Hunter goes Beserk and kills five.


New member
Most of your questions have already been answered if you read the articles.

Perhaps the best account I've read so far is the actual statement issued today at the probable cause hearing.

Vang claims they shot at him first, hitting about 30 yard behind him, so he shot everyone else, even though only one was armed. Perhaps the most interesting part of the documents is in the very last paragraph. When the last party showed up to help, he did not shoot at them because they were armed!

One other article of interest is one where the Minneapolis Star Tribune, a very liberal paper, actually came out and stated that the SKS is not an assault rifle.
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New member
Wow!! Didn't realize a police report would be made available on line. Awesome, thanks for that one.

Could have the victim's one shot (the one that missed by 30 yards) been accidental or a deliberate warning shot????

Another disclaimer: I don't want this guy to get off. I personally think something caused him to dump years of frustration on a group of unsuspecting hunters. He cracked up. One less wierdo in the woods.


New member
IF what Vang says is true, and IF the victim did indeed shoot first, I'm sure it would have been a warning shot. had it been intended as a kill shot, it would have found a home, or at least been a lot closer than 30 to 40 feet behind him.

Could it have been accidental? I doubt it. If it had, the survivor would probably have corroborated that.

I would think that IF there was a shot by the victim, and it hit 30 yard behind Vang, it'd be easy enough for the investigators to find. I'd also think the casing would be easy to find. Based on what Lauren Hasebeck (one of the survivors) says, there were not shots fired by his group, so if you find the casing or bullet and match it up to the rifle, in that area, you've proven him a liar, unless Lauren claims that he shot the later rounds (page 3) from that same spot. Then you'd have to find the bullets.

In any event, even if you believe Vang 100%, and give him the greatest benefit of the doubt, the best you can say for him is that as soon as he down the one with the rifle, his claim of self defense is done.

They better hurry with the evidence gathering though, there's snow predicted this weekend.


New member
No justifying Vang's actions, but this whole thing doesn't add up, unless he just lost it. Even so, IF the caucasian shot first, he was a fool. If someone in a group shoots at you while you're walking away from them, are you going to consider it a warning, or a threat?

No justifying Vang, but let's change the scenario. You're lost and walking through a desolate urban neighborhood where you're a minority. Two guys confront you and tell you to "get off their turf", yelling racial slurs and threatening to accuse you of criminal activity. One of them is obviously armed, and one of them calls for backup. With a crowd gathering, you're walking away, and one of them shoots at you. You shoot the gunman... and then what do you do? Do you just turn your back and walk away, while the rest of the gang goes and gets armed to chase you down?

Vang was wrong, and should be convicted of at least manslaughter. Maybe he initiated the shooting and is guilty of murder, or maybe he was so afraid of this group that he acted in desperation. I don't envy the LEO's job, and I wouldn't want to be on the jury. Unless someone admits to lying, there's not an easy conclusion at this point, except that Vang killed unarmed people and should be punished.


Oh great. Here we go.
Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 with SMTP; 23 Nov 2004
From: Josh Sugarmann <>
Subject: Tell President Bush to Ban Assault Weapon Imports
Message-ID: <DELETED.JavaMail.SchedTaskAcct@CTSG-WEB01>

Dear Violence Policy Center Action Network Member:

Please contact President Bush at and urge him to use his executive power to ban the import of all foreign-made assault rifles!

This past Sunday, an SKS assault rifle was used to kill six hunters and wound two others in Wisconsin. The SKS is the "rifle model most frequently
encountered by law enforcement officers," according to a 2002 report by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). It has claimed at least six police lives this year alone.

As detailed in our press release issued yesterday -- -- and covered by today's New York Times, George W. Bush could use the Administration's executive authority over firearm imports to fully ban the import of all foreign-made assault rifleslike the SKS and AK-47. Unlike the recently expired assault weapons ban, such an action would not require Congressional approval. Although the President's father, former-President George H.W. Bush, and former-President William J. Clinton stopped the import of hundreds of thousands of assault weapons by using their executive authority under firearms import and trade laws, the current Bush Administration has specifically authorized the importation of SKS assault rifles from both Yugoslavia and Albania.

