Home Owner Shot By Police, McKinney ,Texas


New member
I first heard about this story over at assault web. That thread didn't have a link. I'll say this about intrusion or burglar alarms:
They are one of the most frequent types of calls we go on. Often when we get there, there's nothing to be found in terms of illegal entry. I search the exterior, leave an alarm card in the door so the homeowner doesn't freak about tracks in the snow or reports from neighbors that a marked unit was there, and leave.
Sometimes theres an emergency contact who can come turn the alarm off, sometimes not.
If there's an open door, we have to search the location. Most of the time the dispatcher tries to send back-up, sometimes it isn't available. The other night I had a similar alarm, and there simply was no one available to send, so I wound up going through the place alone.
Many of the new alarm systems use taped messages which scream commands at you, and once you enter the residence you are subjected to some sort of pulsing claxon noise that hurts like the dickens. I've taken to wearing a pair of GI ear plugs into those homes, since I can't comfortably stay in the area without them. Just enough protection to block the noise without killing my hearing. Those sorts of alarms making identification of self almost impossible to the normal human being.
I agree, it must have been some sort of startle reaction on the officers part.
I'd like to know why the homeowner was actively resisting the officers entry. Guess we'll never know now.


New member
Couple of points.

Alarm system with auto dialer hooked up means the home owners KNEW the cops would be responding. Fact is it says the husband called his wife after alarm co. called him and LEO. Unless the alarm company didn't tell him they had called LEO or the husband didn't tell his wife that police were responding she had to KNOW the cops would be searching.

I don't know about you, but personally if I am going to ask someone else to respond to help me in what can be a life or death situations [ie responding to house alarm] I feel that I should go out of my way to make things as safe and as easy for them as possible. Which in a situation like this would mean calling LEC and letting LEO know where I the keyholder/homeowner will meet them. You don't call the cops and then start clearing the building yourself. IF the wife did teach security she should have known better herself.


New member
Who Was There?

Who was there and knows what happned? If you were not there I doubt you are able to make a responsiable determination of what happned are you? Atleast without being trained to work and evaluate crime scenes, But even then who has been there to investigate that is posting here? the word assuming begins with 3 letters that you will become for doig so, as i was taught.

Quote: "I am sick and tired of cops killing innocent people and getting off with administrative leave and usually,at worst, losing their job. If this had been a concerned neighbor or family member, they would be in a cell right now with an unbelievably high bond set waiting to be tried for manslaughter or murder. Why isn't this officer doing the same?"

A police officer called to do his/her job and that ending in a shooting is not the same as neighbor going next door and it ending in a shooting. And since I doubt you were there I doubt you know what happned, again you are assuming the officer made a mistake, untill this is investigated we dont know, the women might have been trying to killthe officer for all we know (unlikey but im proving point).

Last thing here is why are the post saying the FEMALE the WOMAN? does gender matter in what happned? If it had been a man does that mean this would not have happned? I know several frmale officers i would rather be my backup than most men.I also know several that should not be allowed out of thier house let alone be a police officer, but that goes for men too.

the word assuming begins with 3 letters that you will become for doig so, as i was taught.


New member
It sounds like a true accident to me, it is tragic but from what I read there was no malicious intent. Unfortunately there is always a chance that some accident like this could happen, it does seem that she was either careless ( the officer ) or lacked the propper training to deal with the situation though.

I also gotta agree w/ Glamdring. The lady entered into a agreement to have them respond to these calls, she should have acted accordingly.