HK SP5 Pricing


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Just wondering what everyone's opinion is of the SP5 and it's current pricing.

I really want one but I can't justify the $3,500 price tag. I hear stories from online or friends of friends who claim they got theirs for under $3K but I've never not once seen one for less than $3,200 (and that one was gone before the dealer even put it on the shelf) anywhere. I'm thinking these claims are BS but I cannot prove or disprove them.

Do I bite the bullet and give up that kind of cheddar or wait and see if I too can find one of these deals?


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I believe the cheapest I ever saw a full-size SP5 was ~$2900. But, correct me if I’m wrong, HK recently raised the MSRP and availability has been terrible so high prices aren’t unexpected and I wouldn’t expect to see a lot of deals.

Would I personally pay that price? No. I think the semiautomatic sub gun is a limited use niche, even if I really enjoy them and was once a true HK fanboy. If you did pay it I wouldn’t judge you, however.

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I also wanted one but they just want way more than they are worth IMO. Recently Atlantic Firearms had a deal on the Turkish MKE produced MP5 variant called the AP5. These were formerly imported by Zenith and now are being brought in by Century. The deal was for the basic AP5 pistol for $1179.

They sold out their first batch in what seemed like a couple hours and then set up a reserve order system for the next batch. They said 7-14 days for shipping and I am now in the second week of waiting, so I’m hoping mine will ship this week. I just checked and they are still offering the reserve ordering at the same price.

All the reviews I have seen say that they are well made and are a direct clone of the HK MP5 and take the same magazines as well as internal parts. However, they do not incorporate the latest changes to the design. that makes absolutely no difference to me as I only want it as a range toy and for the cool factor.

Another MP5 clone you might consider is the one made by PTR. My son has one and it has been flawless. He paid $1400 for his, less than half of the going price of an HK.
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I've had range time with an AP5. They are nice and would scratch that particular itch. I think you are paying for the HK name more than anything else.

Same could be said of their MR556 rifles. They're nice but they're not $1,500 nicer than my MCX. One man's opinion.


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Well, I just recently purchased an AP5. Fit and finish seemed nice, trigger wasn’t bad. At the range I can’t get it to zero. It was impacting a number of inches right from the factory. Drifting the rear sight all the way left still shows me unable to hit center of target. Looking it up online and there are a number of people that had issues with the AP5. What percentage of them I’m not sure. I don’t disagree that you may be paying for the name, but just because someone has HK tooling doesn’t mean they have HK experience. I was just reminded of this the hard way.

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Willie Lowman

New member
I have a PTR 9ct that I registered as a short barreled rifle. I got it when they first came out with them, serial number 3xx. I have been very happy with it.

I have experience with genuine HK MP5 submachineguns and I am very happy with my PTR.

It doesn't say HK on it and I am reminded of that by a few fellow collector/shooters but for the price of a stock SP5 I got my 9ct, registered it as a rifle, 5 magazines, and a suppressor.


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I agree with some of the others here. If you wanna scratch that semi-auto MP5 itch, some of the less-expensive options (MKE, POF) will do it in spectacular fashion.

I own a lowly POF-5 that has been great. Its finish is not as pretty as an SP5, but in many ways it’s a more accurate MP5 clone than the semi-auto HK offering. It’s made on HK tooling on a production line that builds MP5s for military and police contracts, and has the proper rear diopter sight, 2-pin trigger housing, and sweet “MP5” roll mark - all features that the SP5 lacks. Reliability has been flawless, and it’s a joy to shoot suppressed.

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New member
At the range I can’t get it to zero. It was impacting a number of inches right from the factory. Drifting the rear sight all the way left still shows me unable to hit center of target. Looking it up online and there are a number of people that had issues with the AP5.

This is why I ordered mine from Atlantic. While they buy them from Century, they will work with you if there is a problem. If that was mine, I would send it back to wherever you got it for a replacement.

My son has one of the the PTR CT9 clones and his has been flawless. I see these as another option if you want to scratch the MP5 itch


New member
This is why I ordered mine from Atlantic. While they buy them from Century, they will work with you if there is a problem. If that was mine, I would send it back to wherever you got it for a replacement.

