How many people have ever bought a gun because they saw it in a movie?


New member
have ever bought a gun because they saw it in a movie? C'mon, fess up. I know there has to be another person besides myself that felt his gun collection was incomplete without a Sharps replica after watching Quigley Down Under.:rolleyes:

I will admit to being very interested in 1911's after seeing what Bruce Willis did in Last Man Standing.:eek:

Anyone else able to stand in the confessional?


New member
I will "anti-fess up". No, I have never done so. And, as far as my intentions go, I never will. I always base my purchases on perceived need and what best fills those needs within budget. Movies and/or TV exposure have nothing, I repeat NOTHING, to do with that selection process. Quite frankly, I could care less what was on the screen, be it big screen or small. Cool and trendy just don't enter into my equation.


New member

I can't say that the movies haven't had [/i]any[/i] effect on what I choose to buy, but there has been no direct correlation between the two.

As far as seeing something in a movie and thinking I'd like to have one, the Quigley Sharps is a pretty good example. So is John Wayne's large loop Winchester rifle or his beautifully engraved Colt SAA in The Shootist. :D

The closest I ever got was after watching the modern remake of The Mummy where one character had an 1896 Mauser pistol -- I've always wanted one -- I started to look for one when the truck decided it wanted a new transmission. :rolleyes: Karma!


New member
Oh, absolutely. Only you see just about everything in the movies sooner or later, so it is hard to blame the movies for me wanting something. On top of that, I have already had most of them already by now, including a C-96 Mauser that the British secret agent in the movie "Second Best Secret Agent" used. I think the other guy (the best secret agent) used a PPK or something like that.

Most of the good guys and the bad guys both used S&W M&P's in my favorite movies, all made in the 1940's.

That only covers handguns, you understand.


New member
Not that I can remember. I DO however enjoy grabbing my Garand or Carbine when settling in to watch a good WW2 movie, or my XM for more modern wars. Sometimes my 1911, or any of the other guns I own gets the nod - depends on the subject matter (and the company).


Whether it be a "good or bad" way of making a decision on buying any particular make or model gun, I believe it does happen whether it be consciencely or unconsciencly.

I'm pretty sure there were alot of .44 magnums sold when the movie "Dirty Harry" first came out. And I'd be willing to bet Beretta enjoyed increased sales of their 92F when the movie Lethal Weapon came out.

Have I ever been so influenced as to buy a gun based on a movie I saw? No, not consciencly. But I admit there have been movies that have sparked my interest in certain models. Sudden Impact and the .44 Automag come to mind.
Unfortunatley, I don't own one. :(


New member

I got interested in a Beretta 92F because the Military switched to them. Then I saw Lethal Weapon and noticed it was a Beretta. Then a friend bought one and I liked his…etc… So I bought one in the late 80’s.


New member
C'mon guys!

Who when they saw Dirty Harry for the first time did not want that big Smith and Wesson? I was SOOO close to getting the Model 29 when purchasing my .44 just because of how cool he was with that gun in that movie. At the end of the day this stuff is just for fun and hobbies anyway. I think if you want a gun you think is cool and you're not taking food of the table or blowing your paycheck to do it, more power to you.


New member
Darn right, there have been 10's of thousands of 29's bought that would have probably stayed in the gun stores case if it were not for Dirty Harry. I haven't bought a gun just for this version, but I did begin to want a 45 colt longslide after see Arnold use one in I think Terminator. I am not a .45 guy but I love the looks of that gun, I also admired a Desert Eagle and 44 automag after seeing them on film.
I think there are alot of guns out there with lazer sights because of Hollywood, whether folks want to admit it or not!!


New member
Speaking of the Terminator, I have to admit that after seeing the movie I went out and bought a phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range....


New member
I kind of want a PPK just because it's the original Bond movie pistol. But since that's the only reason I want one, I doubt I will get it.


New member
I've been intrigued by some guns I've seen in movies and on TV, but not to the point of laying down money on one. My all-time favorite "fantasy gun" would have to be Chuck Connors' big lever-loop, rapid-firing Winchester Model '92 in the TV show "The Rifleman."


New member
I'll fess up to "Dirty Harry" and the model 29 S&W as well - but I went further and picked up a S&W Mod 29 in 8 3/8" barrel and a Nickel finish.

I like the gun a lot ....... and that;s all that matters anyway.

Mike P. Wagner

New member
Not exaclty a particular gun, but when I first used an SA revolver and popped open the loading gate, it reminded me of the guns in the cowboy shows of my youth. I like that pretty much.

The gun also happened to meet my needs perfectly - I wanted to learn to shoot and to reload, so I got a Blackhawk in 45 Colt. The simplicity of the SA trigger seemed to me to help with getting the fundamentals down - and the trigger was pretty sweet after dealing with lots of different kinds of autoloaders. The cartridge seems to be an easy cartridge to reload.

But I'd be lying if I said that I didn't get a little bit of a thrill when I first opened the loading gate :) .

James Bond is the main reason I own one of these. Even though I chose to go with the .30 and not the .32 he carried.



New member
I wanted the Beretta 92 after seeing Die Hard and Lethal Weapon. I did however resaerch the pistol before purchasing and have been very happy with it for years now.


New member

have ever bought a gun because they saw it in a movie? C'mon, fess up.

I can't remember any of my firearms being in a movie. I tend to do a s**tload of research before I buy a new one, and could care less what was in a Hollywood movie.