Holy Cow!


New member
I stood next to a guy shooting a .500 at an outdoor range and it didn't seem as bad as I thought it would. Personally I don't like paying to stand around in a dark and musty indoor range so I don't really know what any of them sound like. The loudest I've enounted was one of those AK-47 pistol variants. That got my attention real quick, but it was fun to shoot.


New member
At my local indoor range, .44 Mag and up are not allowed.
Actually, that makes sense. Even the short barreled .357s with full-house loads will rattle your teeth within 3 partitions. When I shot my .44 mag Redhawk in an indoor range, if I didn't have plugs under my muffs, that report just plain hurt! It was effective in doubling up my protection for every weapon regardless of caliber. I now know what I was doing to my fellow patrons, and consequently haven't shot anything over 10mm indoors for the last 15 years or so. The 10mm is bad enough, but generally draws pleas to try it out, as most, it seems, have still not shot one. 10 can get expensive when you get only the benefit of half your ammo.:D


New member
i really get a charge

out of those people who buy the 500 and 460 smiths pay top dollar for them or even the 454casulls can't shoot them worth a darn and then condemn them first off nobody in their correct frame of intelligence should even think of firing these minature cannons indoors, they are hunting pistols not carrypieces and anything made under 6 inches should be shot with extreme caution and lots of previous handgun experiencethe recoil from a full bore hunting load will rattle your cage or make your pace maker skip a beat, and loosen fillings , i've seen some real cocky guys put dents in their forheads by not thinking and trying to show off to their friends or honeys, i agree with the hearing protection with these cannons too plugs and muffs basically because most of these monsters have ported barrels for recoil reduction and yes they are LOUD , also use common sense big toys make big noises, my namesake my Raging Bull Taurus in 454 Casull gets more looKs then Jessica Simpson in a Bikini at the range because of the stainless finish the 4power scope and the long 8 3/8 barrell its pretty sharp but i tell them make sure you are wearing hearing protection or you" Will" be cursing my little pet:D


New member
I don't get it.

We shoot a .300 win mag indoors all the time.

The dumb part is that the range is only 50 yards. But it ain't my gun and it ain't my ammo, and come to think of it, I ain't paying the range fee either. He just had to have me load those 220 grain whumpers...lol

Sure, there is a giant blast and it gets everyone's attention. That's the whole fun of it aside from making it touch holes.


New member
there is a local range in baton rouge that used to let you shoot rifles .308 and smaller.

the first time i went there i took my 7mm mag and the chickie behind the counter told me it was fine.

the first shot popped 2 of the florescent bulbs behind me.

i was asked to leave and not come back. lol


New member
there is a local range in baton rouge that used to let you shoot rifles .308 and smaller.

At my local range it is 3600 fps. You can shoot anything that doesn't surpass that. Where it gets silly is the guys shooting their M1As at 25 yds..........

They do have a rule that you must buy your rifle ammo there. And, they check your bag, so no cheating.;)