How to create a Fascist State in 10 easy steps

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New member
Also you cant be charged with a felony by saying my neighbors house got searched on a website, because no one here knows who you are or where you are so all you are doing is dodging the question.

Wow, you really have no idea how non-private subpoenas to TFL and your ISP can make things.

However, I didn't answer the question because my response would not matter. I don't need to be personally involved to be against a law, do I? Seems like a little too late in the game to be politically active to me.


New member
Looking at #1, it seems to me that the enemy pretty much "invoked" themselves when they flew some planes into buildings all without any help from us.


yeah, it's not like we had a hand in arming that enemy, training that enemy and giving them plenty of reason to attack us in the first place :)


New member
Yeah, and it's not like they hadn't already invoked themselves for years before that. They had one lucky break, but really the only difference between 9/12 and 9/10 is that people were suddenly more scared than they had been before.

In other words, the terrorists won on 9/11.


New member
Archie said:
So what’s your solution? What’s the point here?
SecDef said:
I don't have a solution.
So, you are a Democrat. No point, no solution. Just whining and complaining about invented problems. Yup, Democrat.
Archie said:
Since Gitmo houses foreign combatants – prisoners of war, essentially – what charges are appropriate?
SecDef said:
The question is why were they released if we were still at war?
That's pretty well documented. Do you not pay attention or are you just being difficult? Oh, you're a Democrat; never mind, we know the answer to that.
SecDef said:
Why do you think it is only for foreign combatants? All you need is for the president to call label you an "enemy combatant" and you'll find yourself there, too. No habeus corpus, no representation, no appeal.
And all it takes is for the President to wave his magic wand? No, sorry, President Clinton was the one with the "magic wand." wasn't he? You think identifying someone as an "enemy combatant" stops the issue? You haven't been reading about this, have you? You just follow along the moonbat party line.
Archie said:
What statement have you had to sign under duress?
SecDef said:
Feel free to avoid this discussion if you don't want to participate.
Ah, yes. Ducking the question. Feel free not to post if you can't defend your thesis.
Archie said:
So how many of your neighbor’s houses have been searched while they’re away?
SecDef said:
I can't even imply that they have without opening myself up to a felony charge.
Too late; you already implied it when you made your statement. Did they come to take you to Gitmo yet?
You failed to mention the circumstances required to limit commenting on actions, didn't you?
Archie said:
There ain't no free lunch, except Jesus.
SecDef said:
I have to provide my gardener a free lunch?!!?
How amusing. He's proud of his ignorance. That removes all doubt. Democrat.
SecDef said:
This list pretty much sums up why I became a firearm enthusiast within the last 5 years, BTW.
You realize Democrats are opposed to personal ownership of firearms by commoners, don't you? If you vote for a Democrat – practically any Democrat – you are voting to surrender your firearms to the government.

Whereas the Republican Party is not the dream of gunowners, the Democrats are the nightmare.


New member
"If you can only attack the messenger and not the message, should I assume you have no qualms with the message?"


In most cases the messenger IS the message. Spin, excess baggage, preconceived notions, hidden agendas, or maybe just simple nonsense. You know where they're coming from before you even read the message.



New member
In most cases the messenger IS the message. Spin, excess baggage, preconceived notions, hidden agendas, or maybe just simple nonsense. You know where they're coming from before you even read the message.

That sounds like a description of Fox News! But seriously: you condemn the message without bothering to read or think about it, just because it comes from a source someone labeled with the dreaded word "liberal"? Personally I was happy to see that someone in this forum other than me actually reads the Guardian. There's nothing wrong with getting viewpoints other than those spouted by Rush.


New member
yeah, it's not like we had a hand in arming that enemy, training that enemy and giving them plenty of reason to attack us in the first place

Last time I checked we weren't issuing 757's to jihadi's


New member
Looking at #1, it seems to me that the enemy pretty much "invoked" themselves when they flew some planes into buildings all without any help from us.

Well, the problem becomes in the definition of the enemy. Is it a specific group or is it some vague definition? By taking the vague approach, it is possible to pretty much guarantee that you will never have closure.
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