My son has one of the the PTR CT9 clones and his has been flawless. I see these as another option if you want to scratch the MP5 itch

I bought mine from Atlantic. Atlantic pretty clearly states in their terms of service that once you have accepted the transfer you’re on your own and need to contact the manufacturer. That said maybe I’ll shoot them an email.

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wild cat mccane

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I know i am joining this club with the new re released Walther but HK marked up mp5 sd 22. Kicked myself for not doing it before they dropped it.

Basically exactly what you all are talking about :)


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Picked up my AP5 today and I’m off to the range tomorrow to run an A/B test against my Scorpion.




New member
Picked up my AP5 today and I’m off to the range tomorrow to run an A/B test against my Scorpion.



Good luck.

The fit and finish on mine was surprisingly good and the function was good to, except for the not being able to zero it. Still no response from Century Arms. I’m really hoping I’m not SOL on this one and that it’s not going to take me forever to get a resolution. In the meantime I have a very expensive, $1300, wall hanger.

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I am really looking forward to seeing how the difference between the blowback CZ and the roller lock AP5 affects my ability to hold my aim during rapid fire. I‘be certainly seen a lot of videos that mention it but there is nothing quite like personal experience.
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New member
I am really looking forward to seeing how the difference between the blowback CZ and the roller lock AP5 affects my ability to hold my aim during rapid fire. I‘be certainly seen a lot of videos that mention it but there is nothing quite like personal experience.

I own a Scorpion in addition to the POF-5 I mentioned above. The roller-delayed POF-5 is softer-shooting than the blowback Scorpion, but it’s not some kind of crazy night-and-day difference. The pretty bad standard triggers of both guns are more of a limitation to rapid semi-auto fire than the recoil (after all, both are fairly low-recoiling 9x19mm).

I’m sure the roller-delayed action makes more of a difference when firing their full-auto cousins.


New member
I own a Scorpion in addition to the POF-5 I mentioned above. The roller-delayed POF-5 is softer-shooting than the blowback Scorpion, but it’s not some kind of crazy night-and-day difference. The pretty bad standard triggers of both guns are more of a limitation to rapid semi-auto fire than the recoil (after all, both are fairly low-recoiling 9x19mm).

I’m sure the roller-delayed action makes more of a difference when firing their full-auto cousins.

This is my experience as well. I owned a Stribog before this. Is this softer than the Stribog? Yeah, but it’s not as if the Stribog was terrible.

I’ve shot a full auto MP5. That was very controllable for a full auto.

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New member
This is why I ordered mine from Atlantic. While they buy them from Century, they will work with you if there is a problem. If that was mine, I would send it back to wherever you got it for a replacement.

My son has one of the the PTR CT9 clones and his has been flawless. I see these as another option if you want to scratch the MP5 itch

Just an FYI, this was the response I got from Atlantic when I contacted them:

“Century Arms would be the contact under warranty. We can send them an email in regards to any potential issues”

They then emailed Century Arms and cc’d me on the email. Hopefully Century Arms responds, still no response from the email I sent them myself.

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If you can't get the irons zeroed, mount a red dot on it and forget about the irons.

I think in general that’s a good idea. But I think these MP5 clones are as much about nostalgia as function, because frankly for the same price there are other more modern PCCs on which it’s easier to attach accessories (for instance in this case I need to buy a claw mount to mount a red dot). I want to be able to use the diopter sights both because I like them and because they’re iconic to the firearm. None of this means that the irons being so canted that they’re unusable on a $1300 firearm is acceptable. Again, I should have done a better job inspecting before I accepted the transfer, though in my defense the FFL dealer didn’t see the issue either.

On the MP5 subreddit there are a number of people that have had various issues with the AP5. And then there are people that have had great pistols out of the box. It seems a bit of a gamble, and moreso than with other firearms from other companies. Again, while I think when it comes to the SP5 that you’re no doubt paying for the fact that Heckler & Koch is stamped on it, my hope would be the Germans are a bit more particular about quality control. That’s generally been my experience with HK, though there are exceptions there too.

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New member
I recently took my new AP5 to the range to sight it in, check function and do a break in. I also took my CZ Scorpion and did a comparison between the two.

In stock form, both have somewhat awkward safeties, but the Scorpion is marginally easier to manipulate. The AP5's safety was very stiff and hard to reach when you have your hand on the grip. I had to take it down from my shoulder and shift it around in my hands in order to apply or disengage it. Perhaps when I have shot it more it will loosen up and be easier to use, but I will probably replace it with a aftermarket unit that is longer and easier to reach.

