How often do you practice with your carry pistol?


New member
I put 50-200 rounds through my EDC 3-4 times per year. I plink more often with my .22's, but cannot afford to recreationally shoot 9 mm nearly as often.


New member
Shoot my carry gun a couple times almost every day.then burn 50 or 100 rounds about once a month.thats about all i can afford.:D


New member
Due to my job I am only able to get to the range once every 4 to 6 weeks or so but, when I go I'll easily shoot a minimum of 500 to 1000 rounds through my various pistols over the course of my week or so off. Most of those will be through my top 3 that I alternate carrying.

Due to my dilemma I simply dry fire daily (with snap caps of course) and, A LOT!


New member
I practice with my CC (Kahr K9) once or twice a month with 1-2 mags of ammo.
Not much practice with my specific carry gun but I normally shoot my other guns with similar features.


New member
There is no set schedule since going into Off Duty Status and retired, but, and there always is a but life, the less experienced you are the more frequently you should train ... not JUST shoot! Ammo availability and cost these days is the biggest restriction for you young shooters I am sure...

Spats McGee

Every time I go to the range. For me, that means 4 or 5 times a year (if I'm lucky), usually putting 100-150 rounds, collectively, through everything that I take with me. Sometimes that's 1 gun, sometimes it's 5.


New member
I carry a Kel-Tec P3AT 380 with 90 gr Gold Dots loaded to 1100 fps.
I never ever shoot it.

Then this antelope buck was not dead and the rifle was still in the truck, so I handed my 380 to the shooter to finish off the buck. The gun did not fire. It was full of pocket lint. I blew a huge ball of pocket lint out of the action. Plenty of pocket lint was still in there. I handed it back to him, and he shot the buck.

Now I am practicing, cleaning, and paying more attention to my carry pistol.


New member
I have a couple of EDC carry pistols that I switch between. A Shield 9mm and an XDm .45 3.8" compact.

I get to the range about once a month and put 100 rounds or so through each.


New member
Ehh... It depends. Sometimes I shoot a few times a month, sometimes I go as long as 3 months between range sessions. I'm LEO too, so I really should practice more. It's been tough, though. Work, family, and I'm finishing school... so my time is scarce. When I am in an on-again phase (usually during easy classes or in-between classes), I will shoot 500 rounds or so a month. That keeps me at the 100% level for NC's training and standards firearm qualification. Not that this is super skill, mind you. You're pretty good if you cut the times in half and qual 100%, but as it stands the qual course isn't overly difficult.


New member
Not enough. I have to have a death grip on the thing to keep it from jumping out of my hand. Not a pleasant shoot. It's pretty accurate once you get some trigger control. (Pf9)