How much ammo when hunting?


New member
Full magazine in the rifle and 10 extra rounds. 45LC or 44Spl Ruger with 6 plus 18 in an ammo wallet for the varministas or close encounters....


New member
Six rounds. Three in the gun and 3 in my pocket. Don't know how I arrived at that but its the way I have always done it. I guess if I miss with 3 rounds, I won't need a fourth.


New member
Luckily where I hunt, I'm never more than a mile from the truck. As such, I never have less than 5 in the rifle, and 5 in the shell sleeve on the stock, with the remainder of the box inside my pack. So far, have not fired more than 3 rds in any hunt, and that was at 2 deer. My sidearm, one cylinder full or one magazine full, depending on which I carry.

cole k

New member
How much ammo I carry depends on what I'm hunting and how long I plan on being gone.
If I'm deer hunting for a day or two, I'll have 4 cartridges in the and 4 more in the my cartridge holder. I'll also have at least 12 more back at the truck.
If I'm squirrel or rabbit hunting with my .22 rifle, I'll have one 10 round mag in the rifle and 2 more 10 round mags in my pocket. And more at the truck.
If I'm dove hunting I'll likely a case with me and another case back at the truck.


New member
Into the dove field I always carry 50 shells.

Last time I hunted squirrels I had 10 in the rifle and 20-30 more in my shirt pocket.

In search of deer earlier this evening, 40 minutes from the house and <20 minutes into the woods I only had 3 in my rifle. I had another 10-15 in a box in the car. Usually a partial box will come with me into the woods but I was carrying a tree stand so I was trying to minimize extra weight. As I sat there thinking about it, it made me just a bit nervous. Next time I'll probably make space for the box.


New member
I always keep my 30.06 A bolt loaded with 4 ( not one chambered ). I keep another 4 in my pocket. And depending on where I am hunting and if its legal I always have my G17 or sp101 with me . . . always

By the way, I'm never too far from the truck . . . where I keep 20rnds minimum ( for the rifle ) and two spare mags for the glock.


New member
In camp, I always have a box (or two if my backup is of a different caliber).
In the field, I load the box of 5 when I go out and carry another 5 in my pocket.

Good luck

Fat White Boy

New member
For pigs: Usually 20 rounds for my rifle. For my .357, 6 in the pistol and one full quik loader. For Dove, a Walmart 100 pack of 7 1/2. For quail, whatever is left over from dove. For Chukar, a couple of boxes of Hi-base #4's...
Hunting elk on a National Wildlife Refuge

the Rangers conducting the hunt restricted us to 5 rounds with us, and unlimited rounds in our vehicles, which were parked at the Refuge HQ's.

Seems it was necessary because some hunters, if allowed more than 5 rounds, would shoot at elk at extreme range, just hoping they would eventually get the correct holdover. With the 5 round restriction, when you ran out of bullets, you had to wait at the road for up to 2 hours for a Ranger to pick you up and take you back to the parking lot to get 5 more rounds.

I got my elk at 40 yards. No "ranging shots" needed!


New member
1 reload

For many years I had a leather belt slide for rifle ammo that held 12 rds and that is what I carried afoot. Loaded directly from it (4+1), so 7 rds as spares.

Lately I've come to be a fan of the butt cuff ammo carrier for rifles, and the elastic ones I buy seem to hold the odd number of nine, thus 5 spares. Much of my rifle hunting is sedentary now, on ROW's and green fields, and the fact the ammo is exposed does not trouble me. I like the convenience of being able to grab what ever rifle strikes my fancy an know ammo is on board and not have to search for ammo when time is short on a quick hunt, like after work.

For spring turkey, one may hoof it alot. Magnum shotgun ammo is heavy.
My vest has 8 elastic shell loops. Four of these hold extra strikers, calls, and a pen light. The other 4 hold extra shotgun ammo, the equivalent of one shotgun reload, for a total of 8 turkey loads (4 in the gun, 4 in the vest). I carry a trash round in a pocket, that I can slip in the mag and pump up, for shooting vermin


New member
This season Ill be hunting in heavy brush with my 3030...Filling the 3 round magazine and 7 more in different pockets. Never know!!


New member
I used to put 3 in the rifle and 2 in my pocket and go out for deer. One day while hunting in West Virgina, I was back in about 2-3 miles and had an encounter with a rabid raccoon. Try and hit a crazy raccoon in brush that is running around and growling at close range with a scoped rifle. I got him before he got me but it was a close thing. The muzzle blast turned him back once long enough for me to reload. I had one round left and it was a long walk back to the truck. No less than 15 rounds go with me now.

phil mcwilliam

New member
There has been at least half a dozen occassions over the last 30 years of hunting where I have been involved in locating lost hunters in remote areas by them firing locating shots. I always carry 1 box minimum.Better to have too many rounds than run out. The extra weight of 16 rounds that arent already in your rifle is negligable.


While I take box with to camp, I carry one in the chamber and two in the magazine when I go a field. Never had a problem. For deer that is.

Small game, at least a box, maybe two.
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New member
Spare ammo, and other bits

Hi All,
My hunting is never done less than 700 Miles from home, and more importantly, a similar distance from the nearest gun shop. I therefore take with me 100 reloads for my 30-06 and the same ammount for my handgun if I am about to hunt with it. (I also take a spare scope and tools to replace on if need be)

A scope can be bumped- requiring to replace or re-zero it, this can consume quote a few rounds.

When I am hunting, I carry 4 in the rifle and 8 in a plastic strip in my pocket. for the revolver, one full cylinder and one speed loader. Never needed half of it, but like a my carry gun, I'd rather have it and not need it than have it the other way around.

In any event, the amount of water I carry weighs far more than the ammo, and I would never leave it behind either.

Perhaps It is worth adding that my hunting trips are usually a week long, with 5 days of hunting. often more than one buck per day, and I stay out in the bush from early morning till late afternoon.


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James R. Burke

New member
For deer I use a Ruger No 1 in 30-06. I reload. For deer I use the Nosler 165 partition, and carry about eight. I am about 400 yards from my truck were I have about 100 of them.