Home invaders pick wrong house


New member
So don't call me paranoid for having a gun here and there at home

I think, I'm going to look for more than one safe place,
to keep a gun at home.


The weapons, including the AK-47, were in the home because one of the victims participates in gun shows, one of the victims told Local 6 News.

And you need a reason to have an AK-47 in your home? I would have said "Because it's the most reliable short-to-medium-range defensive rifle in the world. For a home invasion like this one, it's like a fire extinguisher." and left it at that.


New member
For a home invasion like this one, it's like a fire extinguisher.

Then you'll raise questions about home defense vs. "short to medium range defense" Won't 7.62X39 surplus zip through drywall like bad Chinese food through your intestines? How would your next door neighbor feel?

The reporter was probably just trying to answer the inevitable questions raised by mentioning a citizen owning an "assault rifle." The average person who know nada about guns was probably thinking, "wait, wait, he owned an AK-47? Doesn't Al Qaeda use those?"

What matters is that the article did put the intended victims in a good light. If this incident occured in England, the "victims" would be the home invaders.

Stay away from bad Chinese food.


New member
Good for Cody. Yeah, the "reason why he had a AK" thing bothered me to. He has it in his house......Because it's his right.


New member
Won't 7.62X39 surplus zip through drywall like bad Chinese food through your intestines? How would your next door neighbor feel?

You dont know the type of ammo he had in his AK. He could be using frangible ammo for all we know.

It seems there was no collateral damage - except for a bunch of BGs. So all in all I say score 1 for the GGs.


New member
"Once he heard that guy yelling for the gun, Cody came out with his (AK-47) and took care of it," Goodson said. "It was definitely self-defense."

:eek: AK-47 can be used for self defense.


New member
You dont know the type of ammo he had in his AK.

I'm still leaning for surplus ammo. 1) it's a military weapon, so there's plenty of surplus; plenty of surplus = cheap (relatively). 2) apparently, he's a gun show guy, so he probably needs a lotta ammo. 3) come on....

He got lucky - saved his own life, plus the lives of his roomies, all without causing collateral damage or hitting the neighbors' hypothetical 5 year-old child. Hopefully he won't get sued for being a hero, either.

Personally, I'd go for something packing .223, 9mm, .45acp, or 00 buckshot. Those first three choices would really help for follow-up shots as well. I'm going to assume that this guy knows his guns and has the 4 basic rules tattooed inside his skull (emphasis on rule #4); the AK-47 was probably the nearest, most accessible weapon at the moment.

Imagine a few rounds of 7.62X39 going off inside an enclosed room: sound + recoil + flash. I've never had the opportunity or necessity, but I imagine it's super disorienting for both the attackers and the intended victims. I'm sure 12ga. is just as bad, if not worse, though.

chris in va

New member
Wow. First time I've heard of an AK being used for HD. If I had a Saiga, I certainly wouldn't hesitate using it for that purpose. My SKS is a little heavy.

Scary stuff. I hope to God that never happens to me.


Wow. First time I've heard of an AK being used for HD.

It's probably been used tens of thousands of times for just that purpose in most of the world. What do you reach for when the jihadists bust in, or the corrupt government's tribal militias come to ethnic-cleanse your household? For most of the world, it's probably the AK.


New member
Stay away from bad Chinese food.

Word. :barf:

My AK is stored bedside every night. First thing I would grab should it become necessary.

Decent story. However the reporter does sound a touch on the ignorant side.


My home defense gun is on my person all the time- don't need to stash them thru the house. That said, there is a Mossy 12 ga with 8 rds in it close at hand.


New member
Good for the guys who did the perps in. Too bad they didn't git 'em all.
We won't be hearing about this from the MSM though.
