Hornady 150 FMJ BT 30 Caliber for a Garand


New member
So far,we have been working with opinions. So I did a little research.
I would directly cut and paste,but I understand that can be a copyright issue.

If you go to the article,check the "History" topic,move down to the last paragraph that begins with "Wartime production was about...." and read till he topic changes to "Weapons"

The article specifically addresses the problem of the 178 gr boat tail having a max range of over 5000 yds and overshooting ranges. The bullet /load was redesigned for approx 3600 yd max range to solve the problem.

This is given as the reason for the redesign/switch from " Ball M1 " to Ball M-2" approx 1938.

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Metal god

New member
Ok how in the heck does a bullet or round in general out shoot a range ? This on face value is absurd . Last I check the bullet starts dropping the second it leaves the bore . The entire package ( gun , cartridge and shooter ) may be able to over shoot the range but to say the “bullet” is the problem is not reasonable to me .

I shoot at a 300yd range a lot and the burm is the mountain. I can aim higher and over shoot the mountain, so that must be because of the bullets I’m using:rolleyes:


New member
Ok how in the heck does a bullet or round in general out shoot a range ? This on face value is absurd . Last I check the bullet starts dropping the second it leaves the bore . The entire package ( gun , cartridge and shooter ) may be able to over shoot the range but to say the “bullet” is the problem is not reasonable to me .

I suspect you did not read the article I linked. There is always someone who does not get the memo. It lays out the history of the 30-06and why there was a change from the M1 round to the M-2 round about 1938. Your question would be answered .

But just for you,I'll try.

OK,Metalgod. You have a plot of real estate,a military reservation of a few,or several,square miles of land.

On that reservation,you must lay out barracks,a PX,a movie theatre,a hospital,parade ground,drill fields,an obstacle course,etc. And a rifle range. Or two.
The arrow to "Downrange" either points toward the interior of the reservation,or the boundary of the reservation.

There may not be a mountain. It might be Ft Riley Kansas.

Now,you,the Main Honcho in Charge, are given the specification the max range of a particular cartridge is 3700 yds. Certified,tested, you can count on it. Great!!

You lay out the base so the obstacle course is 4200 yds down range of the firing line. Thats 500 yds extra safety zone. Fine!! Everything is beautiful!!

But then there are wars and technical developments. A better loading is developed. The ballistic coefficient of the bullet improves from .415 to .625.

Cool!! Establish ballistic advantage!!

So,one fine training day,there is rangefire!! Teach those recruits to shoot!!

And another group of troops is running the obstacle course.

OOPS! The new ammo has a max range of 5000 yards. Three troops running the obstacle course are hit. One dies.

This issue could affect a number of bases across the USA.

The Rape of Nanking is going on. Hitler is on the rise. Troops need training.

What do you do? One option is to go back to a trajectory (bullet) that remained in the range safety zone.

Its not a perfect description of what happened,but if you WANT to understand,it will do,
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Metal god

New member
Ok that makes more sense , it’s NOT that the bullet over shot the range it was they needed to modify a round for the surroundings . Meaning the bullet was not the problem but rather the solution . Maybe a distinction without a difference but my guess is there were several possible remedies and they just chose changing the bullet as the one they went with .