How often do you practice with your carry pistol?


New member
On average, I shoot mine about every 2 weeks. I was just curious about what other guys do.


Weather permitting at least once per week.
If I'm in for some shooting then more than that.
I carry 4 different handguns & am proficient with all 4.
G-23, G27, Shield .40, Smith Pro Series .357.
I shoot my revolvers & autos quite a bit just because I like to shoot.
I do reload & shoot in my back yard range. Most all neighbors are shooters


New member
I'd like to say once a week....but life always gets in the way. We have plans to shoot every Tue or Thr during the summer. Hopefully we'll be more organized as time goes on.

I need to invest in a piece of land somewhere close to my home. I have 4 acres and distance between neighbors to shoot legally but I hate to produce the noise in the "neighborhood". Normally I'll shoot if I can catch both my neighbors away on the weekend and do some testing or shooting while they're away.

I swear here lately half my trigger time has been from testing different reloads.


New member
Once a week or every 2 weeks if I am lucky..usually about 50 rounds or so...also shoot some others if time permits that I want to work up a reload for.


New member
About every two weeks. If I haven't personally re-qualified myself with any one of my 4 carry guns within the last month, I won't carry it.

I require 19 out of 20 rounds in the black on an 8" target at 21' point an shoot. I also accept 9 out of 10 at the 30' steel target range with 10" targets. I will typically prefer to carry which ever one I did best with out of 3. I am always best with the full sized .45, but it isn't always convenient to carry. It hasn't gone on my last two trips, so now requires a shoot before it can make the rotation.

Today's carry - Taurus 85S .38Spec +P, being the newest it has some baby of the family preference.

If I don't take my Firestorm .40 on my next trip, it will drop off rotation as well.

I consider it a responsibility to be proficient with a carry gun.


New member
EVERY time I go to the range. My carry pistol is also my "target" pistol. In fact, I have TWO identical copies of this gun. So, I switch back and forth between them, keeping the round count roughly equal. I go to the range about 3 times a month.

"Carry what you shoot....and shoot what you carry" I am fond of saying.


New member
I shoot my carry gun once a year when I put in fresh rounds. Let's face it -- it will never be on the list of "100 most fun to shoot".

I shoot my practice / carry gun at least monthly.

Here is my carry gun and my practice / carry gun.

340pd Centennial



New member
I shoot at least once or twice a week with one of my Glock 17's, and two or three times a month with one of my 26's.

I mostly shoot those two, and shoot the ones I carry a couple of times each month as well, when I rotate through them. That way they all get shot regularly.

They are all "box stock" guns, so there is no noticeable difference between them and one over the other isnt an issue. Just pick one and shoot it.

I also shoot a number of other different types from month to month over the year, depending on my mood anymore, just to stay on top of them.


New member
It's really the only firearm I shoot with any regularity at all. If it's not my carry gun it gets very little attention. I usually get to the range once or twice a month, 200-500 rounds. I'd say 90% of that comes from my carry gun.


New member
when I was first deciding which pistol I wanted to carry, I practiced 2 to 3 times a week. then afterwards about once a week. then I let it slip to about once a month, if that. then when I decided to switch to my alternate rig I started going back to twice a weeks and now I'm down to about once a month again. I should practice more but I just don't seem to find the time like I should.


New member
once a month I'll draw from concealment & tap a few targets at a time.

The other guns are close in trigger & size ; )


New member
I used to every couple weeks but haven't had the time to recently. It has probably been 2 months since I fired any of my guns but that will change when my new p224 comes in.


New member
I have a lot of handguns I enjoy shooting ....but my primary carry is a 5" 1911....and I either shoot that specific gun that I carry ...or one just like it twice a week....with some kind of tactical drill, with a timer, with some buddies.

We shoot mostly for fun ...but its good training.

If I have an issue with some aspect of the course of fire...( reload times, accuracy, time out of holster to one shot on target, etc...) then I usually work on that alone at the range on a separate trip later that week. If I'm having a lot of issues...I make time to shoot Tue afternoons, Thurs evening and on Sunday afternoon until I get it worked out ( 2 or 3 boxes per session ...vs 8 or 10 boxes on one session -- makes for better practice for me personally ).