How about it, LEO's? They do mean you.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Hi, guys,

The 1973 book "The Saturday Night Special", is often called the "Bible of the gun control movement". In it, author Robert Sherrill calls the police "morally inferior," "queer about guns," "mentally unbalanced, and "trigger happy," as well as cowards and "hired guns," and proposes that they be disarmed first. After which, presumably, the "sportsmen" of the criminal element will not think of firing on an unarmed cop.

I recommend that you tell every police officer you can that the anti-gun forces ARE after his gun. No matter what they say to gain police support in disarming civilians, one of the prime goals of HCI is to disarm all but Federal LEO's. Under the master plan, even those would not be able to own private weapons or carry guns routinely. Guns would be issued "as needed" and only with the prior approval of the Department head or the President.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited October 11, 2000).]


New member
Sounds like Mr. Sherrill has written a auto biography..... rather than anything factual.

Thats what its like when you live in a room full of mirrors....


New member
Those of us who pay attention realize that we are targets of the anti-rights movement as well as law-abiding citizens. Peace officers in KA, NJ, and MA are especially cognizant of it. Every officer I've talked to is voting for Bush for that reason (among numerous others).


New member
I realize it. I would be broken hearted if I was left with only the Glock 19 they issued me. That is why I will continue to strive for everyones gun rights.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.


New member
Brady and other HCI scum rountinely say that there is no purpose for anyone to have guns "except the military and, maybe, police."

Of course, they are hoping to get a national police force along with the complete federalization of criminal law. That way, they can achieve total control over everyone.

Dave D

New member
It may be right now that they believe only the Military and maybe LE should have guns, but you can bet that they wont stop there. Their's is a childlike longing for a soft harmless world that exists only behind their rose colored glasses. Guns in anyones hands have no place in that dream, no matter how unrealistic.


New member
Dave D....I think I will take issue with the idea that what anti-gunners want is a "soft" or "sensitive" world.
Those are only catch words to get certain people to go along with them.
The factors that want to disarm ANY people seldom have any SOFT ideas or goals.
Quite the opposite. The globalists want slavery and control and they are getting both.
The stock market is rewarding the companies that manufacture stuff in the Orient.
Actually, it is quite clever. The same people who decry the negro slavery of the USA heartily endorse globalism that makes slaves out of whole countries.
They have simply taken the shipping costs out of slaves. Now we don't have to bring em over in boats.
We just keep em where they live and take the money from their labor. Sweet?
Nope. I don't see the anti-gun folks as a benign nuisance. They are traitors and despots of the highest order.


The US Senate is about to put forth an edict that will solve this "do they, don't they" want LEO's to have firearms. If this bill passes, only FEDERAL LEO's will be allowed to have guns at all.

Don't take my word for it, go to and use the search engine. Type in SB2099. Read through this short bill and you will get the surprise of your life.

Jay Baker

New member
Lavan has it nailed. The communistnazi tyrants demand their Brave New Marxist Socialist Police State Utopia, where they, the elitists (the members of the King's court, so to speak), will rule with an iron fist, all us serfs and slaves. Read medieval feudal history and you will see exactly what they have planned for us.

As for cops being brainwashed, I know for a 100% fact, that the Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept., and the Los Angeles Police Dept., have for many years, using contracted law professors from local colleges, taught all cadets in their Academies, that the Second Article meant that only police and military members had the "right" to possess guns. Civilians had no "right" to own guns.

This was done in the classes which taught cadets Constitutional Law in relation to police work. Many, many cops don't know enough about the Constitution to question the "brainwashing."


[This message has been edited by Jay Baker (edited October 12, 2000).]


New member

FYI....Senate Bill 2099 is effectly dead in the water.

According to the letter before me from Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma;

"In truth, S. 2099, like other handgun registration bills, is rather extrene and presently lacks support needed to become law. S. 2099 has a mere two sponsors. Bills that would do much less to regualate guns have gone nowhere."

"The few cosponsors the bill have are members of the far left." :)(now that's an understatement)

"Rest assurd, I will continue to oppose any new gun control legistration"

End qoute..

Ya know....tis nice to write your Senators and Congressman from time to time. Let them know what ya be thinking. You can do this thru


There are no dangerous weapons....only dangerous men. Robert Heinlein.


It's not that it's "effectively dead in the water" that bothers me. It's that this bill was proposed at all. That 2 senators out of 100 (I know, I know, it's only 2%) actually think this is a good idea. How many democrats voted to NOT impeach BC?? That's how many WOULD VOTE FOR this bill if it ever left committee (and a few Republicans trying to 'save the children'). Yeah, it might not be enough to pass it, but it is enough to scare me pretty thoroughly.


New member
Has that author written anything since 1973??? Bell bottoms were popular then too.

Way to go Inhofe. Proud he's an Oklahoman!!!

Hey Joe, how 'bout them Sooners??
(Sorry mods)

"Charlton Heston is my President"

NRA, NAHC, Buckmasters

James K

Member In Memoriam
I think he has written some other stuff, mostly left wing trash along the same lines as to how bad the country is. I am not even sure he is still among us, but if he is, AFAIK he has never changed his views on guns or cops.


Joe 543

New member
Well Danny, things like that happen from time to time........I just hope the Republican team wins in November!


New member
Sounds like a commie politician to me! :D The majority of the LEO's I work with are pro-gun and do realize that we are not exempt from bans. I believe in giving out CCW's to all people who are trained in the use of their gun and do not have a criminal history. This guy truly does not know what it is like to be on the street, or what the heck he is talking about for that matter anyway.

As for criminals not firing on an unarmed cop...I believe its just the uniform and badge that most people fire at! This world is truly different now than it was in 1973!


New member

This really isn't the forum for this but if everyone will indulge me a moment, I'll try to be brief.

Go to and do a search for any bill containing 'Handguns'.

If Senate Bill 2099 scared ya, take 2 valuim before you do the search.

Sir..please take a look at several important items that are available there.:
a)Date of Submission/Introduction.
b)Action taken.

Status is probably the most important. If they have been Referred to Committee, and the date is over 6 months, it's a good bet it is dead.

As far as Barbara Boxer & Diane Feinstien submitting these bills before congress, figure it this way. They are pandering to the people the supposedly represent and by submiting these 'no where' bills, they are showing an attempt to do what the preached to get them elected.

As Senator Inhofe said...they belong to the far left and don't have as much support as they used to have. Hopefully they will get defeated the next time their names appears on a ballot.

Sorry for the duration of the post folks.

Write your CongressPersons..your Senators.. let them know how you feel. Even Feinstein & Boxer cannot deny 20,000 letters saying they are wrong.


There are no dangerous weapons....only dangerous men. Robert Heinlein.

When the fear of failure to do one's duty for God and Country overcomes fear of dying, a true warrior is born.


New member
I work around some pretty extreme antis. I have heard one of them say that all guns should be banned, period, including police guns. I don't try to reason with people like that; I just smile and go on. But they are out there.