Hog hunter loses his son!


New member
That's horrible. May God's grace and peace be with his family. I would be totally devistated if something like that ever happened to my son. You guys were all there for me when I lost my dad 3 years ago next month. Keep this family in your prayers, and stay safe this season.


New member
I'm so sorry for your friend. You will need to stick by him for many years.

One of my best friends up in Live Oak lost his son many years ago to a typical 'cross the fence' accident. The son was his eldest and 14 at the time plus he was suffering PTSD from Vietnam. It tore the family apart.

I wish that we could have been closer (by distance) and that I could have offered more support. If you have that opportunity, do it! You'll never regret it.

Big Bill

New member
HD - I'm so sorry to hear this! May God bless his family that somehow they may cope with this terrible tragedy.


New member
Such a tragic loss....I can only hope him and his family had a good life before this tragedy.

Send them my deepest sympathy and prayers on such a sad day
From me and mine.
I too have children and it would devastate me too loose any of them.


New member
Well I have lost a child 5 years ago she was just 8 she was my hunting buddy ,I so miss her it takes everything to just keep going on in life


New member
im sorry to hear that thomas, but im sure she would want you to keep going in life and try to be happy.


New member
My condolences to your friend. Unfortunately we take for granted the "risks" we undertake with our pastime/lifestyle hunting. Still, a great loss for a father.


New member
Terrible! BUT, someone was being dumb! I know as I was run over after being thrown out of a vehicle while hunting. Life interference for nearly 2 years! It was just dumb and I had myslef to blame.