Home defense guns


New member
How many guns of any type do you keep loaded in your home in case there ever is the need to defend yourself or the home place?My wife says that I have so many that I will hesetate trying to decide which one to use and it will be too late then.I tell her no I will use the 357 if I'm in the front of the house and the 9mm if I am in the back.......or no....the 45....maybe one of the 44's.Do I really have 5 guns loaded throughout the house?Man I must be paranoid,or God forebid she may be right.Lets see what we can do with this and not get too out of hand with our responses enjoy.Russ


New member
A few..

Then there's the less than one shot stop variety of objects around also that I can use to deliever the, "bad choice breaking in here" lesson with.


New member
i currently only have one, so it stays loaded with a spare mag within reach. one of my uncles has a rather large home, and literally has a gun in every room, from the garage, to the bedroom closet, to the bathroom, and the attic. the further away from a door, the more serious the weapon...his fully automatic uzi stays in the attic. :eek:

P5 Guy

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Home Defense

One I keep it on or near me at all times.
I live alone so there is no one to call me paranoid.:D


New member
I keep it simple. I'm wearing a handgun on me when I get home, so I do that until bed time. At bed time, that one goes in the safe and the home defense gun comes out and heads to bed with me. In the morning, the home defense gun goes in to the safe and the EDC comes out and goes in to the IWB holster. Repeat each day.

What's important to me is:

--if I'm not home, there are no loose firearms available to be stolen
---or to be used against me if someone is in there

--when I'm NOT at home and I'm entering my house, I'm armed in the unlikely event that I surprise an intruder who is already there

--when I am at home, there are not firearms scattered about that might:
---be used against me
---get stolen from me
---be found by a nosy friend of the children

I don't like the idea of an unsecured firearm in my home that's not under my control. I don't even like the idea of me being somewhere in the house for a half hour while my safe is unlocked elsewhere in the house.

About the only time there are unsecured firearms in my house is when I'm cleaning them or when someone I invite in happens to be carrying concealed.

My way definitely does not work for everyone, but many of the ways other folks roll (like hiding loaded pistol behind cheap clocks with a false panel) would never happen in my home.


New member
The day I need multiple loaded guns around the house is the day I call the realtor and find a better place to live. I'm trying not to be naive and say that it can't happen where I live but come on.


New member
I am in agreement with JBial. We have a rather large home, and I have a couple since one is upstairs and one is downstairs.

We have two very alert watch dogs. They are probably the best deterrent. I can't recall hearing of a home burglary in our County in a couple of years (over 600 sq. miles and less than 10,000 humans). Plenty of room for some of you to come take up residence if you desire to reduce your loaded arsenal. :)


New member
One loaded handgun (holstered Glock 20/29SF, tritium) to fight my way to one loaded long-arm (Browning BPS 7+1, tritium bead) in safe.

We have two very alert watch dogs. They are probably the best deterrent.

Darn right, +++1


New member
You only need one, if you can get your dog to wear a holster.




New member
An unloaded long gun is a sorry excuse for a club, . . . and I can't throw any handgun I own with any accuracy.

Therefore, . . . I keep em loaded, . . . hoping that someday, when my cold dead hands have been laid to rest, . . . my great-great grandson can take the bullets out and ask his father why I had such old fashioned weapons.

Until then, . . . I'm going to do what I can to protect me and mine, . . . and MT guns won't do that.

May God bless,


New member
I grew up with alot of country folk having multiple guns scattered around the house. one relative had a shotgun over the inside of every single rooms door except the front door. which was the living room.

old country folk especially older mountain folk didnt always take to nosy city folk, or trespassers, they were notorious for having gus scattered about their homes. most people were not welcome inside unless you was a blood relative. also them mountain hollers may have headed to someone still so most smart folks knew if they went to wrong areas they wouldnt come back. there is a road within 10 miles of me thats name has shooting in it, & even in the 80's people knew you didnt go trespassing there, but all the old folks have gone & it is now a relatively safe place.

growing up one of my city neighbors had a few hidden around his house, but he was into a different scene. he sometimes went looking for trouble. he also answered his door with a gun to who evers head, if a cop he made them show id before he would lower his gun. he died of a heart attack in his 70's but he freaked out quite a few salesman, as well as anyone that didnt know him. he knew me his whole life, & he talked to me alot about stuff I have no business knowing, stuff that cant be discussed anywhere, but he knew my dad many years before my dad met my mom, & he treated me like another of his sons.

I have known plenty of people that live in mountains that have a gun here & there, if anyone breaks in, a gun is only a few feet away where ever they may be, plus alot of the older folks wouldnt call for a cop even after they took care of business, they would get their tractor & dispose of any remains. I am not agreeing with, but I know the mountain folks, too many are relatives of mine. I was born & raised in a "city" but all my kinfolks are mountain folks, & even I returned to live in the mountains where it is completely rural, but I dont keep up with my kin anymore, & havent in the last 11 years.



New member
pistol upstairs

pistol downstairs

SBR upstairs

12ga SB pump downstairs

noisy dogs all over the dadgummed place:p


The day I need multiple loaded guns around the house is the day I call the realtor and find a better place to live. I'm trying not to be naive and say that it can't happen where I live but come on.

Most intelligent post so far........


New member
One - in a place I can get to quickly. When I start carrying it will be on me when I'm home as well. If you carry, what's the point in having a bunch of loaded guns around if there's one on your hip (I can see having some long guns loaded in the safe, etc)?