Hunter goes Beserk and kills five.


New member
Just heard on the news that some fellow in Wisconsin, identified as a hunter, has shot and killed five other hunters. Apparently the individual involved was sitting in tree stand set up by others on private property. When the individual was asked to leave he opened up. One of those shot called for aid on a radio and the next group that came up was shot as well. There are five dead according to FOX. I don't know how many are wounded. The person who committed this crime has been taken into custody. A tragic event. No doubt we will be hearing from the anti-gun and anti-hunting groups presently.

Posted this after thumbtack posted his thread on the same subject. If the Mods would be so kind as to delete this thread I would be ever so grateful!
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New member
All I know is that they have the person who did this in custody. I saw the film of him and he was full camo with no orange. I really could not get a good look. I guess we'll know tomorrow.


New member

:( Man, we sure don't need things like this giving the antis more fuel. Hope he get's whats deserved. Five dead, scary.
"The stupidity of my fellow human beings never ceases to amaze me!" -Mark Twain

Sir William

New member
I wonder where Vang is from? That is not exactly a common midwestern family name. A SKS? I sense the AWB is in the rewrite rough draft, again.


Not to make light of the dead involved, but the female radio reporter I heard (CBS) had her tongue all in a twist. This incident seems to be giving reporters - and editors - a slight problem in phraseology; mixing words like "sniping" in with "assault rifle".

Although in this case they might be closer to the truth than ever, as "sniping" is more technique than tools. But I suspect Mr. Vang was using a combination of "sniping" and basic fire and manoeuver.


New member
Vang is Hmong, who are from Laos.

Vang should have just been shot and killed on the spot. Now he'll go to trial, claim insanity or rage or something, then go to prison at the taxpayer's expense. I favor Old West justice. Now if he's convicted I'd say build the gallows and hang him.
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New member
Of course CNN has already announced this was all done with a MILITARY ASSAULT RIFLE which coincidentally Had been outlawed under the "Clinton 1994 assault weapons ban that the current administration felt no need to re-up"!

BASTAGES!!!!! :mad:

Blood in the water boys, blood in the water...... :barf:


New member
I'm 45. When I was a kid, we didn't have mandatory child seats, seatbelts, household safety issues such as warnings on plastic bags.
I never wore a helmet when I biked. "Gun control" was never a topic in my hometown.

It seems to me nowadays no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions. Parents neglect their kids, who then get into trouble, playing with matches, whatever. The parents then want to sue someone, like the match company for making the matches to easy to strike. I remember when the cartoon Beavis and Butthead came on. They were always playing with fire. A kid in a mobile home somewhere started a fire with matches, burning down the mobile home. His mother and grandmother were off in another room playing poker, ignoring the kid. They reacted by attempting to sue the creators of Beavis and Butthead, who then had to take the references to fire out of their cartoon. Never mind the parents were not paying any attention whatsoever to the child.
Same with the idiot who spilled coffee on themselves at Mcdonalds. What kind of moron puts a styrofoam cup of boiling liquid between their legs in a car? If I were the judge, I'd have fined that person for wasting the court's time. However, that's not what happened.
Car seats and seat belts: I think they are things responsible parents and people should do on their own. I don't think the government should pass laws forcing people to use them. When I'm in my own car, a decision to wear a belt should be mine. I know the risks of not wearing one.
Smokers know the risks, drinkers know the risks. Drinking as in going to the bar, not driving and drinking.

I guess what I'm thinking is I believe all of these laws that "concerned" folks are forcing upon us are making things worse in a way. People are no longer doing their own thinking, they're just letting the people in power decide something is "good for them" and passing a law to make them do it.

Gun control falls into that. Statistics prove beyond doubt gun control fails. Yet these idiots persist, and this incident will probably give them a kick.
I hope the public that didn't fall for Kerry's garbage about being a sportsman don't fall for this.


New member
This type of thing

Has happened before maybe not so many getting shot and killed but every time one gos into the woods during hunting season you have to be on guard. And when trying to get someone you don't know to leave your property and they are armed you should really be ready for anything.


New member
I'm sure it won't happen, but IF the liberal media wanted to cover this without bias, they would report:

1. The guy was trespassing on private property.
2. He was dressed in camo and not customary orange.
3. He was using a weapon that isn't commonly used for hunting.
4. Those who came to order him off of their land were unarmed.
5. Those who came to order him off of their land include women & children.
6. "Gooks" are virtually unheard of in that part of the country.
7. Sound immigration policy might have prevented this tragedy.



New member
yea...He was "sniping" his victims with an SKS :barf:

for those of you who don't know, the guy was supposedly from st. Paul, MN....where they have been shipping in tons of hmongs to leach off minnesota taxpayers. It bothers me they even call this clown a hunter...I say they let us all sight in our rifles on Vang's wang.


New member
Just watched a LE TV News report

This was an onsite report saying he got down from tree stand removed his scope and started shooting. When other arrived he shot them as they tried to escape he followed and shot them down. One victim got his dear permit number that was on the shooters back. This helped LE get the word out about him. He got lost trying to escape and ran into other hunters saying he was lost and needed help. They quickly found out who he was and gave him a ride to nearest LE officer near a road. He was out of Ammo. or I am sure they the hunters would now also be dead. :mad:


New member
East St. Paul actually. The Hmong have been coming here to Minnesota since the 70's and have a huge presence. Based on my experience with several Hmong, the fact that he was Hmong has about as much bearing on this tragedy as that he used an "assault weapon".

The Hmong, when they first came over, we're pretty much lost in our culture and got quite a reputation of being stranges folks. They'd grill up dogs in their bathtubs, hunt sparrows and crows, catch bucket loads of chubs in the local stream, never bought licenses and when they did go after legal game, went way over their limit. For the most part, this was due to their unfamiliarity with our system. That was 20+ years ago.

These days they are no more of a problem than any other group, whites included. My experience with them now is that they are damm hard workers. I have a lot of respect for them. This dip**** not withstanding, they're excellent hunters. The ones that shipped over here had to hunt to put food on the table and were quite good at it. I suspect these skills are passed on in the family.

They still are good for some stories though, Just a couple years ago when we were checking our deer stands in September, we came up on them on some public land, sitting around a fire roasting the squirrels (still with fur on) they had shot earlier. They had shoved sticks up their arse and were roasting them like a marshmallow. To their credit, they offered to share their bounty!

The problem as I see it are not these foreign groups that come over, after all if you had to deal with their conditions you'd want to come here too, but the church groups that "sponsor" them. They get all excited about helping their fellow man, get them over here and into housing, then forget about them as the go after hte next group of people that need savin'. Now it's the Somali's who are coming over in droves. There's a part of town near the university that we now call "Little Mogadishu".

But I digress...

Should this guy die? Absolutely, it's a shame one of the eight dead or wounded weren't able to get a shot off.

IndySIG, add No. 8 - He could have done this with any standard hunting rifle as well. the fact that it was an SKS is immaterial.

This tragedy will now be a poster-child for the anti's for many years.


New member
Until he went nuts, other than being on private property I don't know of anything he did that was illegal. I know he had a legal license, and I *thought* I heard on the 1pm news conference that he was in blaze orange, but stripped it after he shot the first two. I just got bits of that part, and might be wrong.

Here's a good place for updates, the Minneapolis Star & Sickle. These guys will keep the story up to date as the news come in.

Interesting that the people who came to the first victims rescue were UNARMED! . Again, I thought I heard on that news conference that there was only 1 rifle between the 5 dead and 3 wounded.
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