How rude is this?


New member
Too many people are all about themselves regardless of the sport:

If other fishermen see you on crappie they will get close enough you can touch them with your rod;

If they see you on a white bass school they will spook the school to get one cast;

When I was duck hunting in the Sanganois area, bored hunters would race their go-devils and airboats;

Dove hunters will set up within rock throwing distance on public fields;

Hunters will build permanent deer stands on public land (illegal) to attempt to lay claim to a good location; this as opposed to getting to a location they want to hunt before anyone else;

Things are the same everywhere, civility is a vanishing breed.


Man I hope you’re not one of those antisocial hunters I was talking about that doesn’t wave back but just glares.

Are you arguing for arguments sake, or do you really like crowding people while their trying to enjoy the outdoors ?. I’m not talking about the “right” to block of a road, I’m talking about respecting the fact that somebodies already there.

yes, i'm an anti social hunter who is advocating overcrowding in public hunting areas......
do you read what you've typed before you "submit reply"?

you're not saying that you have the "right" to block off a road, you're just saying that once you're there, everyone should make it their top priority to not come around or disturb you in any way.... would you like 6 of one, or a half dozen of the other?

By the way, I left out a lot of the my story (as stated). I was the one being threatened with firearms by a bunch of drunk ass, white trash, and I know I handled the situation perfectly. “Emotionally fragile”- far from it buddy. I just don’t like being threatened with firearms. Hell, I bet you would have ****** your pant’s.

You handled yourself like an emotionally fragile redneck.
you fired shots back at them, confronted them, and then told them there were cross hairs on them and made them apologize.

instead of making safety and the lives of your loved ones your top priority, you felt the need to confront them in an equally threatening and idiotic manner in order to save your hunting spot.

you escalated the situation and put everyone involved in greater danger.
your actions were just as childish and dangerous as theirs, you are no better.


New member
Things are the same everywhere, civility is a vanishing breed.

Not where I live and hunt, I seldom ride by a camp without someone asking me to step down and take coffee with them.

I don't let anyone pass my camp without offering a chance to warm their back side at my fire, or I alway have a spare cup ready.

I guess its where you live.


New member
Wow - quite a variety of responses.

Maybe try and read the messages before we get into a flaming match.

The title of the post was "How rude...", not how illegal. I never said they did not have the right to do it, just that it was rude.

I can't imagine why someone would go down a road that someone else is hunting. This is walking hunting, not tree-standing. If someone is there ahead of you, your chances of magically seeing an elk that they somehow missed is pretty slim. So then you have 2 people that have wasted a hunting day - first one in and second one in.

The roads we are talking about are very loosely described as roads. They were roads once, but now a more accurate description would be a trail. Most are blocked off so a truck can't get in, but ATVs can easily navigate the berms.

Your plans to hunt there that day are no more important than another persons plans to ride their atvs there that day.

They were not there to ride their ATVs, they were there to hunt. We purposely camp on a main gravel road so we are not blocking access to anyone. There are people in that area that will camp and block off an area to keep it to themselves, and then go hunt somewhere else.

The common courtesy is if someone gets to a trail first, you go find somewhere else. There are plenty of places to hunt.

By this logic, I'd be well within my rights to block off same road with my truck so I could putt around on my quad without the distraction of those pesky hunters hiding in a blind and firing rifles all day long?

If your truck is there already, I'll go find somewhere else to hunt. That is called courtesy.

Yeah, they wonder if hunters could ruin their good ATV ride.

My OP was not intended to be anti-ATV. I would have said the same thing if other hunters walked in on top of me. But the reality is no one is going to walk into most of these areas if they know someone is walking ahead of them.

There is also a designated ATV area within 30 miles of where we are hunting for people that just want to ride, where there is no hunting. No one goes where we hunt just to trail ride their ATVs.

if you have a problem with that, then YOU need to find some private land to hunt on where it is not allowed.

Wow - where did that come from? The reason I live in Oregon is the public land. The way it will continue to work is if people show at least a little respect for other hunters in the woods.

