How about some good ways to cook squirrel. Whats your favorite way?


New member
I love mine quartered,,fried with a good season flour,,,then poor a cup of half and half and a cup of milk,then bake in the oven for about 1 1/2 squirrel or rabbit I've ever had...


New member
Aw thats creole style.:barf:

It amazes me how many people think tomato goes into gumbo...

Roux: I use equal amounts (1/4 cup) of white flour and and butter or bacon grease. Brown in a cast iron grill until fudge colored STIRRING CONSTANTLY. Once at the desired nutty flavored brownness add the chopped veggies (onions and bell pepper) cook til wilted

add water, red wine (personal preference), squirrel quarters(pick the bones while you eat it!), pan fried sliced andoullie, okra, file (ground sassafrass), and a bunch of other cajun seasonings......

let simmer until thick and meat is tender


New member
Trapp, it's the same ones that believe that beans belong in chilli (Ol'#1 was a coona*s).

Squirrel makes for good chilli too.


New member
Boned and sauteed in olive oil with some Kalifornia blend veggies served over rice pilaf or made into stew. The trick for the stew is the pearl onions added.


New member
Squirrels?? You mean like the squirrels that I feed peanuts and popcorn to at the Park?? I am sure that I am missing something here. So, where are these edible squirrels to be found and are they different from the ones in the Parks?


Staff In Memoriam
Top this, Use a piece of 30 pound test... make a loop and snare them when they come for the peanut... Swing it at a high RPM and thonk his head on a tree trunk or curb... take him home ans saute him up... Them is the ones!


New member
Now that's funny!! But I still can't believe that folks eat Park squirrels. Ugh, what the hell do they taste like and do they even have meat on em? This thread totally changes the way I see squirrels now.


New member
I used to have tree rat recipes, used to hunt them and used to eat them fried, stewed, served up on whitebread and doctored up in other ways.

But to me squirrels are a poverty food, only to be eaten when you're laid off and otherwise broke. And if I ever get that poor again I think that I'd rather just eat armadillo; at least there is a little fat on them. A man could starve, I mean really starve if all he had to eat was squirrels. :(

Sorry, enthusiasts, but that's my take on the matter.


New member
I used to have tree rat recipes, used to hunt them and used to eat them fried, stewed, served up on whitebread and doctored up in other ways.

But to me squirrels are a poverty food, only to be eaten when you're laid off and otherwise broke. And if I ever get that poor again I think that I'd rather just eat armadillo; at least there is a little fat on them. A man could starve, I mean really starve if all he had to eat was squirrels.

Sorry, enthusiasts, but that's my take on the matter

You don't understand. You par boil the squirrel, then fry it. You take flour and add to the fried grease until you get a paste. Then you take sweet milk and the juice you boiled the squirrel in mix with the paste and make gravy. You serve this over biscuits and feed the squirrel to the dog.:p


Staff In Memoriam
Just to clear the air... I do not recommend eating "city squirrels" and this includes "park rats" But if they live a full hundred yards from the nearest trash can I will straight up eat the heck out of them! Junior likes them best as a crock pot stew type dish...


New member
Last Sunday I had enough squirrels to boil, debone and make nacho's supreme. It was delicious.

The little red squirrels are great when you cook the backs and back legs up like buffalo wings.


Staff In Memoriam
Kabobs would taste good enuff but it may be difficult to keep them moist and tender. They will dry and turn to rubber real fast!


New member
My favorite is par-boiled then floured and fried, seasoned with just salt and pepper. Oh yea and the occasional #7 1/2. My Daddy prefered them shot with birdshot so he could have the head. I ate the head until I got old enough to know what I was doing. Squirrel and rice is great too. I leave out the back because the bone are too small to remove all of them.


New member
Clark: [a squirrel is loose in the house] Where is Eddie? He usually eats these goddam things.
Cousin Catherine Johnson: Not recently, Clark. He read that squirrels were high in cholesterol.

Maybe we need to find a healthy alternative:D