Mag changes on both are easy, but perhaps because I have more trigger time on the CZ, I find it faster to change magazines. Speaking of magazine changes, the CZ has a last round bolt hold open which overall makes it faster to get back into operation after running the mag dry

The AP5 is a very smooth shooter due the the way the roller lock system works. Felt recoil on the AP5 is less which makes target acquisition faster when shooting rapid fire, although in reality, both guns are heavy enough that the recoil from the ammo I was using minimal. Speaking of ammo, I was using a mixture of 115 grain loads of different brands including some ancient China Sports 9mm that I picked up many years ago. Both were 100% reliable with whatever I ran through them even when mixing different brands in the magazines. I didn't have a ton of ammo but I did put about 250 rounds through each of them. All ammo was standard velocity 115 grain FMJ.

I would say that overall accuracy was compatible between the two of them. The AP5 required a slight windage adjustment, but was very close out of the box. Both have different size apertures for different ranges and performed about the same for me.

The AP5 shipped with one magazine and I had ordered six more from Atlantic. They were out of the 30 round MKE magazines and I opted to get the POF mags that were still available. The POF magazines look good and function perfectly. At $109 + shipping for two, they came out to about $57 apiece. The CZ shipped with two 20 round mags and I bought several Magpul 35 rounders at $20 each. The Magpul's were recommended over on the CZ forum and I am quite happy with them.

First let me make it perfectly clear that I am a recreational shooter and not trying to be some kind of operator. I am not going to be running shoot and scoot drills as both of my knees have had multiple operations and I have just slightly more mobility than a rock.

Both are quite fun to shoot and I feel that if you were doing some kind of class that uses a PCC, you would be well served by either one of them.

The AP5 as I received it was $1180 + $30 shipping. Add the SB Tactical brace and two extra magazines + shipping and the total comes to $1520 plus sales tax and any FFL fees.

Current Sold auctions on Gunbroker for New CZ Scorpion EVO 3's seem to average about $855 + shipping, so around $895 delivered to your FFL. Add the brace @$225 and a couple of magazines @$20 each equals roughly $1120 depending on the shipping charge for the stock and mags. Tax and dealer fees added on top of this of course.

Is the AP5 worth the extra $400 over the CZ? That is a decision only you can make. As I see it from a purely dollar standpoint, the CZ is a better choice, but emotion is certainly a factor and I can say that the AP5 is a sexy beast and I like it a lot. The HK fanboys think that anything but a real HK is beneath their notice, but the fit on finish on my AP5 is first rate, it functioned perfectly, looks cool and overall I am quite satisfied with my purchase.
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New member
I think in general that’s a good idea. But I think these MP5 clones are as much about nostalgia as function, because frankly for the same price there are other more modern PCCs on which it’s easier to attach accessories (for instance in this case I need to buy a claw mount to mount a red dot). I want to be able to use the diopter sights both because I like them and because they’re iconic to the firearm. None of this means that the irons being so canted that they’re unusable on a $1300 firearm is acceptable. Again, I should have done a better job inspecting before I accepted the transfer, though in my defense the FFL dealer didn’t see the issue either.

On the MP5 subreddit there are a number of people that have had various issues with the AP5. And then there are people that have had great pistols out of the box. It seems a bit of a gamble, and moreso than with other firearms from other companies. Again, while I think when it comes to the SP5 that you’re no doubt paying for the fact that Heckler & Koch is stamped on it, my hope would be the Germans are a bit more particular about quality control. That’s generally been my experience with HK, though there are exceptions there too.

I totally understand your disappointment with your AP5. I would feel exactly the same if I was in your shoes.

But if Century punks out on you at least you still have the option of mounting a RDS or other such optical sight and use it that way instead. I have a Holosun on my CZ and after using it for a while, I wouldn't want to use it any other way. Regular hit out to 100 yards are possible with the RDS which is something I can't say I can do with just the irons.

I want to try something different on the AP5 and have decided to try out a SIG Romeo 5. I settled on the Romeo 5 because I like it's features and it uses the same battery (CR2032) as the Holosun and a couple of other devices I have