How about some good ways to cook squirrel. Whats your favorite way?


New member
I usualy pressure cook mine in some garlic and olive oil and then brown them in the juice and make a great big pot pie outta them along with some rabbit and pheasant. I top it all off with some nice brown gravy. Yummy!:D


New member
i could pull a bBubba-Gump on this, but you can bater fry, pressur cook them with gravy over rice, make squrrel and dumplings, but my 2 favorite ways are squrrel stew, and also to pack their chest with jalapeno strips, wrap them in bacon, and smoke them! YUM! Cooking some wild pork as we tye too lol.


New member
Great question...

I stopped hunting squirrels a few years ago because I simply could not find a way to cook them so they were edible. A couple of years ago I watched a hunting show where they said something about squirrels and how to prepare them and what contributes to their tastiness. These folks had hunted them on the east coast in hard woods where they were eating a lot of different nuts...

I began to wonder if the reason the squirrels I ate were always tasting bad if it was because they are from the piney woods...terpentine being the reason?

Well I am going to go here in about 3 weeks and give it another try as far as eating them so this is good!


New member

I have found the ones I have killed in Pine woods to have a bit of a different (read unpleasant) taste than ones killed in hardwoods....verywell could be the pine nut diet.

Those are the ones I definitely "par-boil" before frying


New member
I have noticed the same with the difference in taste. The ones I killed in the pines arent as tasty as the ones in hardwoods or by cornfields. I gotta get a good gumbo recipe and give it a try. Anyone know of one thats pretty easy to make? Never made gumbo before and dont have a clue where to start.


New member
Squirrel Gumbo

3 (up to) 4 Squirrels; cleaned
1 Chicken
1 1/2 (up to) 2 c Bell pepper; chopped
1 1/2 (up to) 2 c Celery; chopped
1 qt Stewed tomatoes
1 cn (small) tomato sauce
2 c Canned okra
2 (up to) 3 tb Creole gumbo file; or to taste
3/4 c Dark roux

Pressure cook and debone squirrels and chicken. Save the broth. To boiling broth, add bell pepper, celery, onion, tomatoes and tomato sauce. Make roux (using oil and flour in equal parts, in a heavy skillet brown roux) and add to the above mixture, stirring until well blended. Cook until vegetables are tender. Add meat and okra. Season to taste. You may also want to add hot sauce to taste. Simmer for 15 minutes. Just before serving or when serving, add fil‚ to taste. Serve over rice. Serves 15 to 20.

I haven't tried this specific recipe, but I get a lot of them from


New member
Thanks Dean. Im gonna give it a taste in a few weeks when it opens and my kids start burning thru my reloads shooting them:cool:.


New member
start with squirrel and a beer. drink beer while applying favorite rub to squirrel. fire up grill and have a beer. salt and pepper squirrel and have another beer. cook on one side until done, usually takes about as long as it takes to drink another beer. flip squirrel and repeat again usually takes as long as it takes to drink another beer. cook till done. throw out squirrel and have another beer while wifes goes to get pizza......and more beer:)


New member
The whole diet issue with affecting taste is interesting. On a tangent, I caught a bull bluegill along with a slew of bass this weekend. The bass were fine eatin, but the bluegill tasted like eucalyptus. It was horrible. Like eating a coughdrop fish.


New member
Squirrel Gumbo

3 (up to) 4 Squirrels; cleaned
1 Chicken
1 1/2 (up to) 2 c Bell pepper; chopped
1 1/2 (up to) 2 c Celery; chopped
1 qt Stewed tomatoes
1 cn (small) tomato sauce
2 c Canned okra
2 (up to) 3 tb Creole gumbo file; or to taste
3/4 c Dark roux

Aw thats creole style:barf:.

Cut out everything tomatoe sub a yellow onion for celery and add some smoked sausage and boiled eggs (shelled and cut in half)if you don't like okra or even add them together.
Then you will have a tasty gumbo.

Notes; When you make your roux (always start with roux;))cook it to a dark brown i mean dark like fudge, second you don't need to debone and pressure cook, it can be cooked in the gumbo but if you have one it will cut down cooking time of the gumbo. Third use red pepper to add spice to the pot use hot sauce to add spice to the bowl. Forth it didn't say but this recipe takes a large stock pot and needs about a gallon of water mabe a little more to make.



New member
Dale, I can drink a beer in about a minute so it would have to be a 12 pack for
And what the heck is roux???? Im a northern boy and never heard of the stuff.


New member
Right now I'm saving up for enough squirrel meat to make squirrel tacos or burritoes. I'll post the outcome here. It's gonna take quite a few of these skinney little grays and blacks we've got around here.

Tried squirrel pizza once, not a big hit.


New member

Quarter them. Flour salt pepper.
Fry in oil until brown. Pull them out.
Make some gravy.
Simmer quarters in gravy.
Serve with biscuits and rice.