How often do you shoot your EDC?


New member
I find myself shooting my EDC gun less and less. I shoot a fair amount of handgun, just not that one. I shot it quite a bit when I first bought it, and always feel comfortable when I do shoot it. With our range rules there's only so much I can do anyway.
Besides, I have other handguns that are more fun!

Between shooting USPSA and general range work, I don't seem to suffer any not shooting it.
That said, sometimes I feel I should be shooting it more. {conflicted}


New member
Once a week for at least the rounds that are in it. When I go to the range the first thing I do it put up a target and shoot it with the carry gun. I want to see what I'm capable of while I'm cold, before I've had a chance to practice the trigger stroke, sight alignment, etc.


New member
Everytime at the range-I pick it up from the bench loaded and fire into the chest area of a target without aiming.

Those bullets have to easily cover the inside of a paper plate at ten yards or I have to practice some more.

Usually,the group is fine and I put that gun away and continue onto my others.


New member
I like to shoot my EDC at least once a month . But have not been able to since before Christmas. Money was tight before Christmas and after Christmas I hurt my back and can't stand, sit,walk or lay down for any length of time. So no can go for now .
If I don't shoot a gun, I really don't see it as being suitable for defending my life. This is my problem with folks who buy and shoot service and target pistols, all while carrying a hard-to-shoot mouse gun they never actually practice with.


New member
Usually when I go out shooting I will put a magazine through it. It's a litle TCP that is not really fun to shoot. I only shoot it to keep proficient with it.
Oh and to verify that the anti gun fairies didn't come during the night and render it inoperable with their NYC invented and CA produced pixie dust.

Honestly though, you gotta put the rounds through to keep profient with it, otherwise you are merely posturing.. Unless you are really good at posturing that ain't gonna keep you safe.


New member
Anytime I go shooting I'll put at least a couple mags through my carry guns, but I'll spend more time with my range pistols generally


New member
Everytime I go to the range they get at least 1/2 box or more depending on what I'm shooting that day. As I consider eveything I own as a potential CCW with the exception of the S&W N-frames and Ruger SA, they're just to big and heavy.

I don't believe in the carried a lot and shot little approach. I like to shoot so my carry guns get shot, maybe not as much as some others but they do get shot a lot.


New member
Every 2 weeks - I start w/ the EDC gun and shoot 25 rounds or so. If I'm happy with the results, I go on to whatever second gun I have that day or maybe just keep shooting the EDC. Depends on how much ammo I have and what kind at the moment. This is after I have shot a couple of hundred through the EDC gun to get a good feel for it and make sure it works ok.


New member
Every time I go to the range,,,

No matter what I take to practice/plink with,,,
My EDC is always there as well.

I shoot the magazine empty,,,
Sometimes more but usually just one mag,,,
If I hit well with it I see no need to shoot it any more.

Back to .22 LR plinking I will go.



New member

What the heck is EDC?

I have been around guns for 25+ years.

Is it the same as CCW?

Enough with the acronyms!!!!


New member
Several times a week. Sometimes heavy, some times light.

I'm lucky that I have a range in my back yard. Sometimes I'll take several rounds and go through a heavy session.

Some times I just fire a few rounds. Maybe just draw and shoot one handed with left and right hands.

On bad weather days when I"m feeling wimpy (at my age thats more often then not during bad weather) I have a window cut in my shop wall that over looks my pistol target. I hang a hostage target in the window and fire a couple shots just to keep in shape.

I also have hotages targets hung in the house and shop for dryfiring.

If I'm out in the back pasture I normally like to take pop shots at my steel rifle targets I have all over the place.

I normally go through about 200 rounds a week.