How to bring the worst on us...

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New member
The "if I can't have you, nobody will" mentality is prone to take lives gun or no gun.
I thought this was a particularly important point...

Is it true that more cops get killed with blades than firearms? Its something I heard in passing, but could never find its source...


New member
Calls involving domestic violence are hated by LEOs because they can quickly turn into things like this. There is a lot of info not contained in that short article so it is very premature to be critical of the officers going to the gun club to arrest this scumball. As another poster said..we don't know what he was engaged in at the gun glub. He may well have been a danger to others there and they needed to go there but that info will probably come out later.
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New member
Not to mention that this is in a very rural, very conservative populace of redneck folks of the God fearin' tight family types...

Um, what does this have to do with anything?

Rural, conservative, "redneck," "God fearin`," types are just like everybody else, eh? Good, bad, indifferent. Smart and dumb. Virtuous and evil.

And they tag cops sometimes, too.

Crestview may have been redneck central 10 years ago, but the explosion of expansion in the last 7 years turned it into more of an active duty military town. (Air Force first, Army second, Navy and Coast Guard last)

That being said, it still doesn't have much of anything to do with the incident.

I feel for the families of the officers. However, they may have been better off at the range. Certain parts of Fort Walton Beach are very unfriendly for LEOs (and non-minorities). Just getting out of their cars, to approach the individual, could have resulted in their deaths.


Staff In Memoriam
The shooter was from Ft.Walton Beach. The call was from his home and he was later found at the range. The range is a full 8 miles outside of town and 'round these parts a simple mile is what separates "city life" from "real life".
By my description of this region, I simply meant that in general these crimes are very rare as folks have to worry about the strife it will bring upon the kin folk. Unless yer a Rushing or Darby cuz everyone knows them names are loaded with nar do well types. City slickers from else where transplant to all rural places. I am not a local native but have a bit different outlook on life and such. I hold in too high a regard respect and honor to bring strife to others.


New member
you assume that this was a just arrest, but that is not always the case in Okaloosa County, Florida. orchidhunter

Would you wait until you were sure it was a "just arrest" before you would act to save the lives of two men? Or before you would take forceful action against a man who had just murdered two people? :confused:

Bud Helms

Senior Member
This isn't about ... the Second Amendment.

This is about the lives of those two poor officers ...

A good point made here. It's difficult not to comment on this, as it is a situation involving firearms and the responsible ownership and use of same. But we're going down a different path here and it's off topic.

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