How do you store your ammo?


New member
I am looking for different and or cheaper way to store my ammo. Right now I store mine in the safe and Im running out of room. So I would like to take it out of the safe to make some more room in there. I really cant afford a cheaper safe for just the ammo. So I would like your ideas on how I can store it.


New member
No I didn't even think they made them fire proof. But that's a great idea. Im going to check on craigslist right now to see what I can find in my area.


New member
I have a couple of big old ammo crates that I keep most of it in, but I also have a bunch of the 50cal ammo cans that I store my less used ammo in.


New member
I have ammo cans, but they're in the safe, also. I need a safe dedicated to ammo, I guess.:( (a small one) I'm really tired of not having any room in the safe.

44 AMP

GI ammo cans, mostly. Used to use crates (3.5" rocket shipping crates), but threw my back out trying to move one, so now, a .50 cal can is the biggest container I use. I can still lift one of those, even if packed completely full.

FYI the usual GI .50 cal can will hold approx. 5,000rnds of .22LR in the regular 50rnd boxes.:D

And if you are security paranoid, I have even seen people weld a hasp & loop for a padlock on to ammo cans.

Never saw any point to putting them in a safe, they just take up room better used for guns.


New member
Mostly stored in mags. The stash is in ammo cans marked for each caliber and then locked in a metal cabinet. Stupid state laws.


New member
Most of mine is on a shelf in the Jack and Jill closet between my office and the guest room. Factory boxes. .45 Colt reloads are in plastic boxes, .38 reloads are in relabeled factory boxes. M2 ball is in ammo cans, loose or in clips.

The only ammo in the safe is stored in the guns themselves or extra magazines.


New member
Why would anyone store ammo in the safe?

Is this to protect the ammo against theft or nefarious use by children?
It seems like one of those locking sheet-metal gun cabinets might work for such needs at a -FAR- lower price point.

I keep my ammo in an antique piece of furniture -- I don't know what you'd call it. But it's go a door on it, two shelves and a big drawer and the dang thing must be a hundred years old or more. It's perfect for ammo... but if I didn't have it, I'd just pile the stuff up anywhere that's orderly and has a door over it so you can't see it through the window. Let's say a closet with a solid bunch of shelves. That's where I'd likely end up.

A gun safe is prime real estate and I definitely don't waste that precious space on a consumable commodity. :p


New member
I would also keep loaded mags in the safe.
The reason I kept the ammo in the safe was due to kids and humidity.

I looked for those ammo cans and they are getting very pricey also. The plastic ones are up to $15 and up. I found a few bigger ones on eBay fairly priced but then they want an arm and a leg to ship it double the price of the can. So I'm still in the same boat.


New member
Get a plastic footlocker at WalMart and put a padlock on it. Cheap, plenty of space and a padlock would keep the kids out. Throw some desiccant packs in it if you are concerned of humidity.


New member
Well thank you for all the good advice.

I went with the tool box for HD

It was big enough, it had wheels to make it easier to move if need be, and it even had a weather strip seal on the top to keep moister out. And it was under $60.
If I went with the ammo boxes I would only be able to get 3 or 4 for that price and then I would have to get 3 or 4 locks too and I wouldn't be able to fit all my ammo in 4 ammo boxes so it wouldn't have ended there.
But again thank you.