Hunter shot by a .....what?

Uncle Buck

New member
Dogs are a delicacy to some folks you know.

American raised dogs do not taste the same. Most of the dogs that are raised for food do not received much red meat and definitely do not receive their shots. The dog food that we give our dogs give their meat an "off" flavor.

From the newspaper article:
A Jacksonville hunter and his dog were shot this morning by another hunter who mistook the dog for a deer, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.

I wrote and told them this guy was not a hunter, he was a criminal and a poacher! and should be called that.


New member
Maybe I'm just too patient or something, but I have never shot at, and never will shoot at game until I am positive that I have the exact shot placement I need/want and know what it is I am shooting at. I have passed up many a potential shot because I did not want an iffy shot that might only wound without recovery.

That's me also. I have a thick skin too, to survive the ribbing/badgering that the guys back at camp throw at me when I tell them about it.

I absolutely do not shoot at anything that I'm not 100% sure is the game I'm hunting, and won't tolerate it from anybody in my little circle. This kind of stuff makes me furious.


New member
Shooting Back

I promise if I am ever shot at while in the woods I will at the very least fire a warning shot back. I will yell first and if more comes the warning shot will go into the ground. If I continue to get shot at I will aim with my next warning shot. I will be dammed if my dog, someone with me, or myself die because of someone's stupidity.

I don't get the whole "weather to file charges" thing. There should not even be a question as to this matter and he should be in jail as we speak. Everyone with him should be in jail. His parents should be in jail. The owner of the firearm if it wasn't stolen or his should absolutely be in jail.

Guns don't kill people stupid people with guns kill people and I am tired of their actions being associated with those of the good folks here.


Yankee Bill

New member
Let's not beat around the bush here. It's a sad but true fact that many people in this country of "other cultures" have a total and blatant disregard for our fish and wildlife regulations. Incidents of this type are becoming far too common and the offenders need to be delt with more severly, instead of all the liberals trying tippy-toe around the issue, IMHO.

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