Please pass this e-mail along to others concerned about gun violence and urge them to join the VPC's Action Network at [link removed -- nobody here wants to join].

Thank you, as always, for your efforts to stop gun violence.


New member
Some things to consider.....

  • He was trespassing on private property
  • He killed six people
  • The police report states that the victims had one firearm
  • Wisconsin law requires that deadly force must not be used the moment you are no longer in danger of bodily harm
  • The deputy sheriff is quoted as saying Vang pursued his victims
  • Vang offered this version only AFTER meeting with his court-appointed attorney

We'll all need to wait for the truth but.......I strongly suspect that Vang is guilty of murder and not a victim himself.


New member
How many notice there seems to be a lot of anger in people, perhaps its the
growing population, pressures, etc. You see it everywhere, traffic, ballgames,

With a growing diverse population we need to learn manners/common sense
fast or the government will pass so many laws you will be luck to own a
slingshot. :(


New member
So what are we here, the diversity police? I find it a pretty long stretch to compare private woods with a home made deer stand to the inner city. And I find justification by reason of cultural differences with poaching an 'honorable' activity to be even more of a stretch. Whatever happened to the melting pot theory?

One humorous thought in all the tragedy, this guy will forever be known as

(are you ready?)

"Boom" Vang


New member
With a growing diverse population we need to learn manners/common sense

I'd suggest such thinking is a large part of the problem. "Real" America has never had a problem with manners or common sense. A literal epidemic of immigrants, many of them illegal ones, with no knowledge, background or interest in our manners or common sense, is the core of the problem. It's also the catastrophic crisis of our time that NO ONE is supposed to talk about in the name of political correctness.

The coasts may be overrun with the problem to an extent where they no longer have the will to fight it. We in the heartland, by contrast, still represent what America was meant to be and we're definitely still willing to fight for it.


New member
His brother said he's been here 20 years and is a US Army vet. Not exactly a recent immigrant strange to "our" ways (if true).


New member
the more i read about this story the more frustrated I get. There is no doubt that Vang should be held accoutable for his actions, but it was not a smart thing to fire a shot at Vang if that is true, regardless if it was a warning shot or not. Lets keep our heads in the woods and be safe and careful guys :(


It is a good idea to stay in condition yellow anywhere outside a very secure haven and like the town, the hills and woods are not exceptions. You could just as easily stumble on a pill factory or other dope production facility. Some parts of the country it is a higher probability than others, but the same vigilance applies everywhere as far as I am concerned.


I must say, that since by his own admission, he murdered several in cold blood with no possible claim of self-defense, I call into question the veracity of a murderer who states that he was shot at first.


New member
I dont think being hmong has anything to do with what happened. Its funny how race has to be mentioned when bigots comment on an issue. I dont want this to become a racial debate because that is an old shoe that should have been resolved ions ago. For the record, to hear people say when THEY come here is just plain idiocy. I dont care how long your family has "OWNED" or think they owned the land...just remember where you exactly came from. No one owns land...or owns the united states. Not even the native americans ever tried to own the land. The fact is a man killed 5 other people for reasons only the parties involved know about....maybe someone said HEY GOOK, WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON OUR LAND....hmmmm...maybe if he were a white man...on a asian family's so called LAND...and said hey honkey what are you doing on OUR land...and he started popping rounds off...would that be justified? no...of course not...because wrong is wrong and evil is evil..he may have had psycological problems. Someone who goes into the field dubbed in camo gear without orange not there to hunt animals. I too believe he should be given the death penalty for shooting unarmed people. We should dig up a 5mile hole in the ground in antartica and just throw criminals in. This would save alot of money. Americans need to come together, regardless of their ethnic backround, there are alot of non white AMERICANS!! who bleed patriotic blood ,who would and HAVE died for this country and have just as much pride in the U.S AS ANY GOOD OL' BOY... :mad:


New member
Read the police statement. he was in blaze orange until after he shot the first group. Then he turned his reversible jacket inside out so it was camo.

Here's a humorous sidenote...there's an editorial in our local newspaper, The Mpls Star & Sickle, indicating that this tragic episode really drives home the need for better property line posting.

Editorial: Hunting deaths/Policy changes may be needed

I suppose I should be happy this sorry rag didn't come out against all things gun related.