How do you judge/categorize a person


New member
Have to be trustworthy and everything else already mentioned especially about "getting" Monty Python

But most importantly they can't be afraid of a little (alot) of hard work.

The easiest way to get a farmer to let you hunt is to buck hay for him all summer.


New member
Just the other day I was writing down a some of the things that I have learned recently. One of them was....When your sizing up a person the only thing that matters is the size of their heart.



New member
* NOT a bull****ter ate up with their own ficticious accomplishments. You know the type. There is not an important person they've not met, or a mountain they've not climbed, or a gun they've not used to hit quarters at 500 yards.:rolleyes:
* NOT a sportsfan whose idea of "recreation" is watching a ballgame
* NOT a testosterone poisoned jock
* NOT a smoker, drug user or drinker (okay, a tad of the latter but not to where it hurts the family budget or starts ruling their/our lives.
* NOT a religious person because disagreements there will tear friendships apart (an honest athiest would be even better)

Now the positives:
1 - Intelligence (no degree needed but at least some college and a passion to keep learning more with an IQ in the top few percent so they can understand what I'm saying).
2 - Patriot and Constitutionalist (not a liberal traitor who talks but stabs us in the back with ever more regulatory infringements and overseas sellouts)
3 - Gun owner and shooter (but not someone who likes to shoot anything that moves or animals just for the sport of it (unless they're prairie dogs ;)
4 - Dog lover (horseperson would be even better)
5 - Reader of speculative fiction, science, history or whatever (but not bonehead fiction)
6 - Quiet and reserved (not an extroverted party animal)
7 - Frugal and Self-reliant (willing to work enough to get by and pay the bills)


New member
I like people who seem "genuine". Rich, poor, fat, smart, etc. fall in place somewhere behind that. If people are honest about themselves, they tend to be honest about most other things.

Cap n ball

New member
If they look me in the eye steady and speak in a rational manner and practice the Golden Rule. Anything else might be a target.


New member
To the extent that I "judge" people I go by:
1. The way they treat others, especially those close to them.
2. Honesty, their straightforwardness.
3. Their intelligence, which I tend to judge by their reasoning skills. If they can not logically support their arguments, I tend to discount their point of view. Hypocrisy, weather they are aware of it or not, is even worse.

Thanks for a good question. Until I though about the answer, I didn’t realize how I was judging item #3.:) :eek:


New member
I'm inclined to think that we all, consciously or subconsciously, judge others. Much as I would like to say I don't judge other people, I really don't think that's the truth.

My standards are:

A need to do the right thing, regardless of costs/ramifications/whathaveyou, or to at least seek it out and do it as nearly as possible;

and integrity.