Hypothetical non-sence


New member
(Just 4 fun)

Imagine you are in a Principality, State, Republic, Provence, District, Corperate Territory, where you were denied access and right to carry a firearm of any kind. Imagine also that you were however, allowed to carry almost any "Less-Than-Lethal" device currently availiable.

How would you equip yourself to provide a reasonable level of protection from urban goblins?

(Just 4 fun)


New member
Considering that almost everything under the sun (and including the sun) can be "lethal" in the hands of knowledgeable folks, I have no answer for you.

Suggest you modify this a bit. :confused:


New member
Pencils are not lethal, are they?

Pepper spray is better than nothing.

A knife if I can carry it. As big as I can, but even a small one, well sharpened, is better than nothing. By well sharpened, I mean scalpel sharp. If it isn't sharp enough to be dangerous for casual use, it isn't sharp enough.

But - few people can properly sharpen a knife.

Ceol Mhor

New member
Worst case (strict definition of 'weapon', and effectively enforced**): A 6" flathead screwdriver.

Medium case (lax definition of 'weapons', but effectively enforced**): My sgian dubh (4" sock knive) and my 3" Spyderco credit card knife.

Best case (ineffective weapons ban): The Makarov that I may end up buying shortly. Screw the law; it's wrong and dangerous.

**Effectively enforced meaning that I have little access to a weapon in the first place.


Tazer or pepper spray. You don't have to be point blank to use it like a knife, which means that an oncoming attacker can be neutralized with less chance of bodiliy harm to you. carry a second line of defense in case of multiple or determined attackers, such as a baton or knife or even a stun gun.

Blue Jays

New member
Department of Nonsense

Good Evening Everyone-

Hypothetical nonsense? Isn't that Swabjocky's responsibility?



~ Blue Jays ~


New member
Hmm... I take it if knives are allowed, then we're essentially talking "non-firearm".

Probably a sword of some description. Baring that ('cause I don't think that's what you're looking for) as a "non-weapon" weapon, a baseball bat. Or maybe 3 feet of radiator hose 1/3 full of bb's?

I don't think this thread will turn out as you intended :)


New member
Hefty screwdriver, cigarette lighter, can of Berryman's carb cleaner. Poke em , spray em n light em.



Similar to CR Sam, can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter. Makes for a dandy short range flame thrower!

Lord Grey Boots

New member
Note that stunguns/tazers/and pepper spray are illegal in Canada for use against human attackers. Pepper spray is okay only for use against animal (bear/dog) attackers.


New member
Hypothetical nonsense? Isn't that Swabjocky's responsibility?
(Although, you gotta give ol' swabjockey credit - he keeps it interesting around here.. ;) )

That said,

Screwdriver and a roll of quarters wrapped in duct tape.

The quarters are also useful for calling the street sweeper to tell them to clean up the mess. Maybe a pack of smokes after the scuffle too.


New member
Back when I was working as an Exterminator in NYC I carried a large stanley screwdriver, 4 cell maglite and a can of professional insect spray on my belt with a special spray extension on a coiled hose.,.

Never felt unproctected, the insect spray was nasty stuff if you shot it into the dirtbags eyes, the stuff I carried was known to cause temporary blindness.

The screwdriver and maglite were usefull too. :D


New member
Mad Dog Panther in the Dundee rig...for starters. :cool:


- Gabe


New member
A yoda style walking stick would be nice.

An 8 pound hammer or a pickaxe might not cause too much attention if carried while wearing a hard hat and steel toed boots.

Chainsaw would probably be just too much in the city but would fit in in rural PRK.


New member
Since I live in Maryland where CCW is effectively impossible (legally anyway, and you will spend a lot of time in jail if you break the law and are caught) this isn't so hypothetical for me. Of course gun ownership is legal and you can use them to defend your house but that doesn't do you much good if you encounter a self defense situation on the street.

I recently started carrying pepper spray with me. 10 years ago I carried mace (the real stuff) but it shortly after became illegal for civilians to carry tear gas so when I gave it to a female friend I had no way to replace it. I waited on pepper spray because I doubted its effectiveness, still do but figure it is better than nothing.

Just today (at the Rockville gun show) I bought a knife. Its a cheap one (I am still out of work) but it will do and I'll replace it with a better one as soon as I get a paycheck again.

I am thinking about a 12-14" hatchet for car duty, either that or a small camp axe (similar size). I saw a hatchet and a camp axe of that size at the Bass Pro Shop recently and it looks like they would do well as a defensive weapon. BTW- can anyone out there tell me the difference between a camp axe and a hatchet (looked like pretty much the same thing to me)?