How popular are Smith and Wesson M&P's in your neck of the woods?

Greg Bell

New member

I notice that the Smith and Wesson M&P's are very popular on certain net forums. Around middle Georgia, you rarely see them.My local gun shops report little interest. However, around here people are nearly zombie-like in their attachment to Glocks, so I can see the gun shops pushing Glocks in that price range.

Anyway, are they popular where you are? I am not asking if they are good or bad (I think they are fine), just if they are selling in decent numbers.


Moderator Emeritus
I seem to see a fair number around and in gun shop counters.

They're certainly more prevalent here than they were back in Glocksville Knoxville.


New member
Very popular here.

Still not on par with Glock, but they've all but replaced the old Stigmas. I'm seeing more of them than XDs and XDms put together.

Greg Bell

New member

I wonder if, the further you get away from Smyrna, the thinner the concentration of Glock Kool-Aid in the water?


Around here the XDs are behind the Glocks--but they have dropped off considerably in the last few years.

Greg Bell

New member

Same here. Eagle had one for months, and when he finally sold it he refused to restock. I know Smith had a nice promotion with free mags that seemed to drum up interest.
I live in PA.
I was in my local gunstore the other day, and the only other guy in the store was ordering an M&P9C because the one that the store had in stock sold the day before.
I think the more people shoot them, the more they will buy. They are pretty nice guns and don't seem to be priced too bad, either.

Not a glock, though....
(sips his kool aid and says...dam that's good) :D:D


New member
However, around here people are nearly zombie-like in their attachment to Glocks

Hopefully not in an Innsmouth sort of way, heh? Sorry I couldn't resist, it's so rare I find fellow least I'm assuming from your signature that you are.


New member
I don't know anyone personally who owns one, but Sportsman's Warehouse can never keep them in stock. I MAY own one Friday...still trying to decide.


New member
In S.C. you see alot of Glocks. I am seeing a surge of XDs'. No P99s' or XDMs'
I have seen a few M&Ps around. But not many,


New member
Most of the gun stores in my area have them. The range that I shoot at sells Glocks and Smiths as their primary product. Both lines are moving very well around here, with the display case getting a little thinner every time I go through.


New member
My local fun store sells quite a few. He doesn't stock as many M&Ps as he does Glocks; or maybe he's selling more and can't hold on to them, I'm not sure.


New member
EXTREMELY popular in Southeastern Michigan. They are outselling Glocks. Especially the M&P9 - which I think is the best of the M&P models.


New member
They are all over the place up here. The majority of what I saw on dealer's tables at the gun show two weeks ago was M&P's of some variety. Gander Mountain seems to be full of them as well. They seem to be selling well. They are a bit cheaper than Glocks around here, which makes them a fairly affordable handgun.


New member
i ve been hitting the gun/pawn shops hard recently. ive seen a few dozen m&p's, quite a few glocks, a hand full of xd's and like 2 xdm's.

thats just what ive seen on the displays, i have no clue how well they are selling.