Hunting versus...

roy reali

New member
How important is hunting to you? Not the killing, or meat gathering, but the whole activity? Is there any other activity that you would rather do on any given day in stead of going hunting? Or, does hunting have priority over jsut about everything else in your schedule?

You have one buddy that invites you out on hunt on the same weekend another buddy invites you to a ballgame. Which would you pick?

You plan on spending an entire afternoon hunting, your best girl wants you to spend that same afternoon with her? Which would you pick?

You have two days of vacation left this year. Do you use them to go to a vacation resort or to a hunting cabin?

How high of a priority is hunting in your life?


New member
The whole Outdoor thing is important to me, just the calming effect of the woods and the silence is the key. Hunting is just a bonus. Harvesting the meat is important as well, bringing it home to the family (the cave man thing) is gratifying as well.


New member
I usually get three trips a year, not counting birding. My favorite is a camping trip for 4 or 5 days on public land. Last year I only saw one doe before legal light. On the other trips I am almost guaranteed a shot under a feeder, but sleeping in a tent by a campfire for the better part of a week seals the deal. It makes me no difference if I don't get a shot. I'd much rather primitive camp/hike around a forest for 4-5 days than shoot a deer under a feeder and sleep in a 5th wheel for a weekend.

Screw the ballgame and best girl. I want the smell of a campfire infused in my BDUs.


New member
The only thing that I put above hunting is family, work and the whole "Being responsible" thing. Don't get into wimpy sports with balls and stuff, thats for kids. Well, some kids. I did not play them, it was hunting and fishing for me. As a matter of fact, I ran into an old friend a while back that I have not seen since I was a teen. He said "I did not reconize you without something dead inyou hand" Wow I miss those days.


New member
They call it hunting not shooting.I would be hunting in all of the above.I might even ask if the bud that wanted to go to the ballgame could come.I don't care if i shoot my rifle just getting out where nothing but looking clears the mind,works for me.Good luck

Fat White Boy

New member
It is my heritage, whether it is big game, small game, upland game or water fowl. My grandfather started my dad young, my dad started me when I was 5 and I started my son when he was 5. It is part of who I am....

Like Buzz said- It's about as much fun as you can have with your pants on...
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Staff In Memoriam
Running hog dogs is pretty important to me as it usually involves my son and is a service as well as all out fun. I don't rank gun hunting near as high. Florida heat makes the overall experience miserable at times too. On a cool day, I could go out in the woods with out a gun and have as much fun as I could when hunting.


New member
It ranks way up there. All aspects of it. Outdoors... the hunt itself... the shot... the kill... the harvest... the time well spent either alone or with family/friend... the clean, fresh air... the time spent over the numerous meals the harvest provides and telling the story again... the tablefare that is provided (again, the caveman thing)... Even WHEN there's no harvest, everything else applies.

As far as Your "best girl"...If she WON'T go because she's just not into it, then how good is "best"? If I were married, I don't think it'd be any different, 'cuz I'd already know she'd accept it, and more likely than not, even if she doesn't hunt (acceptable), she's gonna love what comes out of the oven/off the grill/out of the pot/out of the "Dutch-Oven".

It's also a heritage. We'd hunt and fish as kids (I never was the video game type), and still love it just as much, plus we have more reasons (little feet) to love it even more.

Give a man an animal/fish, feed him for a day...Teach a man to hunt/fish, You feed him for a lifetime.

James R. Burke

New member
I would like to hunt year round if I could. Not just for getting game, I just like getting out in the woods period. If you get something that is a bonus in my book. I was brought up to respect the woods and wild life. Not to just kill something for the fun of it, and to learn things about the woods and animals in it. Like leave it the way it was, no littering etc. Nature is a great thing and we all need to do our part to protect it. I feel the same about fishing. If you get a couple of nice keepers it is a bonus for the day. Also leaving some go for the next guy or kid who may be out there. That goes for both fishing and hunting.


New member
Another vote for just being outside.

And NO I would not trade a afternoon at some sporting event with thousands of other folks pushing up against me for a afternoon out in the woods or on the water.


New member
Pretty high on my list but that can be altered depending on the details like…
#1 hunting over a ballgame every time. Probably will never be a problem since all my buddies would rather be hunting also.
#2 Again, the details. Depends on WHAT she wants to do. Cold treestand or ….;):D
#3 probably hunting but this can also be dependant on #2.


New member
Late to the tradition

I did not grow up hunting. I came late to this tradition and love it. The smell of the forest, sitting around the campfire, involving kids, grandkids, parents and grandparents in the same event is priceless. I do not get to do it as much as I would like, but I cherish the times that I do and look forward to involving my daughter some day.


New member
If I'm not on a patrol, there's a season open, weather is semi-cooperating, and I still have harvest tickets/tags left, I'm in the woods hunting something, on a riverbank salmon & trout fishing, or in a boat chasing halibut & p-cod...

I can't wait to get back down south and do my part in downsizing the hog population in the southeast states...


New member
One of the best hunting trips I had was last winter's elk hunt. Not much hunting, I took my grandaughter. We had more snowmen then any elk camp in the big horns. Not to mention the snowball fights or warming up her cold feet. Or the talks we had while we stopped to make her hot choc.

I'll take that over shooting critters anytime.


New member
I like to hunt when autumn hits. Something about the mosquitos and ticks being gone, and the cool crisp air draws me to the woods. I'm a pyromaniac too, and will go out just to build fires, drink some brew, shoot game. When its not too cold i enjoy staying in the woods for 2 or 3 days if i got some good company.

If my best girl tried to make me chose between spending the day with her and going hunting, i'd go hunting to keep her in check.

Going to the ballgame would be a waste of time. The chiefs suck. If it was 2005 i would go.

I do prioritize hunting because its fun. I save money on food small game hunting, and even if i didnt i'd still do it.

Everyone needs at least one good hobby. Lots of people like to play golf on the weekends.


New member
There have been years when I didn't need any meat, hunted 60 or 70 days anyway, saw deer most every day, and never fired a shot. I just love it. Of course, if I had seen a really, really good buck I would have tried to take him and given the meat to somebody that wanted it.


I take my family responsibility as seriously as I do hunting. I make sure that I take care of business on the homefront so that my passion for hunting and fishing doesn't cause problems. When it comes to choosing hunting versus other activities, the only thing that might trump hunting is to hit the river for steelhead. I consider a great day steelhead fishing right on par with taking a deer. I play golf also but that takes a back seat to hunting and fishing unless it is league night, because I honor that commitment to my golfing partner, a long time friend.