How to Show the Solidarity of the US Gun Owners


New member


" show we are united.....Hunters, benchresters, machine gunners, sporting clay guys, and anyone with a love of the shooting sports."

80 million gun owners and only 4 million NRA members???????
Dowsn't sood that united to me.

When have all of these groups EVER been united? I don't know about you but gun owners are their own worst enemies.
Many a gun owner wished that the assault ban would have been approved. We are not united as a group and that is our problem.

I commend you on trying to do something though.



New member
"70 million gun owners in the US and most are sheeple."

Jungle Work

I believe this to be the truth! Hey, I am always in for a reason to buy a gun or some ammo, and am in for some way to display unity, but not sure of increased gun sales will accomplish it. I am all for feedom to own and use firearms, but is that the real problem?

To me the threat to disarm us is merely a symptom of the disease. The whole system is corrupt, and all of our liberties are, or will be challanged and eventually removed. I would like to think badgering representatives would help, but I feel that they are thieves and liars for the most part, and the ones who may be trying to be faithful will only be drowned out by their evil conterparts. Does it really matter who the president is, or who controls the senate? We can see that we loose freedoms day by day regardless, and no libertarian will ever be allowed to sieze power.

What is the answer? I don't know. I am glad that folks like you men are thinking about it though. I fear forcing my children to attend the vile brainwashing institutions called public schools more then I fear looseing my guns. I fear foceing a draft that would call my children away to die in battle for something I do not feel worthy is worse then taking my guns. I fear being jailed for speaking my mind more threatening that taking my guns. The fact is, I won't let any of the above occur, I just am not thrilled by what will be neccesary keep those things from happening in the future.

Keep thinking fellas!