Hunter shot by a .....what?


New member
By Kate Howard
A Jacksonville hunter and his dog were shot this morning by another hunter who mistook the dog for a deer, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.

This was in the news for St. Augustine, Fl. today.

Not a lot of information. I looked about the web for more but all the news reports are about the same.

What strikes me as odd, in all the reports, is that the guy who pulled the trigger was breaking a number of basic regulations and admitted to trying to take what he thought was a deer OUT OF SEASON.

He is a POACHER and should be labeled as such. Calling this clown a "hunter" paints the rest of us in a bad way.

This is part of one version.....a link to the whole story is below....

Stephen Rodgers, 52, was hunting waterfowl at the Guana River Wildlife Management Area in St. Johns County when he and the dog were struck.

The dog died; Rodgers was airlifted to Shands Jacksonville and is being treated in the trauma unit, according to the wildlife commission.

The shooter was Thang Lian, 19, also of Jacksonville, who was not wearing hunter orange and had not taken the required hunter safety class, the commission said. It is currently small game season, and not legal to take deer.

The commission is investigating whether to file charges against Lian.
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New member
i have, for years, heard of people being shot by someone thinking it is a deer... I thought about it and thought about it.. how does someone shoot another person thinking its a deer...

... what happened to making sure of your target..
...what do people like that shoot at?? ... just the twigs snapping?/
..I guess they dont attempt to actually see what they are shooting at.


New member
Sometimes your mind sees what it expects to see. I remember walking home from town when I was maybe 8 or 9 and seeing a cow in a womans yard. I wondered when they had gotten a cow. When I got close to the house it was the woman wearing a brown dress bent over washing something off at an outside spigot.


New member
At least in the story they referred to the idiot as a "shooter" and not a hunter, hopefully the hunter will pull through.


New member
Jerry told me yesterday he heard about this. It pretty unusual. We haven't had an incident where a hunter has been shot for years.

If I hear anything more I'll post about it.


New member
There was a similar story in PA (i think) within the past year or so, where there were TWO 'hunters' FIFTY YARDS AWAY, one takes a look and thinks he see's a deer, and hands the SCOPED rifle to his buddy to make sure its a deer, his buddy confirms, and the rifle is handed back to the original hunter. The first hunter then takes the shot, hitting a person who was out picking some sort of wild plant life (which required a special permit, which he had). Now in this case you have TWO people with a SCOPED gun, FIFTY yards away and you still think a person is a deer. I cannot even comprehend....people like that should seriously be executed i'm not even kidding here, if you are that stupid you shouldn't be allowed to live.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
"...when he and the dog were struck."

Shotgun, maybe?

As far as mistakes about animals, iron sights have led to hunters being shot after sundown. In one case, a Model 94 user shot perfectly: Through the vee of white of his nephew's tee-shirt.

Aside from the poaching aspect, this event once again brings up the truism about being sure of your target and what's beyond it.


New member
Based on what I read, it may very well have been an AK with a FMJ, and got a through and through shot.
I wonder if any more will come to light on this story, or if it is being down-played?


New member
["At least in the story they referred to the idiot as a "shooter" and not a hunter"]

Most deffently NOT a hunter :barf: That's why I hunt private land. If anyone
is hunting on private/Posted Land is commiting a Felony ;) & WILL go to Jail & NOT pass go :D
Y/D PS In FL. tresspassing with firearm = FELONY
shooter was using a single shot 12ga. with #2 buckshot. he was also with 4 others and none of them had any kind of hunters apparel on. very suspicious activity if u ask me. :confused:


New member
shooter was using a single shot 12ga. with #2 buckshot. he was also with 4 others and none of them had any kind of hunters apparel on. very suspicious activity if u ask me.

.....not to me. We have this activity by folks of that origin all the time around here, especially on public land. I also suspect the shooter knew it was a dog he was shooting at. Dogs are a delicacy to some folks you know. Odds are he didn't see the owner in camouflage sitting next to it. Around here they get half a dozen of them in a van, each with some kind of weapon and no licenses, drive out to someplace with public access and shoot whatever it is that happens to be in range.....whether it be a tweety-bird or a ground squirrel. When they get busted, a county paid lawyer will get them off because, supposedly, they do not comprehend our culture and do not read our language(altho they have lived here for 20 years). I do give them credit tho, they eat whatever it is they shoot, whether it be deer, blue-jay, cat or opossum. A coupla years ago, over on the Mississippi, the feds busted a bunch for possession of Canadian geese outta season. Seems they were robbing nests of chicks out in the sloughs and bringing them home and raising them. Only reason they caught 'em is cause they set their house on fire with the heat lamps. Yep, you guessed it. No charges filed and they got a new home, paid for by us taxpayers of course.


Should be brought up on 1st degree murder charges.

You'd have to prove he decided to kill that guy beforehand, and then did so. Hard to prove and good chance he would not be convicted. Easier to prove manslaughter and use of a weapon in the commision of a felony. There are also poaching (more felonies?) charges to tack on..... max him out and he'll be in jail awhile ...... then, max him out in a wrongfull death suit. He'll never have a penny to his name when he gets out.......


New member
That man was surely no hunter.

Maybe I'm just too patient or something, but I have never shot at, and never will shoot at game until I am positive that I have the exact shot placement I need/want and know what it is I am shooting at. I have passed up many a potential shot because I did not want an iffy shot that might only wound without recovery.

There is plenty of game around these days. Nobody need go without, with some planning and patience.


New member
Actually, since it was Florida...

... if they can prove the shooter had intent to commit the felony of poaching, and he shot the victim in commission of the felony, they could charge and convict for murder if the victim died.

I thought the OP and article said the dog died, though, not the human, so it looks like poaching and aggravated battery / assault with a deadly weapon.

(Firearms and felonies are a bad mix for the shooter in Florida.)


New member
2 things first they call the "shooter" a hunter in the beginning of the article then switch it to "Shooter".

Second....Why is this... "The commission is investigating whether to file charges against Lian." Um he shot the guy and his dog. Now I get that you can't really find him guilty until proven guilty and all that crap, but you can certainly file charges against him.

Just another kid thinking it is just like playing a video game, he had no reason being out "hunting/poaching" I hope they throw the book at this kid


New member
Whats the legality of shooting back if some idiot shoots at you? Are you supposed to take cover and yell cease fire or return fire?