How often do you shoot your EDC?


New member
I generally make it a point to run at least 6-12 round through my S&W M19 everytime I go to the range. Problem is all too often I end up running an entire box of 50 through it and neglective any other 38/357 that I brought out there. One of the drawbacks of your EDC also being your favorite. :D


New member
A couple times a week during the daylight hours,Then once a week at night a clip or 2.Its nice to live in the contry & have a range in the yard.:D


New member
If you are not shooting your EDC much anymore, maybe it's time to switch your carry gun to something else.

The whole point of a carry gun is to be so familiar with it that its use becomes automatic during times of stress. If you're "losing touch" with a pistol, it's not a good development


New member

WTH are acronyms? (See posts 16 & 17) IDK. BTW, I shoot my EDC every range trip (at least 2/mo.). At least what's in the cylinder, maybe more. Depends on how I feel about it at the time. I have two CC guns. I shoot whichever one I happen to be carrying that day. Both are 5 shot revolvers. IMHO, one should practice with his carry as often as possible.


At least once every other week for a 200-300 round range session with about an 80/20 mix of target to carry ammo. I usually work on fundamentals and skills like reloading, malfunction drills, etc. In between while at home, I practice drawing from concealment, reloads on the move, weak hand manipulations, etc.

These days, I only own my carry pistol, a couple shotguns. Shopping for/deciding on another AR. In years past, I've had several handguns at a time but did not carry then. I strive to master this one pistol, this one caliber, and in doing so hope to stay alive longer. My investments are in ammo, targets, holster, belt, mag carrier and range time. Soon, more training.

Ruger SR9C, currently in a Galco KingTuk designed for the Glock 19, IWB, strong side between 4 and 5 o'clock. Soon to be replaced by an RCS Phantom with an FBI cant and the accessory double mag carrier. I use a cheap but effective knock-off Trainer's belt from Duluth Trading.

Silent Bob

New member
I haven't shot mine since summer. It is a Colt 1991 Government Model. It does get cleaned once a month to get any lint or other debris out of it and to get fresh oil put in. I routinely practice with other guns with the same manual of arms. Saves wear and tear on the carry gun. When I get the quirks worked out of my Commander it will probably become the new carry gun, and the GM will get fired more once again.


New member
I usualy shoot at least once a week. Carry gun gets at least one mag of my handloaded SD equivilant rounds. My BUG I shoot at least one magazine full a week, unless it is super duper cold. Frozen hands, and shooting a P-64 in 9mm Mak is not a good combo for me. Then agian if it is that cold I am probably inside working on my reloading bench anyway.


New member
After reading how often most of you shoot your EDC, I made it to the club Tuesday and ran some doubletap drills and weak and strong hand shooting. Worked at 40' since our one retractable target is broken.

Shot about 70 rounds. I'll be shooting it more. Even if it's only a couple mags every couple weeks.
I bought a S&W 4006 which I'm going to use for EDC, as soon as I get a new part for it. The PT709 will see more during the summer since it conceals really well.


New member
I used to shoot mine daily, 5 rounds in the garage (sometimes 10 if I didn't hit the bull with the first 5 shots). Now I shoot 2 or 3 times a week, same deal.

I carry a .22 Magnum Black Widow and practice using the extra .22 lr cylinder.


New member
I have two of each of my favorite carry guns. One gets shot more, one gets carried more. More or less once a month is my minimum shooting the primary or my backup gun, so the guns really only get shot every other month. However once a month they are broken down for a cleaning no matter what. I go to the range ually once a week and the carry gun will get a cleaning along with whatever else I am cleaning that day.

I mostly own dao (with a few exceptions that don't get shot that often) piatols so most of my practice translates over rather nicely. My problem is that I have been getting into rifles a lot more here lately and have been splitting my range time between handgun and long gun.


New member
Every week now that my broken ankle is healed. That put me out of commission for almost 3 months. I am taking a refresher "Gun Fighting Course" in March and will shoot 250 rounds of Remington 9MM+P Golden Sabers and 100 rounds of Winchester Ranger T in 127GR +P+. That will all be in one day across 8 hours.


New member
Every week now that my broken ankle is healed. That put me out of commission for almost 3 months. I am taking a refresher "Gun Fighting Course" in March and will shoot 250 rounds of Remington 9MM+P Golden Sabers and 100 rounds of Winchester Ranger T in 127GR +P+. That will all be in one day across 8 hours.

350 rounds is just getting started :D. I have been thinking of looking into a course like that. I practice alot but never have had formal training, it looks fun too.


New member
My actual carry gun? Maybe every other month. It gets cleaned far more often than shot.
But then again, I have an exact duplicate range gun that I put the rounds through every week. It is usually what I practice my draws on too.

For what it is worth I transitioned over to a two gun theory a few years ago.....I don't remember what expert recommended it but after I took a buddy to the range and witnessed a failure with his EDC I decided to adopt that method. Short version of the story is he was trying, like so many others, to test the long term life of his pistol without maintenance or cleaning. Nothing wrong with that if that is your thing, but his failed to fire. Which rammed home to me the point of having a second range gun for all of the round count.

My current dupe has over 50k on it right now......I doubt it's twin brother (my edc) has much more than 5k.


New member
My EDC is a Glock 19. I shoot it more then anything else. If I liked shooting something else better it would be my carry gun. That said, I have many guns that are fun to shoot.


New member
For what it is worth I transitioned over to a two gun theory a few years ago.....

I'm in the process of doing that myself. I just bought a S&W 4006 to carry. I'll use the 5906 for practice and IDPA.
Maybe if I find another PT709 cheap enough, I get a second one. The 709 has been rock solid so I'll stay with it for summer carry.