..you are an American and I, for one, ame glad that you are. :)


Staff Alumnus
If you feel my speech will benefit the lady in the nursing home, by all means, share it with her. Please pass on to her that her only son's memory is not forgotten by veterans and Vietnamese people alike. Please pass on my thanks to her for her ultimate sacrifice.

I remember you telling us about the move. Sorry, I didn’t realize it was happening so soon. With your wit and intelligence, it’ll be just a matter of time until you find your new calling.


New member
that was a great essay Sir. anyways I was born in the Republic of South[yeah we Southerners are still free!] Korea. and the essay reminds me of the many who died from my birth country[thank you who ever serve in Korea in 1950-53 and continue to protect our land, we have never forgotten you]