Honestly? is the .380 that weak?


New member
If a .22 can kill, so can a .380. It isn't the strongest round in the world, but it will get the job done. I shoot a Walther PPK/S (.380) quite often and I can tell you right now, I don't want to get hit with that thing. I hope that made you see the light :)


But I have seen my share of '380 U.S. bullet hole scars' as self-described by their owners. A lot of knifes too. Creep vs Creep gun fights. What a shame. Don't know of too many .40 Anything bullethole scars with talking owners.

Ever seen a 380 or 32 bullet scar between the eyes?

And Ive seen 40 anything bullet scars on folks.


No forget it...I'm feeling ornery,,,here debate this one out:

Absent extraordinary circumstances, an armed civilian doesnt need MORE than a 380 or 32 pocket pistol.

Pros and Cons...?


New member
Wild , i disagree ... Your average ccw needs to carry the biggest gun/cal combo that they will every day . for me on some days that is a kahr pm9 , on rare days its a p3at normaly i carry a kahr p9 . i could carry a bigger gun , and in fact have ... back when it was an " off duty " rather than wear while you work . No matter i consider the .380 round to be somewhat a specialty round ... it will work if you do it all right . IMHO the point of carrying in the first place is that you resolve problems ... if that takes a p3at ok , if it takes an nfa ar ok ... but i wont presume to tell the " average " user what they need .
I will have to side with Wild on this one.

The average person is probably never going to be in a situation where they need any firearm at all and on the rare occasion that they do a .380 will most likely be sufficient. If you are getting into long range gun battles you are chosing the wrong fights and hanging out in the wrong places.

That being said, there is a huge difference between NEED and WANT. I would definately WANT more when I can carry it.


New member
ive been reading alot and going threw alot of threads where people dont like the .380 becuase its weak or a european caliber...and today i held a .380 and a 9mm together and they are actually really close in size except the bullet in the 9mm was longer than the .380...

The .380 (9x17) and the 9mm Luger/Parabelum (9x19), make the same size holes. The9x19 just has a little more oomph behind it. I wouldn't call it a European round though.


New member
Neither would i ANGUS but people all over these threads knock tha 9mm and the .380 and call them europellets and things along that line...i dont see how people can honestly think that they need a .45 to stop a man? and as for people having scars from the .380 and .32..ive seen plenty of people with 3 or 4 9mm round scars on them and they still are alive...i believe its really about shot placement..if ive only got 8 shots...then imma make sure i get you with all 8 or as many as i can...im not gunna spray and pray


Lethality isn't the point. If the BG dies 3 days after having wounded or maimed you, then your actions were not effective. Obviously it's better than having him laughing about it at the bar with his lowlife buddies, but not as good as putting him on the trailer immediately. Whether he lives or dies is irrelevant as long as he stops doing whatever is making you need to shoot him before he can harm you. Re: Russian military pistols- They aren't necessarily made for engaging the enemy, but for persuading a reluctant conscript to do so. A Nagant revolver sucks for SD, but placing the muzzle against a less-than-enthusiastic soldier's forehead and telling him to get his *ss out there and fight can do wonders for his courage. European cops carried .32 ACP ball for a long time and looked on the 9X19 like we do a .357 mag. Maybe Euroids are just more civilized than we are, and it takes less to stop them.


The .380 is not so weak that it won't work with good shot placement. But you can't get fancy with the ammunition or you'll hamstring the caliber by limiting the penetration numbers to less than the FBI recommended depth.


WA, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't WWI started with a single shot from a .25acp? I'm almost positive it was either a .25 or a .32 that killed Arch Duke Ferdinand.

Of course starting a world war is a far cry from ending a mugging.


New member
You know how it is with some people on this forum; If it ain't .45 you'll heal the person you are shooting... :rolleyes:


New member
Not to worry.....

The best self defense pistol is the one you actually have at hand when 'the moment' comes. Some folks are not bothered by two to four pounds of metal stuck in their belts day in, day out. Others carry 'occasionally' when mood or current destination dictates. It is better to carry something day and night, every day, or Mr. Murphy will leave you holding your nuts in your hand. If that means a .380 small enough to encourage every day carry, so be it. Just make sure (1) it goes bang first time, every time (reliable); (2) you can hit a pie plate with every shot at four yards (You'd be suprised how many can't); and finally, for smaller calibers, place the muzzle in the eye socket, under his chin, or in his ear. The foregoing, if adhered to, will bring you home to mama, and you can tell the story to your grandkids. ;)
To 'Alert' ref. .380

Ever try a Browning BDA? The best .380 ever made. and maybe the most expensive. I have one and consider it too valuable to carry so I bought a Makarov, slightly more power and accurate, reliable. I shoot FMJ slugs in both.

Bill DeShivs

New member
The Browning BDA .380 was made by Beretta.
The FBI recommendations are irrelevant for civilian carry, and as I have said before, they set ammunition selection back 20 years. Modern hollow points work well.

Let it Bleed

New member

I think WildAlaska was referring to the execution of the Romanovs, but I could be mistaken.

The Archduke Franz Ferdinand's wife was Sophie. It was a Model 1910 Browning semiautomatic pistol in .32 or .380 (?) that was used in Sarajevo to assassinate Ferdinand. Not sure if there is complete agreement as to the gun used or caliber.


New member
Well with the reduced recoil, I can get off alot more accurate shots with the .380 than the .40. I find that "double taps" are much easier with the .380. I think that for some people the .45 is just too much to handle for quick stress induced shots, and in that case why not use a .380? You are alot more likely to drop a BG with 5+/- shots than one. It doesn't matter the caliber, if you miss and hit a leg with the large caliber by the time you have re-aligned the BG just put 5+/- .380 through you. That will likely not end in your favor.


WA was in fact referring to the murder of the czars familiy, which if you read the descriptions, was quite the horrid affair with Nagant rounds flying everywhere....and as a result, a coup de grace with the butt of a rifle and a bayonet

IIRC the Tsar was executed with a Broomhandle.

And the 1910 used by Gavrilo Princip was a .32, which pistol I recall is on display in Austria



I was just expanding on the theme that WA started. The Archduke was killed with a baby browning in .32. So was Hitler for that matter. If the .32 can do that then the .380 is more than adequate in my mind.


New member
One of my self defense guns is a Colt Government .380 ACP that was fully customized by Terry Tussey. I stake my life on this little pistol every day. It's with me now.

I miss my Colt Stainless Mustang dearly. :(

Can you post a pic of you Tussey? I love the customized Colt 380's.