How many guns do you carry??

How many guns do you carry??

  • I don't carry

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • I carry one main gun

    Votes: 139 70.9%
  • I carry a main and a back up gun

    Votes: 36 18.4%
  • I carry three or more guns

    Votes: 6 3.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
There is a misconception in this argument - that you only carry a BUG if you are in a dangerous neighborhood, as if the gun is for fighting off zombie hordes.

The reason for a BUG is that something goes awry with your primary. It doesn't work or you are disarmed.

That can happen if you are good or bad neighborhood - if you are a fight! The surrounds don't matter - it is the fight.

Now there is a small probability that a civilian will use the gun and then if you carry a reliable one, that it will go awry or you are disarmed. But that is independent of neighborhood.

One would think an expensive 1911 would work better than a cheap Glock in a fancy gated community? :confused:

With police, since they have more gun use encounters than civilians, the prob. that sometime will go awry increases. We know a high number are shot with their own gun - much more than civilians as the latter doesn't have the close contact paradigm as police do. Thus, a BUG usage for them is more likely.

So, I opine that the neighborhood issue isn't really the nexus of the discussion.


New member
my main set-up when going out.......

#1, primary...usually a 1911 style with 4 extra mags in shoulder holster
#2, back-up.....varies from a G23( with 2 extra mags) to a SP101 in hip holster or pocket
#3, secondary back-up.... Bond 45 L/C derringer in pocket
#4, last chance back-up... Ruger LCR or LCP in small of back
#5 a 6" hunting knife on belt, tucked in rear pocket and covered by jacket

but sometimes i just carry a SP101 and the derringer, it depends if i'm going shopping, to the movies, or out to eat. when at work i carry the LCP and a 3" folding knife.:cool:


New member
When I go out I often carry two. Nothing to do with being in a bad neighborhood or any abnormal perception of danger. The fact is, I prefer to carry something small and light in my pocket when I'm lounging around the house or working in the yard. I have access to bigger guns at home, and the job of a carry pistol on my own property is only to fight my way to those bigger guns.

When I go out somewhere I strap on something bigger and more shootable, because running to grab a rifle isn't going to be an option if something happens when I'm away from. The pistol I carry is going to have to solve any situations I encounter. Needless to say, I don't bother to remove my pocket gun when I strap on a different gun, so I end up with two guns (and often a spare magazine for the bigger one).


New member
I carry one gun (IWB), a spare mag and a flashlight (got to be able to identify a target as a threat).
I carried a Colt Delta Elite for over 20 years; but I have recently down-sized to a Dan Wesson CBOB, still a 10mm auto.





New member
Some have said that if you need a back up gun...then you need to move to a new place...

The problem is...while I don't venture into the neighborhood of criminals, they certainly have no problem wandering into my side of the neighborhood.

I can and do control where I go...(I don't hang out in questionable places)...but the criminal element can decide at any time of their go to "safe" neighborhoods.

By the way, the argument "if you need a BUG, you are simply going to wrong places" sounds like an anti's argument, "if you need a gun at all, you are simply going to wrong places".

I am actually surprised that such mindset are among "gun friendly" people.

by the way, i dont have an issue with anyone just carrying a primary gun with no back-up.
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New member
I just carry one. Heck I don't even carry a spare mag (or speed loader if carrying the LCR). I just simply don't like carrying extra stuff around. I don't understand how some of yall can carry everything thing that you do, though if you can carry it all comfortably more power to you but I don't even like my keys or change in the pocket. :eek:


New member

It's all in what you are used to wearing.

Personally, normal for me these days is cargo pants or cargo shorts - partly because I wear cargo pants for work, but also because I hate having wallets or other large items in hip pockets when I'm seated for long periods.

Since I'm a pilot, work pretty much consists of sitting for long periods...

(Note: at work, I only carry when forward deployed, and what I carry is prescribed by the contract and the form 93B. Ironically, the company has a "no firearms" policy stateside...)

Anyway, with cargos on, I can carry fairly large amounts of items. It's not a challenge at all to put a larger pistol in an IWB or OWB holster, plus a spare magazine pouch opposite on the belt. That still leaves me with two front and two cargo pockets.

Knife or multi-tool goes in one front pocket, depending on environment and planned activities. (If wearing 5.11 pants, there's even an additional, small pocket that is perfect for a folding knife.)

