How many till you stop buying?


New member
Just a curiosity question but how many rifles, shotguns, handguns... before you stop buying more or considerably slow down.

I know it's going to be different for everyone seeing as I know people who think 1 is enough where as my grandpa before 1983 had a collection of over 300. Some cheap some not.

I'm thinking I'm in pistol only mode for a while with 3 shotguns, 11 rifles, and 3 handguns. I'm a hunter so I believe all long guns need to go hunting yet I keep looking.


New member
The size of your safe is a major limiter! At least you can fit in more handguns than long guns, OP, and you said you only have three handguns. Those Acorn Velcro holsters stick right on the safe door - so maybe ten more handguns! :D


New member
Till I no longer see something I want to put into the collection, just added to it last week, a 50 BMG rifle, just because I thought it was fun to shoot....


New member
Thought I was finished buying

Yesterday I bought a S&W 586 classic and a model 66 S&W and swore off buying new guns for good!! Then while reading American Rifleman last night I saw a ruger ad and now the Ruger American rifle is available in all weather stainless. Daggone it!!!


New member
All weather stainless you say.

Yeah bought a Ruger SR22 yesterday and still have several items in my head after finding a bigger safe or hiding place.


New member
I don't know, but I doubt ill be getting a whole bunch more. I have moat roles filled. Need a good full size revolver and a true "long range" rifle. The long range rifle will likely cost thousands and take a year or so to finish. A full size revolver will likely be a gp100. After that, nothing I need and I don't want a bunch more calibers to deal with. Maybe ill get a single action 45colt as well, but I am comfortable with what I have. Tgese days my hobby focuses more on ammunition than guns themselves. So whe let's say I come across a couple good deals on some milsurps along the way, and grab those previous mentioned guns, I really think my "collection" will be complete in my eyes at a nice number of 20 firearms. Of course, I do have a son, ten years away from being an that time I, hopefully anyways, he will want to "thin" my collection and I'll have start over...


New member
I took a 10 year break from buying from 04 til 2014. I had all I needed. My son getting interested in shooting has me buying again.


Finances are the only limiting factor. I still buy AR parts when I see something I want but I only bought 1 complete firearm in 2014 and it was for the Grandkids.


New member
Well, I think there were too many in my house when I happened to be cataloging my deceased B-I-L's collection in my bedroom when lightning struck, blowing the breaker in that room and causing sparks to fly out of the ceiling light.

I think the pile of rifles/shotguns in the corner of the attached closet acted as lightning rods. It may help to disperse the long guns in various places, especially in gun safes in a dry basement.

Still, I bought a beautiful new hunting rifle again this year.