How Many Holsters Do You Have ?


New member
I try to keep one for each gun I may carry:
  • 3 Remoras - for my LCR, P99, P99c
  • A Crossbreed Supertuck for my P99 guns
  • A DeSantis ankle holster for my LCR (retired, see below)
  • A Kramer Ankle Holster for my LCR
  • A SmartCarry for my P99 guns
  • A Blackhawk SERPA for my P99 guns, and another for my full size Px4
I've got a Milt Sparks VM2 on order for my P99, and I'll be looking for a holster to fit my Kimber Solo (once it arrives, and makes it through reliability testing).


New member
The short answer is: Less than I want but more than I need. Originally I thought I would get a iwb and owb holster for each gun. It isn't quite going in that direction. I am always looking for a better holster for one of them.


New member
I have a shop full of them, but personally I have at least 2 holsters for each of my pistols that I regularly use.



New member
A leather holster and shoulder harness for my Judge.

Hip holster for my Glock 21

...and two more Serpa hip holsters for my Glock 30 and 19C