Oregon has a great system of ATV designated trails, some beach, some mountain, some eastern Oregon desert. When we get drawn for eastern Oregon mule deer, there is a whole system of ATV trails, which is part of the reason we go there. I don't get upset to see other riders on the trail, and have no problem with them. You know where the trails are and hunt away from them.

So, flame away. I will stick to my opinion that knowingly screwing up someone bow hunting on foot is rude.


New member
If your truck is there already, I'll go find somewhere else to hunt. That is called courtesy.

When I said this:
By this logic, I'd be well within my rights to block off same road with my truck so I could putt around on my quad without the distraction of those pesky hunters hiding in a blind and firing rifles all day long?

I was referring to this:
I park my truck to block off dead end logging roads

If I'm riding around in hunting season and if I see a vehicle parked at the entrance to a logging road that I know dead ends shortly, I'd give the courtesy of finding myself another road to ride on.

On the other hand, if I see someone has illegally blocked a public road with his truck, something about that road now becomes irresistible and I simply must explore it by riding around the vehicle and/or reporting it to the ranger.

In the old days, I might have thrown a chain around it's axle and dragged it out of the way... but I'm getting older.

Mr. Mellow!:)
Well dav, you still sound like you feel some sort of entitlement that because you were on a public access road that nobody else should use it. What I get from your descriptions is this...

I think the ATV riders were rude for riding their noisy ATVs and potentially disturbing our hunt which happened to be along the public access road as we aren't going to put forth the effort to hike or ride our bikes in a couple of miles to a more isolated location away from a road.

I can't imagine why someone would go down a road that someone else is hunting.

Do you think, maybe, it could be because the road is the road the ATV riders use to get to their hunting location?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
DNS, it's not really worth worrying about. Maybe they, themselves, were indeed going to their own hunt area. And, maybe, they were just out joyriding. The trouble is, there's no way to know.

Folks need to realize that a deer's attention span is maybe twenty minutes. An ATV goes past, and within a half-hour or less everything is back to normal. If a critter is more than a hundred yards from a truck or ATV when it goes down a road, they rarely do more than just look at it and then go back to whatever they were doing before.

Heck, I've watched deer keep the brush on a vehicle from ten or fifteen yards away, and when the vehicle leaves, go right back to browsing...


New member
Do you think, maybe, it could be because the road is the road the ATV riders use to get to their hunting location?

No. It does not go anywhere. It is a spur road. It is not a main road. If it was a main road, or was the way to get to another area - I would have no problem with it.

This particular road is blocked by what we commonly call a "tank trap" - steep berm up, near vertical drop of about 6 ft, another vertical berm on the far side of the hole.

Someone chainsawed away enough trees on the side to squeeze an ATV through.

If I'm riding around in hunting season and if I see a vehicle parked at the entrance to a logging road that I know dead ends shortly, I'd give the courtesy of finding myself another road to ride on.

Thanks. That was all I was saying.

I simply must explore it by riding around the vehicle and/or reporting it to the ranger.

That is how I feel about camps blocking off areas. If there is just a vehicle parked somewhere, I know at least I can get in there when it leaves or the next morning. A camp is there 24/7.


New member
That is how I feel about camps blocking off areas.

Yeah, I've seen that too. They usually move after I ride through full throttle, knocking chairs over, catching tent lines on my handlebars and wheelying through the campfire!:)

Yup.... they call me Mr. Mellow.:)

Sorry.... I'm being a mite flippant today.:eek:

Having grown up out West (Washington,Idaho,Oregon,...) I am not suprised by what has been said here. The main thing to remember is not every one hunts the same,some are a$$ hats and many are good people. Sometimes you have to over look the bad apples. They may not have realized how close or far you were. I have had it happen to me before and it will proably happen again, it's all part of hunting. I have met some very nice people while in the woods,had a conversation with them ,they leave and not 5 minutes later have a deer or elk come walking by that they spooked so don't always look at it as a bad thing it can be to your benifit(spellcheck:D).
As soon as I can sell this darn house I have here in West Virginia I plan to move back to Idaho simply because of the nicer people you seem to meet out west, That and I miss the big trees and blue skies and hunting bear(the big bad boys), not the little sugar bears that are smaller than my dog that they have here. :D

So have a cold one relax and try again, enjoy nature for what it is, and I am not flaming anyone I am just saying enjoy the outdoors while we still have it to enjoy.

