Home defense guns


New member
We have three revolvers at the moment, and I never leave the revolvers unloaded. Literally if I shoot, I always have at least enough ammo leftover to keep the three revolvers fully loaded. They stay in an electronic safe when need be, so we don't have to worry about our children or friends finding one, getting one with a key, shooting one, etc. We don't keep the rifle and shotgun loaded, and the ammo stays in the electronic safe too. Those weapons are locked in a pelican case, but if someone breaks in or finds a key by remote chance there is no ammo in there. Any weapon can be gotten in a jiffy, but I would always go for the revolvers first to save time. Also, while around the house or sleeping, we usually almost always have the 2 CCW revolvers close-by, but we don't leave them here and there like I know some of my buddies do. They always are in a safe location and are very close-by when not in the safe.


New member
just came back to read thread in full since no new posts on forum

Horace, I respect your decision, but I would Hate to see that one night from all heck where someone had your .22 and you had an empty handgun to defend yourself. I'm not going to win the lottery, but I still play just in case. Same with the firearms- its all preventative to protect my family in case the bad lottery hits us one night! We aren't gun nuts; I never thought of this stuff in my parents' home growing up. We just want to be ready just in case(well, maybe the wife goes along with it but she is in on it too. LMAO:D -that ones for you CWKahr- I hear you on that)).

I'm just siding with the guys here that do have them ready - not saying anyone is wrong because we must do what we feel is right of course. Also oneounce, we live in a very nice area(not rich area but a nice area). Location was extremely important to me when we bought our first and hopefully only home. I could leave my windows and doors open too. I would never do that though. I just wouldn't do it. Most invasions, burglaries, pervert encounters, whatever happen when the window or door is unlocked. Literally, the two houses before yours weren't engaged earlier that same evening/early mrng because when the perp was there it was more inaccessible. Any safety cop that goes on radio stations or whatever always says that. I might be more paranoid because I admit I don't feel right leaving stuff unlocked but to each his own. I think its more innate; like when the family came little by little I realized I had to protect them&that was automatically my job. I bet that is needed before I win megamillions.

I repeat, there is NO SAFE PLACE in America anymore and those of you who think you are living in one are just fooling yourselves.

I agree with you here Horace. Just like my weapon is always loaded when its not because of the 4 rules, I am ready for the worst when it comes to HD. Its just preventative, but I'm ready.

Tucker 1371

New member
Just a few. My 1911 tends to follow me around the house. My 20ga loaded with slugs stay's in my brothers room and my M1A stays loaded in my room.


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Country livin

I don't live in the boondocks, but I can see it from my attic window. It takes the local LEOs a while to get out here (unless they are on patrol in the area) so yes, I always keep my shotgun in the bedroom out. My wife and I carry so that's what goes in the bedroom at night. I also keep a shotgun and a hand gun (a revolver with snake shot) in a lockbox in the barn and the manager and stable hands all have a key to it. My other guns are in a safe in the basement.


New member
I'm not Wyatt Earp, and choose not to live my life like that. However, when something goes "bump" in the night, you don't want to be fumbling around: Have a plan and a routine for your gun, flashlight, phone and keys, etc.

I keep one handy, loaded (usually my CCW). Everything else is locked up, either in the safe or otherwise secured, but I keep a couple ready to go.


New member
At least 6 most of the time and a pocket 9MM or .38 on me. I don't know when that home invasion may be scheduled for or where I'll be in the house but no matter where I am I have SD on me and HD very close by.



New member
I'm on the same page that an unloaded gun is just a fancy and expensive paper weight. I'm glad to see many people live in crime free areas. Technically, so do I. But I just don't trust people.

So I have loaded guns in 2 rooms of my small house, locked in easy to access gun safes. In one I have a loaded shotgun and 3 loaded pistols (a bit much, I agree). I also have a partially concealed pistol safe in the same room with a snub-nosed .38 special, and a pistol safe next to my bed in the master bedroom with my loaded Glock 22 ready to go. I also keep loaded spare magazines and speed loaders in my safes, as well as several loaded .223 mags for my AR-15 in case the sheeeeet really hits the fan.

I couldn't ask for a better town to live in, peaceful, quiet, relatively crime free. But I just don't trust people. I honestly don't see how any one could in the modern age.


New member
#1 live in a small town or low crime area
#2 Chesapeake Bay Retriever owns my house with my family.....don't think he owns it just ask him
#3 12 Gauge Winchester, hopefully I never need it but it will do the job, sits by the bed...kids respect it b/c they see it when hunting...all other guns locked up tight.


New member
I keep my carry weapon on me all the time until it's time to go to bed. Then my 9mm goes on the nightstand beside a flashlight and becomes the "Bump In The Night Gun".

Also in the drawer beneath my gun goes my wife's 38. If I get up out of bed to check on things, she wakes up with me and grabs her gun. I know that, even armed, I'm possibly walking into a threat. If something happens to me, I don't want to have walked the only ready weapon out there to the bad guy and leave my wife defenseless in a back room.



New member
I own 4 guns: 3 SA pistols and a shotgun. One pistol is a POC and I've "retired" it to the safe. The other two plus the shotgun are loaded and ready to go all the time. The XD9 is my EDC. My 1911 and Mossy 500 are located in different parts of the house where I can get to them quick if needed.