How about it, LEO's? They do mean you.


Everybody says "Write your Senator or Congressman". Sorry, been there, done that. My Senator is Ben Nighthorse Campbell and my Congressman is Diane Degette. Both are screaming liberals, when called on their vote all they want to do is argue with you over how they voted (I argued with a D. Degette 'aide' for more than half hour over why she voted for gun control and the aide wouldn't even admit she voted that way). I have also written both Sentor and Congressman several times, both electronically and via snail mail. I have gotten back form letters stating that the Senator or Congressman is 'concerned' over 'that issue', regardless of what the issue was (almost always gun control) and they voted for it. So, it doesn't do any good to write to people who deny their actions OR won't respond.


New member
As a Reserve LEO, I have to agree with the other posters, especially Lavan, and say that GUN CONTROL has never really been about guns, but about CONTROL!

The hidden "Agenda" of these ANTI`S is to disarm the Citizens and make them merely "Subjects"...

