How do you patent bullet designs?


New member
Sounds like it would be fun to use on water jugs. Cops are going the other direction though, with rubber bullets, etc. The military might luv tiny missles though.


It almost doubles stopping/killing power of bullets.
Could you explain how to quantify the "stopping/killing power of bullets". i.e. How do you turn it into a number so that you can compare the two numbers and determine that your design doubles that figure?


New member
This is how I figure it. Get shot with a normal round of the caliber, it blows a big hole in your chest. Get shot with THIS bullet, and your chest cavity is mostly exposed.
[q]Sounds like those "bird bomb tracers" that have an incendiary compound at the tip which is detonated by the tracer after a few hundred yards, or if they get stuck in a soft target.

Not even close to my design, but probably similar result.


New member
My father has an IP (intellectual Property) law office. At least consult with an IP lawer prior to getting too involved. You can do some of the research yourself as suggested.

If you think you really have something be very careful, I would not consult with ammo manifacturers etc, because they could take your idea. Not consuting with a lawyer in this matter can lead you down a road that could end up ruining any chance of your obtaining a patent. It seems to be all about disclosure in patents, also a lawer will be able to place your thoughts in the broadest possible discriptive terms to give you the broadest protection for your idea.

IE a glass may become a cylindrical object closed at the distal end and open at the proximal end. Note that the term glass give one a picture in mind maybe clear or tinted of plastic or glass that could fit in your hand. The second could describe any container glass, plastic, metal, that could have a volume of an ounce or 1000 gallons+.

It all gets very confusing I often proof read patents for my father that is how I know I am not a lawyer.

Again I would consult a lawyer first because to quote my father "once the bell has been rung it is difficult to undue"


New member
Poor Man's Patent

You still need to get a lawyer at some point, but here's an old trick:
Take pictures, make detailed drawings, write a thorough description and stuff it in an envelope. Go to the post office and mail it to yourself by registered mail. Sign for the envolope and DO NOT open it. It will be a sealed and dated envelope containing your design. This might help if anyone tries to snake you.
Did you know that Elijah Grey invented the telephone? A.G. Bell beat him to the patent office.
Elijah who??


New member
Disclaimer: Not intended as legal advice/representation:

Guys, I actually am an IP attorney, so when I say this, I want all of you to LISTEN UP:

The Patent process is COMPLICATED. It is highly technical, and there are numerous pitfalls and subtleties. The process is so difficult and intricate, the U.S. government actually requires an entirely separate Bar Exam for lawyers who practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, in addition to their regular state bar exam. If you understand nothing else from what I'm saying, understand this: YOU CANNOT DO THIS ON YOUR OWN!!!

Question: Can you get some document from the USPTO without having to pay a Patent Attorney or Patent Agent? Answer: Sure you can!
Question: Will it be worth anything??? Answer: Probably not...

Put it in perspective: If you were appearing in state court on charges of homicide, would you represent yourself? Of COURSE not! You'd just be ASKING to lose! So then, why in the world would you appear before the USPTO (a federal agency) and represent yourself??? :eek::eek:

So, in summary, if you have an invention that you think you'd like to patent, GO talk to a Patent Attorney!!! See one in-person, and see them BEFORE you tell anyone else about the invention. (There are some time-limits as to when you can file for patent protection, and your patent attorney will be able to talk you through it. They have to do with the first date of "public disclosure"...)

Hope this helps.


New member
"Take pictures, make detailed drawings, write a thorough description and stuff it in an envelope. Go to the post office and mail it to yourself by registered mail. Sign for the envolope and DO NOT open it. It will be a sealed and dated envelope containing your design. This might help if anyone tries to snake you."

Will not actually do a whole lot.
The US is a 'first to file' system, not a first to create system.


New member
The US is a 'first to file' system, not a first to create system.

Negative on that, brickeyee. We're a first to invent system. Europe, and most of the rest of the world, is a first to file. And, there's a big push going on for the U.S. to move to a first to file system, but we're not there yet.