How do you store your ammo?


New member
Space in a safe is limited, no matter how big the safe. Why would anyone store ammo in a safe? Ammo is relatively inexpensive. If a thief breaks into my house, I'd rather he be preoccupied with carrying out the 15,000 plus rounds of ammo laying in sandwich bags than to get interested in the contents of my well protected and surveillance enhanced safe.


New member
I used to store ammo in my ex-large gun vault. But, it got to the point that I was losing too much space, and the shelves were beginning to bow.

That's when I bought a job-site storage box. One of the best investments I made. I bought one before they jumped way up in cost.

For storing / securing ammo, it's a great device. It's also a great back-up for storing add'l. handguns, short rifles, accessories, etc.