History Channel's firearm expert a moron

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In Vietnam I've seen AK rounds go through certain portions of APC's, but they are not tanks.


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I call the History channel the disaster and fear channel. It seems all they put on is shows designed to spread fear or "debunk" Christianity. Their "experts" all seem to be liberal actors reading teleprompters. Any show they produce about guns is guaranteed to be incorrect and to show how dangerous to the average citizen they are.

I tend to not watch that channel anymore. I remember when it was the history channel.

By the way as an ex tanker (M48s-M60s) I was never afraid of being shot with an AK 47. Or anything smaller than 90 MM.


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Are we talking about the fat bald guy who was in Vietnam gun expert or are we talking about someone else? The fat guy seems to know his stuff.
If it is the same fat bald guy I am thinking of (This guy, starting at about :22), I recall he works (worked?) for the Army in their museum.

Lock N Load is entertaining, but Gunny Ermey does make some mistakes. He gets more right than he gets wrong though.


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fat bald guy

Hey! Watch it! I resemble that remark! His comments are usually correct, better that that silly guy from Armhurst (sp)
Most of them are just reading a script. R Lee is a funny guy, always liked him. The History channel in general has gone down hill. It's got to be difficult coming up with 24/7/365 video that's on the subject matter.


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"The Fat Guy" is Dr. William Atwater. He was a Marine LT in Vietman, promoted to Captain later. He is (or at least was) the Director of the United States Army Ordnance Museum in Aberdeen. I'm not sure if he still holds that position.

Say what you want about most of the talking heads on History Channel, but Atwater has BTDT and knows his stuff.
My ex-wife used to call the History Channel the Black and White Hitler Death Channel.

That said, we're straying off topic.

Let's try to keep it on topic as best as possible.
Network TV is not known for having the best "experts" on their programs. Just like that guy from the show Future Weapons. He was describing the 7.62x51 to be the standard round fired by the AK47. I stopped watching that show after that episode. EVERYONE knows the AK fires the 7.62x39. I just couldn't take watching him talk about guns anymore. Never knew if he was telling factual data about some of the weapons that I knew nothing about...

Maybe I'll apply to be a weapons expert on one of those shows. After all, I have more than a few. Doesn't that make me an expert?


New member
Network TV is not known for having the best "experts" on their programs. Just like that guy from the show Future Weapons. He was describing the 7.62x51 to be the standard round fired by the AK47. I stopped watching that show after that episode. EVERYONE knows the AK fires the 7.62x39. I just couldn't take watching him talk about guns anymore. Never knew if he was telling factual data about some of the weapons that I knew nothing about...

I saw that episode...made me LOL. Isn't that guy an ex SEAL? Still a cool show to see what weapons our engineers and designers are making. Regardless of the host, it never ceases to amaze me the things that come out of people's minds in regards to egineering, and building things to specifications that our military demands.


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I think I'm into my 6th year w/o TV, and don't miss a thing. Dosen't sound like much has changed with regard to these shows either.

They cancelled Mail Call????? Gunny wasn't always right, but I did enjoy the show.


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This guy wasn't fat nor bald. Not certain at all, but I think he may have been LAPD. This guy was salt n pepper - mid 40's or so.
I could go on and on about the History Channel that likes lots of programs about the future, and things these "experts" know about what all went down 50 billion years ago, but that would stray from the topic...
I love R Lee Ermy by the way. He seems to know his stuff, and what he doesn't know he has a military guy there to explain.


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I'm not sure, somebody correct me if I'm wrong. The AK's 7.62x39 is a steel jacked lead core washed in copper. That gives is some `armor piercing' effect. It's not a true AP round. That's where the History channel might have got it wrong. Now from what I understand the 5.56 (223?) is a copper jacked lead core. So that is fragment a lot more than a steel jacked round, that is why it will not penetrate like some other ammo. That's my 2cents. Was the show about the North Hollywood Shootout in 1997?


New member
The problem is semantics...

Armour is that tanks or does it include APCs and the like, what about half tracks like of WW2 vintage...

Tanks, is that the main battle version, Leopard, Abrams, Centurion only or does that include the likes of the M2 or M3 Bradley or the Lynx and other similarly equipped armoured Command and Reconnaissance (gun) Carriers...

Armoured Cars does that only mean the money transfer type of vehicle or what about the M59 or M113 troop carriers or the LVCTC7 or M1068 Armoured Support Vehicles...Hell, does it include a properly set up Humvee or Rolls Royce Phantom...

7.62x39mm AP will penetrate some of them because they are only lightly armoured so in fact he wasn't talking through his ass...

As to someone saying x39 instead of x51 or the other way round, once or twice, is an error, a faux pas, not a major catastrophe...if he continues to do so then he is mixed up...

As to ME109s or Fokker Wolfes in the pacific during WW2 is not far fetched as Germany sent a number of their planes to the Japanese, primarily for testing and possible acceptance by the Nippon War Ministry to accept them as an addition to the Zero and other models...Germany needed oil and Japan had captured some fields...


New member
Yea, I saw and heard the comment.
But calling him a moron,,,, that’s just not right.:mad:
You’re hurting the feeling of all the legitimate morons out there.:eek:


New member

Yeah, I saw a show where he made the comment about "if he had to go to another planet, he'd take an AK"etc.

I might add, you'd find magazines and ammo for it too!
OK, I think we've tossed moron and similar pejoratives around blithely enough for one thread.

Going to close this one down.
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