How long are the NICS Checks taking?


New member
State BY State

I wander if this simply has to do with stste by state volume levels? In other words is there a correlation in time of purchase and what state the call is origionated in.

I ask because Vermont is a small state. There are probably fewer gun retailers in VT than in some cities. Therefore I am most likely in a shorter line at 10:30 am in VT than you are in say Orlando FL at 7 pm. Maybe this is all there is to it?


^ I don't think so because in Illinois applications for FOID cards are very high, I've heard they are at record levels, and actual gun purchases are very high - also near record levels, and the check takes 10 seconds. Although technically in Illinois the FFLs are not using NICS they are suing Illinois FTIP, according to BATFE an Illinois FTIP included a NICS check.

They can only use NICS if FTIP is unavailable.
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New member
Fair enough

Glad to hear IL is at least decent in regard to purchase. I wander if there are offical sources for this information?
Outside of a dishonorable disharge, why would gun dealers or states get any access to or visibility into a members security clearance?
We don't. One of the most frequent questions I get is "why was I denied/delayed?"

The only true answer is "heck if I know." The NICS system deals in personal, private information, none of which is shared with a sales clerk on the phone. Any explanation offered by a gun dealer is speculation at best.


New member
Last few purchases I've made have taken under 2mins. Not sure what is up with your dealer, but I'd be upset if I had to wait more than a few minutes much less hours or days!

dogtown tom

New member
stevelyn I have a security clearance from my military days which causes a delay while they go scare up a higher level NICS monkey to access my records. Usually cleared by the time I get done scratching out the 4473.
One has NOTHING to do with the other.


New member
I've never had one take longer than 5 minutes. Since I got my HCP last year, I've bought 5 pistols and 2 long guns & they've all been approved in less than 1 minute.


New member
in texas if you have a chl you pick the gun you want fill out the 4473 form and your out the door within ten min depending on how busy the store is


New member
Yeah thats how it works here in Iowa, too.

My permit to carry is treated as a permit to buy. I do the paperwork, try to convince them i'm not an illegal alien or drug addict, and i'm out the door. In fact, last week I had to change my license because I bought a house. The very next day I was walking out the door with a gun I shouldn't have bought. Oops.

I'm not sure what the deal is, but I know from anecdotal experience (I get their emails) how many people share my name. I'm pretty sure at least one is shady.


New member
Takes about 10 mins. I usually do not buy from big stores. Most of mine is done with a local FFL with a transfer of FTF. Walk in, fill in info and sign the form. FFL makes the call. Usually the chat session takes longer than the phone call. Have never had one delayed yet. Heard that some of the larger stores will hold some of the checks till the have a certain amount and then make the call or have been to one of the local big stores and there is just so many at the counter trying to make a purchase and they get a little backed up. I usually just laugh when I see what their prices are and see the sheeple standing there paying the price. They do have good sale prices on ammo now and then. I did have a friend whose NICS took 2 days to clear. He had the same name as a person in NC and he had to prove that he wasn't the other person.


New member
I have a CHL so that exempts me from the NICS check process. I still have to fill out the yellow form though.

For the people I have seen buying. It depends on how many people are in front of them in the buyers line. The phone call takes less than 10 minutes most times.


New member
if you constantly get delayed you can apply for a upin (unique personal identification number) that will help resolve that.

alot of the delays are caused by peoples names being similar to someone who gets denied or to other factors.

just providing your ssn isnt necessarily the best way to be identified. the upin is a fbi background check that stays on file specifically for nics checks.