If I opt to carry a BUG, it takes the other front pocket.

Wallet goes in one cargo pocket. Keys and miscellaneous items go in the other. Cell phone goes in that pocket, or else on the belt.

If the weather is cool, now throw in a jacket or vest, and its additional pockets...

Note: I never used to carry a BUG, until I had a squib with factory ammo at the range one day. In a fight, this would have immediately taken my main gun out of battery. Ever since then, I've been in the habit of carrying a BUG, with ammo from a different lot than that in the main gun.

Look at it another way - it's true that some companies require pilot and co-pilot to order different meals at restaurants, just in case one item has bad results. Both pilots coming down with food poisoning mid-flight would be bad, and precautions are taken even though the odds are very unlikely.




New member
I don't understand how some of yall can carry everything thing that you do, though if you can carry it all comfortably more power to you but I don't even like my keys or change in the pocket.



New member
Just one gun for me. I deliberately picked an ultra-reliable gun (S&W revolver) and carry a couple of full speedloaders just in case. I'm a civilian whose first line of defense is to be somewhere else if a gun fight starts. :) (Nobody is paying me to go into dangerous situations, so I don't.) I would prefer to have one reliable gun with me, and am willing to take the small risk that something might go wrong. The gun gets used frequently and cleaned carefully after use, so I think I will know if something ever isn't functioning just right.

Somebody whose job it is to go into dangerous situations, or who simply does sometimes, might well do the math and come up with a different result for themselves.


New member
Sakeneko, not to be argumentative...

... and you are right about the odds being small.

However, my squib malfunction occurred with a S&W revolver. It doesn't matter how reliable your weapon is when the ammo squibs.

But again, the odds are small.


New member
1 gun always
1 gun and a Bug most of the time
1 gun and a Bug and a BBug sometimes
1 gun and a Bug and a BBug and a BBBug rarely, but I do do it.


New member
sakeneko: No one pays you to go into a dangerous situation but that does not mean the dangerous situation will not come to you. Remember when seconds count the police are minutes away. Been there


New member
How many do I carry?

I carry only one: (Wilson Combat Professional model 1911) with 4" barrel. It holds 8 rounds and that seems enough for me for most any situaiton. No extra mags, etc.
I do carry a couple extra mags in in my vehicle but not on me.


New member
One, almost always (Yesterday an SP101 with a Bianchi speed-strip).

Occasionally, a deep-concealment BUG, as well (P3-AT, e.g.). And that’s usually because I may be going somewhere that makes it prudent to leave the primary (locked) in the truck.

I don’t carry for the reason that I feel that I’m in harm’s way or may go into harm’s way: I’m in my sixties; I fully expect to go the rest of my life without having a violent encounter of any kind.

But, I might be wrong.

If I happen someday to be wrong, it could upset my whole afternoon routine:(.

I’m old. I’m a little cranky. I don’t like having my routines upset.

I live in a nice, safe, middle-class neighborhood.

Despite that, I have, in the past 20 years, had three friends who were murdered. Two in their own homes and one in her front yard.

It’s not about the neighborhood and it’s not about the odds.

It’s about consequences and responsibilities. I’m one of those weirdoes who believes that a I have a moral responsibility to do what I can to make my corner of the world a better and safer place if I can. That’s one reason I carry.

Best to all,



New member
I can't see carrying all that gear around. I carry my Kahr PM9 in a pocket holster with the short mag and call it a day. I always have my knife (Benchmade 710) on me and I usually carry a small flashlight (Surefire Backup). I live in Florida and it is too hot to wear a jacket 95% of the time. I am always on the move at work and I don't want to worry about flashing people if I raise my arms or bend over. My father in law has been ankle carrying forever, but I'm sure that is uncomfortable (hot and off balance) and slow to draw from.

I imagine the statistics would work out something like this...
% chance you will ever need your gun (not LEO): <1%
% chance you can get the gun into play (bad guy doesn't have the jump on you): >75%
% chance you will need a reload in a gun fight: <10%
% chance your gun will fail completely: <5%

As I mentioned already, I feel adequately armed with just a 6 shot semi-auto, a folding knife, and a flashlight. If all the odds are stacked against me, its just a sign that its my time to go. Carrying has to be practical in my opinion.