Hog hunter loses his son!


Staff In Memoriam
I just learned that a fellow hog dogger just lost his son in a hunting accident...
Apparently the son (older teen) was in the back of a huntin' truck and was thrown out and landed on his head. He died from the injury...

Be safe out there guys! That kind of loss is impossible to fathom for us fathers who have not had to suffer the loss of our son, best friend and favorite hunting buddy!!!:(
With tears in my eyes,


New member
I am sorry to hear of your friend's loss. As a father and grandfather, I empathize with him greatly. Our prayers will be with him and his family.


New member
That is very sad.

Many people are not aware that off road travel and riding in the back of uncovered trucks does lead to accidents.


The loss of a son leaves an emptyness and absolute vacum within that nevers ... Not even the arrival of a newborn heals that wound.

Lee Lapin

New member
It is the natural order of things for sons to lose their fathers at some point in life. Not so for fathers to lose sons. That's a genuine tragedy, Brent. Please convey what condolences are possible to the family.




There was another tragic incident that happened when I was a boy. There was a father and son deer hunting with bows and both were set up in trees quite close to one another.

A deer came directly in between them and the the father took the shot, dropped the deer AND his son.

What happened was freakishly bizarre. The arrow went through the deer, ricocheted off of a rock, and then hit his son in the forehead.

True and tragic story.


Staff In Memoriam
I am very cognizant of the "typical" hunting accidents such as crossing fences with loaded guns, dropping loaded weapons from tree stands and folks being shot by other hunters. I just feel we need to pay more attention to the atypical situations such as the one that took this 16 year old's life. It is common in areas of dog hunting sports to just jump in the back rather than waste time trying to squeeze too many in the cab.

Thanks for all ya'lls thoughts for this family!

Uncle Billy

New member
At the bottom of everything I am is the truth that nothing matters more than family to me. I can't imagine anything that would crush me so completely as losing a son or daughter would. My sympathies to the dad and to his family. Please God help us all to endure what comes our way, in situations such as this especially.


New member
Sorry to hear about the hunting accident and I can't fathom what the Dad must be going through.