Hypothetical non-sence


New member
can anyone out there tell me the difference between a camp axe and a hatchet (looked like pretty much the same thing to me)?
The camp axe is $10-20 more expensive, because you can 'camp' with it.:rolleyes: ;)

Also, good note for this situation, the camp axe is going to bend or break sooner than a cheaper, higher quality hatchet.


New member
Hard to beat the Estwing all steel axe. But as a defensive weapon I see two problems with it. One is tactical. It's just not a quick weapon to deploy, and it's not quick to move around.

The second is legal. The images of an axe murderer are burned into our minds. Just those words bring up ugly thoughts. I'd rather not have that emotional baggage attached to me if I have to sit in front of a jury. "He was carrying an AXE, ladies and gentlmen! What kind of sick person carries an AXE?"

A good walking stick is nice, if you know how to use it.


New member
If you have reason to wear a tool belt, try to have a 28 oz, straight claw framing hammer in a loop that you can slide it out of pretty quickly.
Hey, it ain't a weapon, it's a tool!
I think a hard blow from the claw side will end most "inapropriate social behaveor".
For that matter the hammer side could go most of the way through a skull in a single blow!:eek:


New member
LOOOONNNNG before I met her, My wife worked nights at a local Gas Station.

She only mentions that she always had to go grocery shopping just before work, and ahem *Frequently* ahem had to buy Oven cleaner... and it just happened to stay in arms reach of her after dark.

After using oven cleaner to clean paint off of racecars...
I wouldn't want to face someone down if they were armed with it.

food for thought?



A couple of nice knives, probably my 7" british commando knife, and my spyderco type knife, and a PR-24...

Used to do the security guard thing years ago and kept the PR-24. Let me tell ya', even someone only half assed versed in the PR-24 can put a hurtin on you quick with one. I consider myself only half assed with it and its got me outta bad situations a few times. I only ever really connected on one person with it and he did go to the hospital.

Chaim, try buddying up with the guys in the police supply store there. We're not supposed to be able to buy full strength mace or handcuff keys here but a cup of (thier) coffee and some friendly talk got me both here...it dont hurt to try! ;)


New member
Hand saw, sock full of batteries, good leather belt, steel toes, roll of quarters, butane lighter, etc, etc, etc.

Brian Gibbons

New member
I like the insect spray idea ...

It is more effective than carburator cleaner because it has better range and it foams up like Bon Ami. Personnally, I would reccommend the 400 gram container of "Raid Wasp and Hornet Killer". It shoots up to 4 metres (it says so on the can). But again, it's illegal to do that here in Canada. As for the use of pepper spray against bears; it's not highly reccommended. As a matter of fact, it is well known that the grizzlies in north western Alberta actually rather enjoy a little cayenne with their meals ...


Ya' know, now that I think about it I'm gonna have to change my answer to 12 ga shotgun.

I remember reading that you can construct a single shot 12 ga from 3/4 steel gaspipe and 1" gaspipe. You cut the 3/4 about 18" long and reamed out until a 12ga shell will chamber in it, cut the 1" pipe about a foot long threaded for cap on one end. the cap assembly holds the firing assy which consists of a 3/4" wooden dowel 1/2" long with a hole drilled in center to accept a roofing nail which is trimmed to 5/8" length so it'll barely clear the dowel when pushed thru it, blue glue or silicone the nail in the dowel with the point below flush to keep it stable. A thin cardboard disc covers the dowel assy in the cap mostly to keep it from rattleing too much. Screw the cap with the firing assy onto the 1" pipe. Now all you have to do to fire it is insert a shell into the 3/4" pipe, secure the shell with some scotch tape across the primer/head and onto the pipe if neccessary for transportation purposes, insert the 3/4 pipe into the 1" pipe and while bracing the capped end of 1" pipe against your midriff and the 3/4" pipe is slammed rearward all the way to set back the dowel and the nail sets off the primer...bang.

I've never built one and probably wont, but hey, its nice to know that it can be done. Its been suggested that you have some fairly serious padding arrangment for your midriff and a pair of good gloves because the flash between the pipes upon firing may be substantial. As you run away from the scene, all the little pieces of the gun can be tossed different directions for no evidence.

It sure sounds safe. That 12ga shell is totally surrounded by a 3/4" pipe AND a 1" pipe at time of ignition.

Now this is for informational purposes only people. Dont you dare and go make one of these for real!! ;)


New member

you have your ID/OD together on the pipes :eek: - and very serious "padding"/gloves.

Sounds more like a boomstick to me. Think I'll stick with a bow and quiver full of sticks, stones and feathers - they've worked for a very long time.

There you go Shin-Tao - I finally got past my obtuseness. :)

I'll take a spring loaded Doberman :D

(I saw that in a Gary Larsen Far Side cartoon...guy standing there holding what looks like a giant slingshot loaded with a snarling dobie)

Of course, me in the AM before my IV coffee attitude adjustment would scare the bejeebus out of any BG. :eek:


New member
Don't know if that shotgun trick would be smiled apon in any realm. Very interesting though.

Glad to hear it Ironbar. The affliction periodically spreads from person to person around here. :D

Oven cleaner and wasp-spray. Is that actually effective?

Joe Demko

New member
An all-steel Estwing rock pick-hammer is a tremendous weapon. It effectively duplicates an war hammer at an affordable price. I've put the pick right through the side of a steel drum with only a moderate swing. Should penetrate bone and flesh equally well, or you can deal a crushing blow with the hammer face. A knife for the other hand would be a welcome addition.
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Golgo's got it right, those estwing rock picks are awesome.

A generic "non-lethal weapon" recommendation doesn't seem very useful to me. Each locale is going to have a different idea of what is lethal. California seems to think brass knuckles are deadly, but not a bow or a sword (only swords concealed as sticks) or a folding knife or an ice pick, but ice picks are semi-illegal on college campuses anyway. WHY AM I IN THIS STATE?


New member
Oven cleaner and wasp-spray. Is that actually effective?
Maybe works, but might improve coupled to a fully armed Zippo lighter - no?

Then there's Captain Queeg's steel balls... I'd think watching and hearing all that click-click is about as bad as dripping water torture. Drive the BG crazy! (If there's enough time - of course).

How about ear muff size suction cups - pop 'em on the ears and PULL! Maybe even a plunger... a "ripe" plunger?

Or a portable drill with appropriate bit ... Ah, yes - the good old days... "This is a drill, this is a drill..."

In the right scenario, a Jack Hammer --- sorry ladies, no Jill Hammer that I know of.

A good sling shot is plausible, as are darts (eyes and ears).

Then there's a nail gun, but who'd want to lug an air compressor around?

Enough of my stuff.

Now - see what kind of creature you've created, S-T? ;)



New member
Carried a hand-axe!

In my foolish youth, I was employed as a Paramedic by the City&County of San Francisco. While I found that most of my drivers carried various illegal concealed firearms (H&R derringers were very popular), I made my way into some distinctly nasty situations with a Tomahawk-like hand axe I picked up for a buck in a pawnshop on Mission Street. It fit in the side pocket of my medical kit with a 13" handel. As a bonus, it was great for taking out flophouse doors and safety glass in wrecks on the freeway.
Something about a guy with a light axe in his hand that makes most people, fighting drunks and junkies included, become peaceful and gone from the scene. :p
Attitude, I suppose:D
Still got the axe.