How I ended up with a G19


New member
Something that I learned a long time ago: when I hear someone say something like; this product is just as good as XXXX. I buy XXXX. That is what everything else is being compared to. And there is a reason for that. Rather than going out of my way to buy something that is supposed to be just as good as XXXX, why not just buy XXXX ???

This played largely into my reasoning in regards to striker fired pistols. I think the competitor de jour currently is something in the M+P line. I see this with the I-Phone as well. I have no doubt there are technically "better" things out there depending on how one defines better. The thing is five years ago competitor X was compared to the Glock / Iphone. Three years ago it was competitor Y. Now its competitor Z. They all compare themselves against the benchmark rather than against one another. I'm not 100% certain of the reason but there is a reason.


New member
I think this is what made this decision a little harder. I was looking for one gun that would both be very specific in regards to its task AND still give me the "oh this is awesome" feeling. I'm satisfied that the gun will fill its role very well. I'm confident that if I can continue to simplify things I will also be more competent with the guns I keep. I'm still left looking at the gun and going "this is fine".

For me Glocks don't give me the "this is awesome" feeling. In 80 something handguns I honestly can't remember owning one pistol and feeling completely contented with it. If I had a more limited income I likely wouldn't feel quite the same, but I have the luxury of not having to only own one gun. Every few years I clean out the safe until I'm left with only what I "need". And then slowly I fill the safe back up. I'm at the point know where rather than repeating that cycle I'd rather just keep those pistols in the safe.

I do try to place a limit on myself in terms of number owned or more so I try not to own many pistols that serve the same role or satisfy a certain interest. But I still have the 1911 and the Model 19 in the safe and this week picked up a Bulgarian Makarov and a Star BM the month before. I'm not selling the Glocks, I haven't sold a Glock in some time now. But I still like these other pistols. Maybe in a few years I'll clean all of them out of the safe again. But in shooting every week sometimes it's nice to bring something to the range just because I enjoy it.

That's what I mean by it doesn't have to be either or. I honestly don't know if the magic satisfies everything pistol exists for me. It does for some people.
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First off Congratulations. I too went through a similar hunt like you did but with no particular Pistol in mind. I had recommendations galore & tried numerous guns. Each time I came back to the G19 gen4. After the fifth or sixth try, I wound up with the Glock & am very happy I did. I realize that I am a novice about this, however you did your due diligence & that's all that matters & you seem pleased.
Best off luck.


New member
Well, the bad news is that the G19 is boring and has its flaws. The good news is, the G19, barring severe and purposeful abuse and not changing parts that are too worn after 20+ thousand rounds, is a gun that will keep going long after the Energizer bunny is in a nursing home.


New member
444 said:
Something that I learned a long time ago: when I hear someone say something like; this product is just as good as XXXX. I buy XXXX. That is what everything else is being compared to. And there is a reason for that. Rather than going out of my way to buy something that is supposed to be just as good as XXXX, why not just buy XXXX ???

I would have to disagree with you on this point. There are many subjective points when comparing things and guns are no different. I think the criteria typically falls along these lines, I'm sure the your order of importance will vary. Features (Safeties, Hammer, Finish, etc), Aesthetics, Size/Fit, Reliability, Trigger Pull, Accuracy, Brand/Reputations, and Mag Capacity.

That is why competition exists and that is a good thing. Competition pushes companies to keep improving and innovating. There are so called "Gold Standards" by which things are judged, but there are also many competing products there are as good, and even possibly better. Rolex might be the "Gold Standard", but Patek Phillippe is the "Platinum Standard". Mercedes might be the "Gold Standard", but Rolls Royce is the "Platinum Standard". Even then, you might not care for the features or the aesthetics of those products. We all have different wants and needs so XXXX might be good for manu, but it certainly isn't the best for all.