Hitstick says it all

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Ramblings of the mall mountain man?

What point are you trying to get across?


New member
I don't know but not all he says is true. I hike alone, fish alone, and have been doing it for a lot longer than just 10 years. In addition, the last Grizzly killed in Montana by a handgun (non-hunting) was with a revolver, a .41mag, north of Cody Wyoming, with just 3 bullets.

Absolutes are rarely true.


New member
Bears fear humans; they scatter when they see you, hear you, or smell you 99.9 percent of the time.

Where did the 99.9% figure come from? Is it from a study, or made up to bolster your point? Assuming there is a point, as others have noted, a specific point eludes me.


New member
Ok, I'll go back to the mall...

10 years in Montana 20 years in idaho born in Whitefish, MT. Maybe I should stop this discussion. Every expert here has handled it.

Fatty Lake; Great Bear Wilderness, full charge three shots 40 S&W with one in shot the dirt. 1 shot 357 below the head. Bear dispatched, and a sad day it was! A great animal, majestic and proud. that is a sad day.

no point at all! bring a cannon, do what you have to.

Montana fish and Game, and personal experience
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New member
If you have something you wish to discuss, I'm sure we would all like to contribute constructively to it.

But we don't know what the subject is you are talking about other then bears are bad............very bad


New member
The point: Bears fear humans; they scatter when they see you, hear you, or smell you 99.9 percent of the timen( montana fish and game). When the time comes for a full charge attack, Black or Brown it’s extremely unlikely one gun is delivering lead. No creature big or small, four legged or two legged will take the medicine of two semi autos delivering a heavy dose of lead from two competent shooters. If you carry you must be proficient with your weapon, period,


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New member
The point: Bears fear humans; they scatter when they see you, hear you, or smell you 99.9 percent of the time.

Bears are big and scary, and humans are tiny.

However, humans have won the war of the species, and there are less and less bears every year.

I read that most of the bears being killed are being poached for gall bladders; mystical medicine for Chinese consumers.

Bears still make great advertizing for gun manufacturers, selling fear to increase gun sales, and will continue to do even after the last bear is stuffed, mounted, and displayed in a museum.

(These stuffed animals are in the Cleveland Natural History Museum)

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New member
Great Point! better then mine!

Bears still make great advertizing for gun manufacturers, selling fear to increase gun sales, and will continue to do even after the last bear is stuffed, mounted, and displayed in a museum.

well said
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No creature big or small, four legged or two legged will take the medicine of two semi autos delivering a heavy dose of lead from two competent shooters.

What a silly generalization.:rolleyes:

WildbrainstemAlaska ™©2002-2011


New member
Silly thread...In before the lock...

besides, bear spray has been shown to be more effective than firearms anyways..

( just throwing gasoline on the fire ) :D
Just so we're all clear and on the same page...

This is the General Handguns Discussion forum.

The forum description says it all:

"A wide open area for Handgun posts that don't fit well in the Revolver or Semiauto Forums. Ammunition selection to shooting technique and more."

This one was failing from the start, and never picked up.

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