How fast can you skin and gut a deer?


New member
I can dress and skin one in 15-20 minutes, but I'm not usually in that big of a hurry. Once the animal is on the ground, and as long as there's enough daylight, I usually take my time and make sure it's done right.

I've dressed a few while holding a mini-maglight in my mouth, but it's not any fun.



I've dressed a few while holding a mini-maglight in my mouth, but it's not any fun.

One of the bennies of bringing the kiddoes along is that when you need an extra hand or 6, you have them. They may not be strong hands, but keep this in mind: They will be, and your strength will fade eventually...... will they be with you then? That depends entirely on where they are now.


New member
One of the bennies of bringing the kiddoes along is that when you need an extra hand or 6, you have them. They may not be strong hands, but keep this in mind: They will be, and your strength will fade eventually...... will they be with you then? That depends entirely on where they are now.

So very true! But then again, a headlamp and a winch system, as in the video above, work wonders! LOL


New member

All that hair on that carcass with the winch will require a large dose of the above. :)


New member
I've done enough of 'em to get a pretty good system down, but I do a good job and don't care how long it takes.

Like 99.9% of the "info" in Outdoor Life and Field and Stream, useless.


New member
I do not mean this as a put down on the demonstration,its about what hunting means to me.There is a certain respect for things,...
Something about this just isn't my style.But,thats just me.


New member
I've dressed a few while holding a mini-maglight in my mouth, but its not fun.

Try getting one of the 'miner' style lights that fit on your head. Free's both hands. They work great for gutting deer recovered in the dark.


New member
Oh about as fast as I can do a hog, steer, or any other large animal. I have had a lot of practise in my life. Tools is key, bad tools bad job.


Try getting one of the 'miner' style lights that fit on your head. Free's both hands. They work great for gutting deer recovered in the dark.

They are also annoying as hell if someone is wearing one and looks at you ....make ya want to wear sunglasses at night.