HP-38 - Win 231 Identical ??


New member

Bullseye will always have a place in my heart, and I'll always have it around. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if in a serious accuracy test that it still might come out on top.. Be interesting to see that test. jd

I agree.

It's energetic and ignites easily. For target, nothing exceeds it for consistent performance. In my action shooting sport 38 Special (Smith 67 4"), Bullseye makes dead accurate ammo under both lead 148 DEWC's, and lead 158's. Second to none.

The only adverse characteristic is has is that it's not clean. No matter how well it's loaded, it leaves behind a lot of super fine, almost oily, residue. It's messy. All powders do the same to some extent, of course. But B'eye does so noticeably more.

I think of it as a tried-n-true old-school propellant. So I like to load it under tried-n-true old-school bullets. Lots n lots of these combinations run through my press.


New member

Thanks U. Nick. I've used the same data for both when working up SUPER loads back in '92 and there really wasn't that much difference in ES/SD between the two. I alternated rounds in the mag during testing and deviation was negligible. Perhaps I was lucky.

WILL (Just WILL) I needed the 'J' 'cuz there was already another Will out there and I'm a 'Junior' and, well.....Just WILL is good.


Jim Watson

New member
No matter how well it's loaded, it leaves behind a lot of super fine, almost oily, residue

My FLG says that's the GOOD part.
Other powders leave gritty residue.

Me? My .45 machine is semi-permanently loaded with Bullseye, my 9mm/.38 press with HP38. I used others in The Panic but have gotten back to the basics now.


New member
My FLG says that's the GOOD part.
Other powders leave gritty residue.


Yes, Bullseye's residue is smeary and a bit like graphite lube. By powder residue standards, it's among the better - just wish there was less of it. Some residues are indeed sandy and somewhat gritty in texture.