Huntin' Shootin' one-liners sought...


New member
When someone says "Oh we don't believe in guns" ....lean close and whisper "they do exist!".

I always liked, "Being armed does not ensure that you will survive an altercation, but an armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity."
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New member
true lines; times 2

Hunter 1: I'm using 30-06. What are you taking this year?
Hunter 2: I'm using a .375.
Hunter 3: Did you get a rhino tag?


Well, how dead do you want it?


New member
Cat, the other white meat...

Vegan means "I burn the steak"......

Ask any vegetarian if they dont get hungry when they smell a good steak on the grill... most turn beat red....

Stalk it, kill it, grill it.


New member
Up here in the NW there was a big push to stop logging to preserve habitat for the endangered spotted owl.

I saw a logger one day in the Olympic Mountains who was wearing a hat.

"I love spotted owls.... Deep Fried!"

Turns out the owls weren't really as endangered as the tree huggers thought.


New member
Written in normal case letters...

'Wild is where its at.'

Written below in BOLD print...


The background pic could vary from deer, turkey, bear etc. to make shirt more marketable for whatever the hunter likes to hunt.