Double Stack

New member
That is how I feel about camps blocking off areas. If there is just a vehicle parked somewhere, I know at least I can get in there when it leaves or the next morning. A camp is there 24/7.


.308 Win, Kraigwy, Fbrown well said all of you !. That’s what the outdoors are all about.

yes, i'm an anti social hunter who is advocating overcrowding in public hunting areas......
Man that’s all I had to hear. Your opinion now holds no water with me. I don’t know how old you are, but you’re coming off like a crotchety old man drowning in hatred for the “world”. I’m just glad you and your attitude are in the minority when it comes to the outdoor enthusiast. People like you often use the saying “Life sucks and then you die !”. You should give it a shot, I think it will fit you quite well. Enjoy !.

In the old days, I might have thrown a chain around it's axle and dragged it out of the way... but I'm getting older.
Haha I don’t believe you for a second. I can’t think of one state with one hunter that would let you drive out of the woods when he caught you towing his truck by the axle. At the very least you would probably catch a couple rounds through your tire’s (or engine block), and you would be walking home if the situation didn’t elevate from there. You don't mess with a man's rig. Thanks for the laugh though.


New member
Haha I don’t believe you for a second.

Do you know where your truck is tonight?:)

Actually, I never had the displeasure of meeting a hunter that would block a public road. As for getting away with jerking his truck around by an axle, I've found that getting the drop on someone so arrogant isn't usually too difficult.:p

Double Stack

New member
Just checked- my truck is fine thanks. All joking aside, I would never disrespect other hunters by blocking off a real road.
Like davlandrum and I have already said- the “roads” are more like bonafide overgrown trails than they are roads. Plus, it’s just the ass end.

I”m not blocking off a huge road, I’m only blocking off a small bit which is just enough to put a buffer between me and them.
No. It does not go anywhere. It is a spur road. It is not a main road. If it was a main road, or was the way to get to another area - I would have no problem with it.
The roads we are talking about are very loosely described as roads. They were roads once, but now a more accurate description would be a trail. Most are blocked off so a truck can't get in, but ATVs can easily navigate the berms.


New member
Double Stack, I can't recall ever meeting a "hunter" that would start shooting at someone elses truck for any reason of than SD. To do so would be idiotic. They may run up, cuss, scream and attempt to pound the culprit into the dirt but you're just asking for jail time if you're dumb enough to start shooting.



New member
My Spot

I've found when you are hunting Public land the only spot you have A right to, is the one you are standing or sitting in. Even then you may be asked to move or encrouched upon. Some public land is not worth the hassle. Sometimes its better to empty your wallet and join A lease.


Haha I don’t believe you for a second. I can’t think of one state with one hunter that would let you drive out of the woods when he caught you towing his truck by the axle. At the very least you would probably catch a couple rounds through your tire’s (or engine block), and you would be walking home if the situation didn’t elevate from there. You don't mess with a man's rig. Thanks for the laugh though.

Every hypothetical situation you bring up ends with unjustifiable gun violence

I hate to say it, but it's people like you that give gun owners a bad rep

I dont blame you though, i blame the people who "rased" you

Double Stack

New member
L KillKenny,
I think the idiotic thing would be creating a situation by messing with another mans truck in the middle of the woods. Besides, only a cowered would mess with a mans truck.

My self though- if I caught some sone of bitch doing that to my truck, I’d pull him out of his rig, stomp the living shet out of him, and then pepper spray his worked over face. Like I said- I don’t believe in messing with a mans rig. The earlier hypothetical was based off the fact that there’s bitch men out there that would rather screw up a mans truck than face him. O and also the fact that the first thing that the dumb ass, drunk, white trash family said to me was “ yer lucky we didn’t shoot your truck up”. Plus this jackass with his “I’d tow your truck out by the axle”. Go figure- there’s more antisocial, degenerate, drunk hunters in the forests of Oregon.

I think I might start hunting deer in Texas on the family land ( along with Axis), and just do the rest of my hunting here in Oregon. Then I would only have to deal with Elk season because that’s the only other season that brings the ass hats into the woods.
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