How to Show the Solidarity of the US Gun Owners

I was thinking that a show of power by the American gun owners would be just what the Nation needs after the death cries of the assaultweapons ban. Please help me to brain storm a way to show we are united.....Hunters, benchresters, machine gunners, sporting clay guys, and anyone with a love of the shooting sports. I was thinking of maybe all staying home from work one day and shutting down the nation for a day but that would be more like civil disobedience(maybe it isn't such a bad idea after all :confused: but somebody would lose their job for sure ). I don't pretend to have all the answers but a show of support for each other would go a long way to showing Congress and the President we still run this country....and have a vested interest in the direction it appears to be going....
could we all schedule a weekend gun show in local areas...I just want to help the American gun culture win back lost ground any ideas are welcome....Please assist me and Thanx...

Ps Maybe if we all call in sick nobody gets fired until after the press conference tells why at 12:00pm on such and such date there was a loud enough gun blast to cause all of komiefornia to fall into the ocean ;) jj
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Te Anau

New member
The problem your'e going to have is apathy.It runs deep in gun owners (from what ive experienced)and everybody expects someone else to fight the good fight.


Moderator Emeritus
Most gun owners are great at slactivism, but the majority avoid activism. Others have likened organizing gun owners to herding cats.

It is a worthy cause, but you need to try something different than has been tried before if you want to be successful. Research "FOUP" here on TFL. A great idea that just didn't happen. :(


New member
One big part of the problem is that there are so many gun owners that you cannot get them all pointed in the same direction. Not really a bad problem to have, but the appeal of the campaign has to be very high-level, very broad and VERY EASY TO DO.

Excellent idea, I'll try to think of something.


New member
Just support the National Buy Ammo Day.

I agree that geting everyone to cooperate would be a pain. Remember, even among gunners there are quite a few that believe you have no right to 'Assualt Weapons'.
ribbons/bracelets seem to be big now a days.....

How bout we all pick a day of week maybe and all wear a certain color of ribbon or something on our right arm representing the fight for rights.....Maybe red, white , and blue ribbon(or is that over the top) When you saw some one with one on we could exchange a gesture(nod, regular handshake, or say a phrase)...Liberty rules and guns are cool! you guys can do better than me but that should get the ball rollin' ;)


New member
How about a little pin shaped like a target. With a crossed ribbon, perhaps.

Then you could hang a bar below it with the name of your favorite Congressman and/or Senator on it. Naaaaah, that would be too obvious. :D

Great idea

Maybe a pin with three crossed guns and ar-15/30'06/bolt action with 2,4,and 14 on the bottom representing the ammendments being broken.... I really like the pin idea....guys keep'em coming remember the cheaper and easier the more people will say ok....
HOw about a t-shirt with this caption.....The ain't about hunting...with a picture of old glory being hoisted up....?
simple, to the point, and easy. Maybe we could get something organized like this for the fourth of July(I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier)? Patriotic t-shirt day....We all make/buy a shirt and wear it with the same caption. The front can represent us all and on the back we could put something for the individual.....Like on the back of mine I would want an ar-15 crossed over a garand so as to make an X with the title....The cost of freedom is high.....being ever vigilant!


New member
Sending a Message

How about this?

1. Contact every gun owner you know.

2. Tell them to buy a new or used gun or several boxes of ammo.

3. Tell them to do it on February 6th -- Sarah Brady's Birthday.


New member
Just read the responses about the pins and t-shirt ideas.

Along that line...

1. Create artwork -- use your imagination but here's my suggestion;

Show 3 Rifles stacked in old-fashioned military style

Rifle #1 - Flintlock era Musket
Rifle #2 - 1903 Springfield Bolt Rifle (or a Garand)
Rifle #3 - M16/AR15 type rifle

2. Above the photo the title "Militia Arms"

3. Below the photo "Keeping America Free Since 1776"

4. Put out the word - July 4th 2005 - Militia Arms Practice Day
Where ever you're going on July 4th, plan on visiting a range to practice with your militia arms. Take a friend. Introduce a child to shooting sports.
Great idea but not enough gun owners have the means to buy a gun

I just saw the "give terrorists the finger" thread and decided to post the idea I got from ought six's post here. We should all paint our trigger finger a color of ink on a certain day(i still like the fourth).....LIke on ash wednesday you see the sign and know someone believes as you do.... A quick question of how they learned about the finger paint(and what they shoot of course ;)) with an exchange of pleasantries and on your way you go....possibley with a new friend or shooting buddy. At the minimum we walk away knowing we are together on this issue. Hell depending on where you stay, you might be surprised to see a field of "smurf fingers" when we go out the door. What do you guys think?
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I think I am going to do what your second post says on the fourth of July just cause its a really good Idea even if we don't all decide to go that route ;) .
I especially love the quotes "militia arms" and "keeping america safe since 1776" ;) :D


New member
Not to be pessimistic, but I think your smurf fingers are going to be followed by bloody red ones on the Columbine anniversary, if they're not already planning it already.
Baxter, so let me get this straight...

Since this great idea of showing we are united MIGHT be copied by the antis we are to sit and do nothing?! Do you understand that the anti gunners will lie and do whatever it takes to get their agenda across('94AWB)?! If I had the power I would kick you out of this thread(so be glad I don't :) ). Sorry if this is not playing nice mods but to do nothing for fear of what the antis will do(try to copy or counter) this idea is rediculous! Frankly I would expect nothing less from the Brady Bunch if this was to take off, would you? Having said all that Baxter, if you can't offer assistance then please don't offer. Sheesh, try and do something good and see what you get. :rolleyes:

TheBluesMan you were right...I think gun owners are free spirits that march to the beat of their own drum...which is why we are hard to organize.Making the cat analogy fit perfectly.

PS Baxter:Why do you care what the antis response will be anyway?


New member
In the interest of accuracy, shouldn't it say "Keeping America free since April 19th, 1775"? I don't want to nitpick, but that was the day the colonists stood up to the British Army.


New member
Actually, TMC, on further thought, its probably a great idea, you just have to get it out there first. I can see it being well received on say, June 6, or July 4. A red thumb, etc to symbolize the sacrifice of patriots to defend against tyranny. (middle finger would be more accurate, but less well received.) You get it going and I'll do it.

Combine it with Iz's idea and spread a little history lesson with it.
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Point Taken....I think my zeal is showing :)....sorry

I still think that the anti gunners are going to do what they are going to do.
If we used the obvious red white and blue what could they say then? The colors represent all this nation stands for. It could stand for the love of the Constitution and especially the 2nd :D .


How about "one gun a month?"

How about we all do what the Brady scumsuckers have proposed... Buy one gun a month!

Work some overtime, have a yard sale, cut yards for cash, whatever. I'm not talking about buying one Python or one M1A a month, just ANY gun you can afford - used, handgun, shotgun, lever action, .22LR, whatever. Just buy one a month!

I saw a NEW Tarus .44 special revolver in a shop the other day - 2 1/2" barrel, 5 shot, bobbed hammer for $211.00

There are guns that can be had for $200 or less, if you look for them.
Check the classified ads in the newspaper or the "trader" type papers. If you can buy from a privite individual and do so with no paperwork, so much the better!! :D :D