Howdy folks


Staff Alumnus
I see that TFL is up and running! Woohoo!!! my hat off to Rich :)

the past few years have been quite hectic. im currently in iraq and will not be leaving anytime soon. it's my second rotation here.

other than the improvised explosive devices, occasional mortar attack and random AK47 fire, it's peaceful here ;) im doing as well as can be expected. most of our boys here have high morale due to good training and leaders.

all of my unit's raids have been successful and casualties have been minor. the worse thing here is the heat and dust. i use graphite for lub in my weapons. yesterday it was about 115 degrees and climbing. it's not even the hottest part of the year yet!!

well, hope all of you are well. those of you that emailed, i'll reply sooner or later. my email box is stuff to the tilt.


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Well howdy stranger. We were wondering where you disappeared to. Darn but it's been a long time since we heard from you. Want some jerky? PM you addy or is it still the same?

Jamie Young

New member

Next time you're back in Pennsylvania give me a holler. We've been building up quite a crew at the PA gatherings the last few years and I'd still like to get you out here. Dinner and all the beer you can drink is on us! Everyone has been wondering where you were and its been somewhat of a mystery.

Stay safe!

Check out the "lock and load forum" for the group photo of the PA THR/TFL crew.

Jamie Young
aka "SodaPop"
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Staff Alumnus
I have a favor to ask of somebody. If you happen to have a hard drive full of mp3's (prefer R&B and country but doesnt matter), I would really appreciate if you can burn me a few MP3 cds. I have an MP3 player but it's getting really boring listening to the same tunes over and over and over and over :)

I'd be glad to pay the shipping and cost of blank cds. PM and I will provide the APO address. Many thanks.


New member

It is wonderful to hear from you. We all miss you and I know you are in all of our thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to your prompt, safe return.

Warm regards -- Roy


New member
Hey Pal!


...bout time you gave a heads up...Glad yer' keepin' yerz down...
Send aother addy to this addy...Hang in and thanks for doin' the work...

did you take that shiny Baer with ya'?



New member
May God bless you and keep you and your buddies safe, young man. And, from the depths of my innermost being, THANK YOU for your service and selfless courage in the face of such imminent danger. Oh yeah, you have my permission to kick some serious A** there too!

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Welcome back!

Reading between the lines of the tabloid style press we have with CNN, our military is doing an exceptional job. Thank you for your part... Let you buddies know that there is a great deal of admiration and gratitude for them here.


New member

Son, glad you're okay! Stay safe! And THANK YOU for your service. Tell your buddies that most of us back home are supporting them - the loudmouths are loud, but they are a definite minority.

Now to get this old username changed....


New member
You ain't payin' for nothin!

Shipping my butt! I don't know an MP3 from an M1A, but if this is something I can buy at the store and ship to you consider it done. I'll start making this happen, in the meantime give me shipping instructions.

Thank you for giving an old guy a chance to help. Let me know where to ship. I'll bet my 12 year old knows what you're talking about, and we'll go get some music.

Good hunting,


New member

Long time, bro.

I see your exactly were you belong, amoung your brothers in arms.

Take care.


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
HEY! There he is!

Still loading on "your" Rock Chucker here, and using "your" Speer manual. Not much call for your holster yet, but we shall see.

It sounds like MP3's are covered; is there anything else we should send? If not for you, then maybe for someone else you've noticed is lacking something?

Stay safe, brother!

PS--Didja find out I went out and picked up a couple of kids before you dropped off the map? Twin boys. Seven years old, now, and named Kane and Donovan.


Staff Alumnus
If any of you wish to correspond, my address here is:

SGT ArmySon
2ND BCT 25th ID(L)
APO AE 09347-9994

Mail is kinda of slow. I can receive your letters in 1-2 weeks but my letters to you can take up to 3-4 weeks so be patient. I always reply :)


just mp3's burned onto a regular CD-R disk. unlike a lot of the support MOS', the grunts dont have access to nice post exchanges very often. sometimes we are in our FOB (forward operating base for months at a time). we move out again early june but still will be able to receive mail.

thanks everybody for your prayers. please say a prayer for my mother. i'm more worried about her than the bullets here.


congrats! it's been that long? sheesh!!!!! i have to meet them soon!

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Son ...

'You got it brother. BTW, what capnrik said. Save your change. We'll take care of the tunes ... but you gotta let us know if there's anything we can get to you that'll make your time pass easier. 'Don't want to get you in dutch with the mail checkers, though. How about batteries of any particular size or type? Do you have your Surefire with you?


New member
I can't remember Son...I think you like old school R & B and outlaw type country? Willie and Waylon stuff?

This old intel type is willing to make guilt related retributions to the eleven-bang bangs.